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Foothills Presbytery News

December 9, 2024

The Foothills Presbytery offices will be

closed on December 10-11 for staff development. We will be open for regular office hours on

Thursday, December 12.

(We will be open for regular office hours today, December 9.)

The office will be closed for the Christmas holidays, December 23 through January 2.

CSM Mission & Outreach News

During 2025, the Mission and Outreach team of the Foothills Presbytery Committee on Shared Ministry will highlight partner ministries and mission opportunities every month. Each month's newsletter will include ways to engage in the featured ministry on the calendar to the left. 

December Mission Newsletter

Foothills Presbytery Pastoral Support & Peer Ministry:

Christian Educators Gathering

Our next gathering is in

December for dinner.

Date & Location TBD

Music Ministry Leaders 

Our next gathering is 9 am,

Wednesday, Jan 8 by Zoom.

(No meeting in Dec)

Youth Leaders Roundtable

The next gathering will be Thursday,

Feb 6 at 10:00 am. Location TBD.

(No meeting in January.)

Regarding Ruling Elders: A Monthly Series for Serving Faithfully

The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is known as a connectional church. In the PC(USA), being connectional reflects a distinctive feature of our governance and ecclesial identity. This concept is rooted in the shared life and mutual accountability across the various councils of the church  sessions, presbyteries, synods, and the General Assembly.

Read More

Christmas Joy Offering:

Free Resources

** The PCUSA website is being updated so things will look different and cause confusion. We encourage those churches who typically download Christmas Joy resources to do so as early as possible this year. Alternatively, they can always set up a standing order by calling 800.728.7228 ext. 5047 or emailing

Statistics Update

We anticipate that the statistics entry option will open for churches beginning

Thursday, January 2, 2025.

(Note: This is a little later than in the past.)

LeAnne will email churches specific login instructions closer to this date.

Foothills Presbytery encourages you to remember the hungry in your communities as we prepare for the 2024 Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays.

A simple way to do this is to set aside a nickel or dime for every meal eaten during your time of reflection (a week, two weeks, for example). Children are encouraged to participate. Funds can be brought to your local church and then sent to Foothills Presbytery office by December 13. In 2023, 16 local missions feeding the hungry received $600 each.

If you have questions, contact April Swanson, email:

Officer Training Workshop

Sat, Jan 18, 10 - 3 pm

at Fountain Inn Church

Led by the Rev. Tom Malone, $10 each

For newly ordained Elders and those who have previously served.

The focus will be on the four areas on which our Book of Order requires each new officer to be examined:

1) Personal Faith

2) Reformed Doctrines and Beliefs

3) Presbyterian Polity

4) Duties of the Office of Elder or Deacon

Information & Registration

Sermon in my Pocket

February 1, 2025

at the Foothills Presbytery office

This workshop is designed to equip you for writing and preparing to preach or teach a sermon in six manageable steps. As Ruling Elders, we have the responsibility (and privilege) to “provide for the church’s worship and encourage the people’s participation.”

Sermon in My Pocket Registration

Montreat Status Update


Greetings from Montreat! Seven weeks since Hurricane Helene, we continue to have much of interest to report.  Signs of slow-but-steady progress continue to define our days in Montreat.

Read More HERE

National Black

Presbyterian Caucus

Community News

for Everyone in the Pews

The Clergy Collective - Online, October - May 

For any ministers from any denomination interested in sharpening as leaders through a stimulating Seminar and implementation coaching group. We meet once a month during the academic year.

  • Seminars: Monthly, 75-minutes, October–May, online only, instructor-led
  • Coaching Groups: Monthly, 90-minutes, September–May, online or in-person options, small group with a coach

Learn more. 

Let Justice Roll Down: God’s Call to Care for Neighbors and All Creation

Please join Presbyterians for Earth Care (PEC) for this unique monthly opportunity for community and meaningful study! 

Fourth Sundays: Dec. 22nd, Jan. 26th, Feb. 23rd, Mar. 23rd, Apr. 28th, May 26th

7:00 pm Eastern- The study will run for 75 minutes each session. Click HERE for information & Zoom

Giving it our all this Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a global movement that takes place the Tuesday after Thanksgiving — this year on Dec. 3 — a day when people across the world unite to make a difference.

Through the Presbyterian Giving Catalog, each item — from sustainable farming inputs to providing communities with clean water — brings hope to communities in need. Learn More:

Pansy Duke Scholarship

The Scholarship has been established by Ms. Pansy E. Duke, a longtime and faithful member of the Fort Hill Presbyterian Church, Clemson, South Carolina. The Scholarship is awarded annually to qualified individuals based on leadership, academic excellence, and the commitment to explore means to attain a life of faith-based servant leadership. Application and Information

Montreat College


January 2 - 5, 2025

The Manna Retreat

A weekend for young adults

January 24–26, 2025

The Manna Retreat is three days, 100 young adults, one old hotel, and ten small groups dedicated to creating deeper faith and deeper relationships. If your faith could use a spark plug, if your spirit could use a deep laugh, if your heart could use some new friendships, or if your body could use a place to belong, then this is for you.

Women of the Church Day

at the Lake!

Saturday, February 22, 2025

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

Cost is $10 to offset the cost of lunch

Clemson Outdoor Lab & Retreat Center

415 Charlie White Trail

Pendleton, SC 29670


2025 Presbyterian Youth Triennium

The 2025 Presbyterian Youth Trienniumwill take place on July 28-31, 2025 in Louisville, KY, at the Kentucky International Convention Center and surrounding hotels – all located very close to the Presbyterian Center in downtown Louisville.

Presbyterian Women’s

Triennial Gathering

October 17 - 19, 2025

2025 Epworth By the Sea,

St. Simon’s Island, Georgia

Save the Date!

Click here 

to see Available

Jobs on our website.

Children’s Ministry Director at Central Presbyterian Church

Mark your Calendars for these Upcoming Events



9 FP office open - regular hours

10-11 FP Staff Development - office closed

16 Think Tank meeting

17 Stewardship Subcommittee meeting

19 Committee on Preparation for Ministry Committee meeting

Dec 23- Jan 2 Foothills Office will be closed for the holidays.

Foothills Presbytery Featured Events

Foothills Presbytery Calendar

Foothills Presbytery Stated Meetings

  • February 18, 2025, at Eleos/Lead Collective
  • May 17, 2025, at Westminister Greenville
  • November 11, 2025, location TBA

Partner Connections

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