NOVEMBER 1, 2020 | Monthly News & Updates
November Is National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
President Ronald Reagan designated November as National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month in 1983. At the time, fewer than 2 million Americans had Alzheimer’s; today, the number of people with the disease has soared to more than 5.7 million, with over 650,000 living in California. Get involved this month and help raise awareness for Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s affects the whole family
Dementia impacts the whole family, not just the person with the disease. The chronic stress of watching a loved one slowly decline affects everyone. Family caregivers experience high rates of physical illness, social isolation, emotional distress and financial hardship compared to non-caregivers. Having a care plan can help reduce stress by knowing what to expect and having resources at hand.
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Basics 
  • Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia, a general term for memory loss and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer’s disease accounts for nearly 80% of dementia cases.
  • Alzheimer’s is not a normal part of aging. The greatest known risk factor is increasing age, and most people with Alzheimer’s are 65 and older. But Alzheimer’s is not just a disease of old age. Approximately 200,000 Americans under the age of 65 have younger-onset Alzheimer’s.
  • Alzheimer’s worsens over time. Alzheimer’s is a devastating neurodegenerative disease that weakens the memory and other cognitive and emotional functions. In its early stages, memory loss is mild, but with late-stage Alzheimer’s, individuals lose the ability to carry on a conversation and respond to their environment.
  • Alzheimer’s cannot be prevented, slowed or cured. Alzheimer’s is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
Florida Medicare Plans in 2021
If you’re shopping for Medicare coverage in Florida, you’ve got a lot to consider when selecting a plan.
Medicare is a health program offered through the federal government to people age 65 and older as well as people with certain disabilities. You can get coverage directly from the government or through a private insurance company.

Medicare is more than just one plan. There are different plans and components that cover different things... READ MORE
Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida
"Ask Me Anything" Short Video Series
As the pandemic continues, virtual outreach is a critical tool to reach older Americans and share legal information on common hot topics. It is a great reminder that their village of community resources is still here and ready to help!
In addition to continuing our normal operations of assisting older Americans with legal issues, Community Legal Services of Mid-Florida is recording a series of short videos titled "Ask Me Anything". The short videos include "brief" legal information on trending legal topics. 
Viewers are encouraged to call our Legal Advice Helpline (1-800-405-1417) for advice based on their unique situation or apply online ( Viewers are also urged to review trending legal information topics on our website.
New videos are posted to our YouTube Channel ( and social media pages weekly. Please tune into our upcoming series on disaster relief, guardianship, landlord/tenant, foreclosure prevention techniques, and other hot topics.
Osceola Council on Aging's Pet Corner
Research has shown having a pet has several benefits for older adults, including higher levels of physical activity which in turn may lead to better health. As well, because pets need a routine of feeding, walking, etc., this gives older adults a daily routine. Pets can be protective against feelings of loneliness, provide emotional support, and give people something to talk about, perhaps a way to make friends or to chat to caregivers.
For those on a limited budget as most seniors, the costs of pet ownership may be prohibitive, or they may elect to spend money on a pet at the expense of food or other items for themselves. Friends and family may try to discourage seniors from getting a pet due to concerns about who will take care of the animal if the person moves into an assisted living facility or passes away.
Addressing these concerns is how Pet’s Corner came into fruition. Available to our clients and Osceola County resident’s Pet’s Corner accepts donations to help seniors care for their pets.
Keeping our promise to our clients who are no longer with us, are too frail to care for them, or moved into a long term care facility we have started an adoption page to help rehome displaced pets. Please see below our current pets available for adoption and email Edi Blume at if interested in adopting.

Dear Friends of the Council,

The Council estimates more than 4,000 seniors in Osceola County are in need of nutrition and companionship during the Holidays. Thanksgiving and Christmas are fast approaching, and during this time the Council on Aging considers the needs of our cherished seniors. Are they safe, do they have enough food, will they be alone for the holidays? This year has been more challenging than we have faced in the last 49 years of providing services. COVID-19 has changed the way we live, provide services, and the funding needed to provide services. 

Many individuals and businesses such as yourself have stepped up to assist the Council on Aging during the pandemic. Unfortunately our work is not complete. Holidays can be a difficult time of year for those who live alone and have been isolated from family and friends, especially this year.

Since 1986 the Osceola Council on Aging has maintained one specific focus each holiday season: Making certain that no elderly person in our community spends the most joyous time of year alone. This year it is more important than ever to comfort our seniors and make sure they are cared for during the holidays. Our “Senior Santa” program provides the warmth, laughter and good nutrition vital to our seniors during the holidays.

Holiday Activities have been modified this year as we make every effort to keep our seniors safe. We hope that you (or your business) will consider adopting one or more Seniors in our Senior Santa program with a small contribution of $30. This year, your adopted senior will receive a special gift and a holiday dinner delivered by a caring community volunteer on Christmas Day.

Please join us in becoming a “Senior Santa” sponsor in making a difference in someone’s life today by completing and returning the enclosed response card with your donation or go to our website at On behalf of all of our seniors, THANK YOU from the Osceola Council, on Aging for your generosity and support.

Happy Holidays
Wendy Ford
Osceola Council on Aging

Home Delivered Meals
Best known as Meals on Wheels, this service of home delivered meals provides nutritious food to seniors who are homebound or unable to prepare their own meals. Home Delivered Meals can be an absolute essential service to seniors by providing a hot and a cold meal on a daily basis from a friendly visitor for a daily checking.

Who is eligible?
Any person, 60 and over, who is physically or mentally unable to prepare a balanced meal and has no one to prepare a meal for them.  There is no income level.
Who do we serve?
We serve residents in Osceola County. We have 33 routes in Osceola County; 11 routes in St. Cloud and vicinities, 17 routes in Kissimmee and vicinities, 1 in Intercession City and Campbell City, and 4 in the Poinciana area.
When are the meals delievered?
We deliver 5 days a week, all routes except Holopaw (3 days only – M, W & F). There are some people that need meals for the weekend and we deliver extra meals on Friday for them. Two meals are delivered during the late morning hours; a hot dinner for immediate consumption, and a cold pack for supper.
Is there any cost for the meals?
There are several programs which assist in the cost of Meals on Wheels services...

Home Delivered Meals is following strict CDC Guidelines
Thank you to all of our donors. We are not able to get a photo of every donor but we thank you all the same.

We are so fortunate to have had so many of you reach out to us asking how you can help and what you can do to ensure our community is well cared for. As an essential business we provide meals and other services to members of the community in need.Your donations are more critical now than ever to ensure they continue to receive these services during this unprecedented time.

Our greatest needs are contributions, both monetary and grocery items, for our community food pantry. We are trying to keep up with the new demand and increasing needs to feed the community. Leveraging your monetary donations allows us to stretch your dollars to serve even more individuals.

Thank You!