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November 15, 2024


We are a community of faith that welcomes and values all people.

We commit to follow Christ, serve others, grow in faith and

transform the world by sharing God’s love. 

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Dear ones,

We are in the church season of “ordinary time” and I've been thinking a lot about that lately. Things don’t feel very ordinary to me, but of course that isn’t the meaning of “ordinary” when we speak of “Ordinary Time” in the church (liturgical) year.  The term “ordinary” can be misleading because it often speaks of things common or mundane, things that are unremarkable. But in the context of the liturgical year, “ordinary” comes from the Latin word ordinalis, which means numbers in a row.  “Ordinary Time” in the church year simply means the counted weeks that come between the major feasts of the church. 

 If the liturgical year isn’t familiar to you, let me explain. We’re about to start a brand new liturgical year!  The church begins its year on the first Sunday of Advent (“Advent” derives from the Latin for “coming”), which happens to fall on December 1 this year. But depending on the day of the week for Christmas Day, the first Sunday in Advent can come in late November or early December – Advent begins on the fourth Sunday before Christmas. Advent is followed by the twelve days of Christmas which is followed by the Epiphany (January 6, the day the Magi were thought to arrive in Bethlehem) and the Feast of the Baptism of our Lord (Sunday after Epiphany). Then comes “Ordinary Time” which carries us right up to the day before Ash Wednesday. After Lent, Easter and Pentecost, ordinary time returns and runs through the last Sunday of the church year, which is just over a week away on November 24th. For us this will be a very special day - Ingathering Sunday when our pledges will be consecrated and we will celebrate a Sunday of great thanksgiving. 

As we move out of Ordinary Time toward Advent and the end of the world as we know it (scripturally speaking, Advent is apocalyptic!), I hope we will be able to see beauty in both the ordinary and the extraordinary. The world around us is changing so dramatically, and in the midst of all of that is the peace of God which passes understanding. I pray that St Barnabas will be for all of you a place of nurture and nourishment, of love and inspiration, a community of faith that encourages you and spurs you on, helping all of us to live into our commitment to justice and peace and dignity for all people. And I pray that St Barnabas will be for us and for the world, a community that has our eyes on Jesus, our minds wide open, and our hearts overflowing with love.  

Can't wait to see you in church on Sunday!

Faithfully, Karen†

P.S. Our newest priestly member of St B, Steve Best (my dear heart friend and colleague) is preaching on Sunday!

P.P.S... or is it P. S.S.??? Want to learn more about the liturgical year? Don't miss Etienna's presentation of the "Circle of the Church Year" at coffee hour on 12/8!

Friday | November 15

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom*

Saturday | November 16

6 p.m. | Youth Group Movie Night, Addams Family Values | Parish Hall

Sunday | November 17

8 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite I | Sanctuary

Post–Service Coffee Hour | Parlor

9:45 a.m. | Godly Play, Grades PreK–5 | Youth Room

10 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II | Sanctuary

Post-Service Coffee Hour | Parish Hall

Noon | Vestry Meeting | Library

2–4 p.m. | Youth Group, Grades 6–12 | Youth Room

6 p.m. | Vespers with Schola Nova | Sanctuary

Monday | November 18

1 p.m. | Knitting Circle | Library

1 p.m. | Sacred Ground Circle (Norwine) | Norwine Home

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom*


Tuesday | November 19

9 a.m. | Centering Prayer | Sanctuary

Noon | St. B Staff Meeting | Zoom

2 p.m. | Sacred Ground Circle (Bolles) | Library

3:30 | Sacred Ground Circle (Ditmore) | Zoom


Wednesday | November 20

1:30 p.m. | Senior Ministry | Fieldstone

6:30 p.m. | Adult Faith Formation | Parish Hall

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom*


Thursday | November 21

9 a.m. | Healing Eucharist | Sanctuary

1:45 p.m. | Senior Ministry | The Madison

3 p.m. | Campus Stewards Meeting | Library

7 p.m. | Parish Choir Rehearsal | Choir Room


Friday | November 22

9 p.m. | Compline | Zoom*


Sunday | November 24

8 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite I | Sanctuary

Post–Service Coffee Hour | Parlor

9:45 a.m. | Godly Play, Grades PreK–5 | Youth Room

10 a.m. | Holy Eucharist, Rite II | Sanctuary

Post-Service Coffee Hour | Parish Hall

2 p.m. | Organ Recital | Sanctuary

2–4 p.m. | Youth Group, Grades 6–12 | Youth Room


*Email to be added to the Compline Zoom email list.  

