Lake Management:
The crew collected trash and debris from all lakes and shorelines on the Canyon Lakes side.
Entry Water Features: Chlorine shock was added to each feature and all debris baskets were cleared.
Villages III: The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The fountain is running and flowing properly. Treatment was provided for submerged algae along the bulkhead. The outfall was clear of debris.
Switchback: All lights and timers are functional and accurate. The four fountains are all running properly. The water level is about three inches above normal. The crew cleared debris from the outfall, so it is now draining properly. Treatment was provided for algae.
Willow Ranch: Upon arrival, the West fountain was not running. After conducting our field diagnostic tests, we determined the motor is in need of repair. The crew pulled the fountain for offsite maintenance. The other fountain is running properly. The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The outfall was clear of debris. Treatment was provided for submerged algae.
Nautical Point (4): The lights and timers are functional and accurate. The fountain was down upon arrival due to an issue with the aerator timer in the panel. We reset the timer and put in an order for a replacement part. If this problem persists, we will replace the faulty component. The fountain is now running and flowing properly. Treatment was provided for minor algae.
Nautical Point (5): the fountain is running properly. The lights and timers are functional and accurate. Treatment was provided for submerged algae along the bulkhead.
Mariner's Bay: We installed the new decorative head on the North fountain, so both fountains are now running and flowing properly. All lights and timers are functional and accurate. Treatment was provided for algae.
Additionally, we stopped by Danbury Bridge to ensure the outfall was clear of debris. The back fountain in Harmony Springs still has no incoming power. This issue will need to be handled by CenterPoint because the meter is in need of repairs. All other fountains on the Stone Gate side are running properly.
The crew observed Nutria rats in the Switchback Lake during yesterday's maintenance visit. These are a common nuisance in lakes that we maintain and can cause a lot of issues with fountains/light sets by chewing through the power cords. We aren't able to eradicate them, but a local pest control company could set out cage traps for them.
Gate Maintenance:
Island Shores, Willow Ranch, Blevins, Switchback, Harmony Springs: gates were toggled open because of thunderstorm knocked the systems offline temporarily. I flipped toggled switches, gates are now functional
Picked up CAP2D from Warehouse, installed and programmed new equipment. The Tennis court at the Splash Pad is now completely operational.
Canyon Gate exit: gates were stuck open by loop being triggered. I reset and ran tests on loop detectors. Gate is operational
Gates that remain open, to be fixed: 7&8’s, KFHP, Mariners Bay, Mallory Bridge
Gates that are closed but still needs work: Island Shores, Switchback,
During Morning Drive thru, seen Willow ranch’s license plate camera turned sideways. Apparently a kid messed with the camera and turn it sideways for no reason. No damage was done
Removed 7&8 gate operator
Got updates for all gates still open and in need of repair.
Willow Fairway speaker went out temporarily. A power cycle resolved issue.
Resident had issue with EZ TAG at Bluff Springs gate… gate was fine and information in system was correct. No issue on our end.
Attempted to power on Blevins LP Cam but had no luck. Logged in with monitor/keyboard and laptop but still nothing. gonna call tech support for all remaining camera issues for tomorrow.
Canyon gate kept opening and closing by itself and I checked the operator, it had code 93, I took off the arm of the gate and noticed that the arm wasn’t on track. The slot and pin were on opposing sides. I readjusted the arm, reattached the arm and ran it for a while. It seems to be back to normal operations
Guardhouse visitor arm completely came off. There was an incident back on the 6th of July where a vehicle hit the arm while driving thru and at the time a decision to keep it attached was made. Now the arm must be replaced. Will send pics in different email in the morning.
A resident was having trouble with accessing Willow Ranch via Transcore. I adjusted a few things on her account. Haven’t heard back from the resident yet.
Received card reader for office today.
Resident stopped me asking about the walk in gate at Lost Mill Hahns Peak and if something can be done about it. She was having to use her finger to exit the gate. I readjusted the latch down just a bit, spray painted and let dry… gate is good to go.
Canyon gate was still acting up today. I readjusted the arm again. The arm somehow slipped off of the pin again. I placed arm back on and tightened it. Gate is good to go as of right now.
Newlight bend cameras are all up now. the Entry Overview Canera was offline for a bit but today I got it back to working.
Blevins license plates camera I attempted the same task but no luck. Blevins camera didn’t even click, need to be replaced. Internet was good.
Keystone fairway Hahns Peak cameras turned on and gave activity but there was no activity coming FROM the bridge. No activity to the cameras only activity going into the bridge
On closer view of the Mariners Bay situation. Both gate need to be repaired. Entry gate secondary operator is leaning towards incoming traffic, I assume from the second storm. Exit gate on secondary side was hit by the lawn service company and needs to be repaired.
Verified the issue with the Volleyball camera. The extender suffered some water damage and is now inoperable. Need a new one to replace it. I’ve used a spare extender for the time being and it looks like it’s working fine now. In any case, the other camera for the Tennis court, will still need an extender. I’ve also placed sealant around the cracks of the box to prevent this from happening again.
Bluff springs Internet went offline, I power cycled the modem. Internet is back online cameras functional
Blevins Transcore was not reading EZ Tags. I power cycled it and tested it. It is now operational.