March 4, 2022 | Monthly News & Updates
Swing For All Generations Golf Tournament
The region's most anticipated golf event is happening soon! Join us Thursday, April 14th at Celebration Golf Club for our annual fundraising golf tournament to help support our programs.

Assemble your team today for a chance at winning cash prizes!

Sponsorship packages are still available.

CLICK HERE to register!
How Tech Is Helping More People Age at Home

From apps to modify your home to telemedicine platforms, technology is making it easier and safer to age in place.

Read more
Our 2021 Annual Report is Now Available
Check out our newest annual report for 2021!

Discover what we've been able to accomplish and the tremendous impact we've spread throughout Osceola County.

None of this would be possible without the help of our donors, partners, and all the members of our wonderful community. We simply can't thank you enough for your continued support. We look forward to making 2022 yet another fantastic year!
New St. Cloud Community Action Site Now Open
Our new St. Cloud Community Action Site is now open! Food Pantry and Community Actions Services will be available.

We will be open for donations Monday - Friday 8:30am - 4:30pm

Food Pantry Thursday from 9:30 - 11:30am

Volunteers Welcomed!
Meals on Wheels COVID-19 Fact Sheet
Weatherization Services Available in Osceola & Orange Counties
The Osceola Council on Aging’s Weatherization Program helps low-income seniors and families in Osceola and Orange Counties to permanently reduce their energy bills by making their homes more energy efficient by performing energy efficiency checks, and repair or replacement of insulation, doors, windows, water heaters, heating units, air conditioning and more, as allowed by program guidelines. This service is FREE to qualifying low-income households.
Household Size - Max Monthly income
1 - $2147
2 - $3237
3 - $3660
4 - $4417
** Must provide: FLA. ID (Adults), All Household SS Card(s), Birth Certificates of minors, All Proof of Household Income, Proof of Home Ownership, Last 2 Electric Bills and Proof of Disability (if applicable).
Life Care and Estate Planning Clinic
Volunteer lawyers will help draft life care and estate planning documents. Attendees must be screened for eligibility. Following registration, we will call you for eligibility screening.

Thursday, March 10th: 10:00am - 2:00pm

Register by CLICKING HERE or by calling (321) 270-7711

Heart disease is the leading cause of death in America. Fortunately, many risk factors are things we have control over, such as our food and lifestyle choices. Making nutritious food choices and working in physical activity throughout the day are two excellent ways to help keep your family's hearts beating strong.
Heart Healthy Foods

Fiber is great for heart health because it can bind with bad cholesterol and remove it from the body. Foods high in dietary fiber include whole grains, vegetables and fruit. To increase your fiber intake from foods, include more plant-based sources of protein such as beans and peas, choose whole-grains whenever possible and make half your plate fruits and vegetables at each meal.

Low to moderate amounts of fat, specifically unsaturated fat, can also give heart health a boost. The unsaturated fats from foods such as nuts, olives, avocados and fatty fish can help increase good cholesterol levels. On the other hand, foods high in saturated fat should be limited, such as high-fat cuts of meat, butter and full-fat dairy products. Trans fat, also known as partially-hydrogenated oil, should be avoided.

Next time you are at the grocery store, pick up some of these heart-healthy items:

  • Beans, peas and lentils
  • Soybeans and tofu
  • Fruits and vegetables (fresh, frozen or canned without salt or added sugars)
  • Salmon, tuna, sardines and mackerel
  • Whole-grain breads, cereals and pasta, brown rice, barley
  • Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, pecans and hazelnuts

Move It

Another way to reduce your risk of heart disease is to be active.

  • Encourage pre-school aged children to engage in three hours of varied active play each day.
  • Children (6 years and older) and teens should get 60 minutes or more of physical activity each day, including aerobic activity as well as muscle and bone strengthening activities.
  • Adults should get at least two hours and 30 minutes of physical activity per week, including muscle strengthening activities.

Being physically active helps to lower blood pressure, manage stress and control weight. Be physically active in your own way and start with what you can - any physical activity is better than none. Reach your goals together by encouraging your family to take a walk after dinner, go for a bike ride or play a game of basketball.

For more heart-healthy cooking tips and information on reducing your risk for heart disease, consult a registered dietitian nutritionist in your area.
March Calendar Dates:

  • March 1st - 31st - Women's History Month
  • March 8th - International Women's Day
  • March 12th - March for Meals St. Patrick's 5K Run/Walk
  • March 12th - OCOA Ford F-150 Car Raffle Ticket Sales Begin
  • March 17th - St. Patrick's Day

*Due to COVID-19 all regularly scheduled meetings are being held virtually by Zoom. For more information on meetings contact Janice Casler at [email protected]

Thursday, March 24th: Finance Committee - 12:00pm

Wednesday, March 30th: Executive Committee - 3:00pm / Board of Directors - 3:30pm
Thank you to all of our donors. We are not able to get a photo of every donor but we thank you all the same.

We are so fortunate to have had so many of you reach out to us asking how you can help and what you can do to ensure our community is well cared for. As an essential business we provide meals and other services to members of the community in need. Your donations are more critical now than ever to ensure they continue to receive these services during this unprecedented time.

Our greatest needs are contributions, both monetary and grocery items, for our community food pantry. We are trying to keep up with the new demand and increasing needs to feed the community. Leveraging your monetary donations allows us to stretch your dollars to serve even more individuals.

Thank You!