Parish Events Calendar
Keypad Code Request Form
Submit Announcements and Events Here

Submission deadline is each Wednesday at 4 p.m.

2025 Annual Giving Campaign

Our 2025 Annual Campaign is off to a great start! If you missed it or would like to view the campaign presentation and third quarter financial update in more detail, click the button below. You can also click the Pledge Online button to read Rev. Karen’s message for the 2025 Annual Campaign, and to submit your pledge online.

Annual Campaign &Q3 Presentation
Pledge Online

It's Our Last Session of The Episcopal Way of Christianity:

An Exploration of Episcopal Theology, Spirituality, and the Church

Final Session, Wednesday Evening Nov. 20 from 6:30–8pm

Please join us on November 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall for the final session of our fall Wednesday evening series “The Episcopal Way of Christianity.” At this last gathering, the Adult Faith Formation team will guide us in conversation about the meaning of "spiritual practice," and share their experiences (personal struggles, insights, epiphanies and more) of their own spiritual practices. We'll explore a variety of practices, and invite you into the conversation to share your experiences, insights and questions. Developing and deepening our lives in Christ feels particularly important these days and this evening will offer many and varied ways to "practice" and to deepen our personal and communal Christian lives.


You are welcome to bring food or beverages for yourself, and if you need a ride, we can help. If you need a ride from Poulsbo, please contact Michael Fitzpatrick, 530/588-0954. If you need a ride on Bainbridge, please contact Linda Maxson, 206/300-1636. Join us for what is sure to be rich and rewarding conversation!

St. Barnabas Spotlight:

Healing Eucharist

If you are seeking a mid-week worship service, the intimate and restorative Healing Eucharist held every Thursday at 9 a.m. is waiting for you. All in attendance gather in a circle in the chancel, pray healing prayers, and take part in a shared homily reflecting on the scripture of the day. Rev. Karen prays over each person with the laying on of hands, and all share in Holy Communion together. This is a safe space to share what is on your mind or heart, and to be present for others as they share stories of their lives in beloved communi. All are welcome. Questions? Contact Rev. Karen,

Advent Art Project

Calling all poets, writers, painters, photographers, storytellers, and observers to participate in our Advent Art Project! Each day during the Advent, we will send out a seasonal reflection of watching, waiting, longing, hoping, expecting, listening, and maybe even silence, in whatever artforms we receive—poem, painting, story, music (recorded links, please!), photo, etc. We hope this provides a way for us all to reflect on the Advent season and the coming of Christ into our world.

If you would like to contribute to our project, (and we hope you will!), please email Please feel free to share with fellow artists! Submissions are due by Sunday, November 24.

Artwork by Kate Forbush (2022): Lucia of Syracuse, also known as Saint Lucy, or Saint Lucia; Christian martyr; The Feast of Saint Lucy is celebrated during Advent on December 13.

Vespers with Schola Nova

This Sunday!

St. Barnabas Schola Nova invites you to Vespers this Sunday, November 17 at 6 p.m. Please join us as we celebrate St. Margaret of Scotland in the final installment of our three-part fall Vespers service series honoring female saints.

Schola Nova will resume in January, singing Vespers on the second Sunday of each month through May (excluding April due to Holy Week & Easter).

Save the dates!

January 12

February 9

March 9

May 11 (Mother’s Day celebration!)

If you are a treble singer interested in participating in the new year, please contact Music Director Sheila Bristow at

Sound the Trumpet:

Organ Recital

Join us on Sunday, November 24 at 2 p.m. for Sound the Trumpet: Organ Recital. Whether you are a classical music enthusiast or simply looking for something new to do on a Sunday afternoon, this event promises to be an enriching musical experience for all. Our very own Music Director & Organist, Sheila Bristow, will perform solo organ music of Bach, Buxtehude, and Mendelssohn. Soprano Emily Neer and mezzo–soprano Rae Hyra join for vocal duets by Cozzolani and Purcell. Join us for a musical celebration of the end of the church year! A small reception in the parlor will follow.

Please visit the Eventbrite link to reserve your tickets. This is a free recital, however your donation will help the St. Barnabas Music Ministry continue to provide quality music programs such as this recital, Vespers with Schola Nova, and other special programming throughout the year. Thank you for your generosity and support. 

Reserve Tickets

Godly Play

Join us this week for Godly Play! Meet in the Youth Room, and after checking your little people in, parents can go to church and enjoy worship on your own. Kiddos will be brought back into church during announcements in order to celebrate Holy Communion with their family and their St. Barnabas community. See you Sunday!

