The November Last Bite

Volume 1 | Issue 6

News from the

Nutrition and Aging Resource Center

Innovations Grantee Spotlight - Working with Students Tip Sheet

Partnering with students passionate about food to deliver nutrition education to older adults is a win-win situation. University of New England’s curriculum includes coursework on purchasing healthy foods on a budget, how to eat more fruits and vegetables and incorporating movement! Check out the Enhanced Ten Tips for Adults (e-TTA) card on the Grantee Spotlight page to learn about working with students and to review other resources created by the University of New England.

View New Resources Available on the Website!

See what is new! New and updated resources included on

  • Using Data Effectively in Federal Grant Applications (YouTube)
  • Using Data Effectively in Federal Grant Applications Slides
  • Using Data Effectively in Federal Grant Applications Online Data Resources
  • Project Ideas for Volunteer Dietetic Interns, Nutrition Students, and Professionals
  • Memorandum of Understanding Template

Meet the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center Team!

Meet Vanessa Hamilton, Consultant Dietitian with the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center, in this short video. Follow the Nutrition and Aging Resource Center on social media as Vanessa answered additional questions sent in by YOU on our Instagram stories! See her answers in our Instagram Highlights.

News from the Aging Network

CONNECT Study: Testing New Methods of Providing Malnutrition Care for Older Adults

From the National Association of Nutrition and Aging Services Programs (NANASP): What would you do with $5000 for your program by the end of 2023? NANASP, as part of its end of year member grant program, seeks to award funds based on the responses we receive to this question. Responses should be 25 words or less and are due by Wednesday, December 6. Awards will be announced before Christmas.

Priority will be given to responses that focus on:

  1. Reducing or ending waiting lists
  2. Aiding in reopening a congregate site
  3. Establishing or expanding culturally appropriate meal programs
  4. Continuing an activity which was started during the pandemic which has brought new participants to the program.
  5. Programs serving high percentage of either veterans or native Americans.
  6. Programs which address malnutrition.

Please note: High priority will be given to applicants who have NOT received a grant from NANASP in the past 12 months (going back to end of year 2022 grants).

Apply Here


Review USDA ERS Report on Food Security in US Households, 2022

In the November 14 issue, we inaccurately stated that per the USDA ERS Report on Food Security in US Households, 2022, approximately 87.2 percent of households in the US experienced food insecurity throughout 2022. That was incorrect. The report stated that 87.2 percent of households in the U.S. were food secure throughout 2022.

Read the Report
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