Direct Communication
From MGN Director Dr. Mathew J Edick and MGN Co-Director Dr. Susan A Berry

Midwest Genetics Network (MGN) would like to take this opportunity to introduce you to our newsletter. This is a new effort by the network intended to keep you informed of the work happening across the network and let you know about opportunities to get involved. In each issue, we we will shine the spotlight on a selected member of MGN in our MGN FACES section. This issue features MGN Advisory board member Dr. Michael Finkel; you can read about his passion for MGN's work.

We will have sections in the newsletter each month that include a deep dive into one of MGNs projects or initiatives, notice of upcoming events from MGN and our partners, and of course opportunities to roll up your sleeves and get engaged with MGN's work. We are particularly excited about this issue's deep dive into MGNs Patient and Family Council. MGN's Lead Family Member Kristen Reese knows first-hand the importance of bringing the family and patient voices to the forefront when working to improve access to genetic services. Kristen has attracted a vigorous and growing group of family representatives and we are looking forward to what they will accomplish!

We truly hope you find the newsletter to be useful and enjoyable.

Mat and Sue
Who We Are
The Midwest Genetics Network recognizes that individuals with genetic conditions and their family members bring an important and unique perspective to the work and are valued for their knowledge and experience. Patient and family representatives are invited to participate as key stakeholders in the various workgroups, as well as on the new, dedicated Patient and Family Council. The council offers an opportunity for patients, parents, and family representatives to connect with others, provide input on projects related to increasing access to genetic services, and develop resources and materials for individuals and families impacted by genetic conditions. Members of the council are supported by MGN’s Parent Coordinator.
MGN News You Can Use
The 2021 Midwest Genetics Network’s Annual Virtual Meeting is scheduled for September 29-30th.

If you are interested in learning more about MGN and the annual meeting, please contact us at
Plain Communities Work Group Community of Practice Forums

April 1, 2021, 11:00 am EST
Topic: Helping Families with Payment Options
Presented by: Katie Williams
For more information or to join the discussion, please contact
Improving Care for Developmental Disabilities and Dysmorphic Features
The MGN continuing education and quality improvement project is pleased to offer our 3rd live virtual learning collaborative webinar Improving Care for Developmental Disabilities and Dysmorphic Features!
Please join us on Thursday, March 25th from 10:00 AM-11:00 PM (CST)/11:00 AM-12:00 PM (EST) for Dr. Susan A. Berry’s live presentation and Q&A on "Dysmorphology 101 - An Introduction to Dysmorphology”.
Advance registration is required for this free webinar.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You can them also add the meeting to your calendar.
Please contact Danielle Baumgartner at for more information.

Did you know?
Did you find this e-newsletter useful? Do you have suggestions about the types of content that would be especially useful for you? Please email with your feedback and ideas.