Sunday | 9:45 a.m. | Grades PreK–5

Fall 2024 Godly Play Schedule

Youth Group Movie Night

October movie night was a blast! On November 16, we'll watch Addams Family Values, which has a hilarious Thanksgiving sub-plot. I also have a fun version of Thanksgiving Family Feud that we'll break into teams to play. Prizes for the winners!

This is a great opportunity to hang out together and build community with nothing but fun on the agenda! As always, dinner and sweet treats will be provided—with November being Thanksgiving themed! Please RSVP so that we have enough food for everyone. Friends are welcome—the more the merrier!

Movie Night RSVP

Youth Group at St. B

Join us on Sunday afternoon for Youth Group! Grades 6–12 will meet from 2–4 p.m. Snacks, foosball, a short lesson, and hanging out together. Look forward to seeing everyone on Sunday!

Sunday | 2–4 p.m. | Grades 6–12

Please click the button below to access our Fall 2024 Youth Group schedule through November.

Fall 2024 Youth Group Schedule

Letter from Presiding Bishop Sean Rowe on the U.S. Presidential Election

Dear People of God in The Episcopal Church,

Early this morning, we learned that President Trump has been elected to another term as president of the United States. I pray that he will govern wisely and justly.

Regardless of our political allegiances, we must remember that God has called us in The Episcopal Church to seek and serve Christ in all persons. No matter the party in power, we are one church, and we will continue to fulfill our baptismal covenant by proclaiming in word and example the Good News of God in Christ, striving for justice and peace among all people, and protecting the dignity of every human being. . .


Newsletter Announcement Reminder

There are so many ways to communicate information these days: phone, email, text, social media messages, and the old fashioned method of actually talking to one another in person! The church office has created an announcements form to collect information members want to share with our community. This allows us to keep announcements in a centralized location to prevent things from falling through the cracks. If you have an announcement for the Friday newsletter or Sunday bulletin, please click the button below (available in this newsletter each week), and use the form to get this important information to us. Please submit announcements by Wednesday at 4 p.m. Thank you for your help!

—Etienna Wright

Parish Administrator

Submit Announcements and Events Here

Welcome Table Team Needs Extra Hands

The Welcome Table is looking for volunteers! If you might be interested and would like to know more about this valuable ministry, you're welcome to join the Welcome Table volunteers on any Sunday. You'll earn about how helpful this ministry is for newcomers, and about the information we provide. To volunteer for a “maybe get called once or twice a year” job, email Kathleen Jennings, or text 206-909-2151.

Outreach Ministry Hurricane Relief Update

From Sue Thompkins, Outreach Committee Chair

I wanted to update you on the hurricane relief efforts going on in the southeastern part of the US. Thankfully some people’s lives have returned to normal. For others adapting to the devastation continues. Many people now have power and access to cellphone service. Large numbers of people do not have potable water in their homes but can now flush toilets. Many people no longer have homes or they have homes that are uninhabitable. Then there are those who have lost loved ones and are facing long term grief. Throughout all of this misery and destruction, people from outside the area have come together to show love and support for the residents who have been impacted by the storm.

Episcopal Relief and Development is one of the agencies that is providing help in these areas. ERD will continue to be on the ground particularly in FL and NC working with local parishes to help people rebuild their lives. At this stage in the recovery process, monetary donations are appropriate. Your Outreach Committee invites you to join us and your fellow parishioners in making a donation to Episcopal Relief and Development. You may donate online at Donations should go to their Hurricane Relief Fund. If you prefer, you may donate through St. Barnabas. Make a check out to St. Barnabas and write Hurricane Relief Fund on the memo line.

On behalf of the Outreach Committee, I would like to thank you for your concern and caring for those individuals impacted by these two storms and for joining us in making a monetary donation to relief efforts.

St. Barnabas Hosts Robin Wall Kimmerer Stream

Join us on Monday, December 9 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Hall as we stream Seattle Arts and Lectures' discussion with Robin Wall Kimmerer.

Kimmerer, author of Braiding Sweetgrass, will be speaking about her new book The Serviceberry, due out on November 19.

Stewardship Corner

Intentionally Created Community

Last year around this time, we arrived home after a nearly monthlong trip to Japan. The contrast in family structure between what I witness there and what I experience here gives me reason to appreciate the community of St. Barnabas. I have so many reasons to appreciate and celebrate St. Barnabas.

In Japan, I have seen again and again siblings and multiple generations of families living in close proximity to each other, giving them the opportunity to spend time together, help out with caring for babies and elders, and be present for any of life’s joys and challenges big and small. Generally, Americans don’t live like this. We scatter far and wide across our expansive nation and beyond. We are lucky if we have any family members nearby.

Guess what we do have though: St. Barnabas! As a parish, we seek to be loving, welcoming, and supportive. We are here for each other. It makes my heart sing when I realize what our cultural response is to our lack of nearby extended family: intentionally created community! Based on the commandment to love each other, we gather to do just that in so many ways: sharing Communion, knitting together and sharing the warmth, giving rides and bringing meals, reading Shakespeare, joining Supper Club, praying for each other, learning together, working for justice and peace, embracing each stage of life and all that it entails.

We substitute for extended family in strong and real ways. The yearning to belong is deep. The need to support and be supported connects us as the love of Jesus binds us. The ground under our feet and the buildings over our heads provide the people who are the church the space to fulfill the mission. Thank you for being here and being St. Barnabas. You may not realize how much it means.

—Barbara Bolles

Praying For Each Other:

The St. Barnabas Prayer Chain

Is there someone you would like us to pray for? Would you like to pray for others in our community? The St. Barnabas Prayer Chain consists of a group of volunteers who believe in the power of prayer and who willingly and regularly pray for others. Drucy Burnet Hodge ( or 206/780-2904) coordinates our chain, receiving requests for prayers, and sends those prayers out to the ones who pray. If you would like us to pray for you or someone you love, please contact Drucy. Prayer requests can be as simple as giving a first name and asking for prayers or more detailed, if you’d like. Parishioners remain on the prayer list for a month, non–parishioners for two weeks. The long-term prayer list is periodically reviewed and revised. If you would like to join us in praying for the people on our Prayer Chain, please email Drucy at, and ask to be added to the list.  

Our Prayer List This Week:

 *St. Barnabas parishioners 

Prayers for healing, comfort and peace:

* Sally






Susan and Ricky

Prayers for those who have died:


Long term prayers:


*Ken, Stephanie, & Jeff



*Marnie and Rob

*Kathy and Michael



Paul and Jerry


Mollie & Cyrus

Christopher & Melissa

Vince & Sean

Harry, Marisa & Margaret

Deacon Dan Fowler and other volunteers from St. Barnabas lead devotion services at area senior living centers on Bainbridge Island.

All are welcome to come and join us!


The Madison House

Every Thursday at 1:45 p.m.

Fieldstone—Nov. 20, Dec. 4 & 18

Memory Care 1:30 p.m.

Assisted Living 2 p.m.

What’s the buzz? Tell me what’s a–happenin’! Know about a community event? Submit the info in the announcements form so that we can let the St. B community know what's happening on Bainbridge Island and beyond!

Homecoming Conference 2024 Celebrating Life, Planning for Death

Saturday, November 16 | 9 a.m.–1 p.m.

End of Life planning can be daunting, particularly if it isn’t taken care of before the end of life! Come hear experts from various areas of end of life planning answer the questions “What should I do?” and “Where do I start?”

Join us at St. Antony Episcopal Church in Silverdale to hear from attorney Bryan Wichert, Funeral Director Tim Dinan, Church Musician Chris Eisenberg, and Kitsap County Episcopal Clergy for a half-day workshop that will include introductory talks on financial and legal planning, medical planning, logistical planning, and resources for creating your own funeral service. Discussions of wills, hospice/palliative care, post-mortem care logistics, and funerals will provide you with good advice, great resources, and plenty of time for questions and answers.

We will celebrate a brief Eucharist following the presentations and close with lunch. Registration required: 15$, payable online or by cash/check on the day of the event. Click here to register.

Giving Thanks Community Meal

Held at St. Cecilia

Read the Diocesan Newsletter

Diocesan Convention Update

The 114th annual convention took place Friday and Saturday, October 25-26, 2024, at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. Those gathered participated in workshops and a plenary with Bishop Phil LaBelle centered on how congregations can become the communities we long for and make a difference in our lives and in our world. Click here and scroll to read a full convention update.

Submit Announcements and Events Here

Submission deadline is Wednesday at 4 p.m.

Normal office hours are from 9 a.m.–4 p.m., Tuesday–Friday. Please be in touch via email or phone 206/842-5601 and we’ll get back to you as soon as we’re able!
For general inquiries please email
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