August 5, 2021 | Monthly News & Updates
Osceola Council on Aging: Mercedes Car Raffle
Win A Car. Help Osceola Residents.
Wouldn’t this 2021 Mercedes GLA make an amazing family car? Buy a raffle ticket today and help the Osceola Council on Aging support our seniors, disabled adults, the disadvantaged, and families in poverty. It all starts with a $25 donation.
Years ago getting donations was easy. Mail a bunch of people, and wait for the checks to arrive. Recently, with COVID19 we are finding it more difficult to attain donations to support our residents. Hosting this Mercedes car raffle will help replace the many fundraisers we were unable to host this year.

It’s a win-win!! The raffle will help subsidize needed donations, and one lucky donor gets a chance to WIN A CAR.

The odds of winning this Mercedes are better than winning the lottery. So why not give to a cause you believe in? If not interested in the car raffle you are welcome to just donate.

Here’s how it works:
  • There is no donation limit get as many raffle tickets as you want to enter to win – $25/ticket
  • Tickets are on sale now and will be sold until the drawing at Osceola County Council on Aging New Year's Eve on December 31st.

Osceola Council on Aging: 50th Anniversary Gala
"La femiglia e tutto"
The Osceola Council on Aging’s 50th Anniversary Gala! We will look at the past 50 years and into the future. We will host 250 of Osceola’s Who’s Who in the community as we come together to share our story and highlight the programs and services of the Osceola Council on Aging.
"La femiglia e tutto" means "Family is Everything."

DATE: Saturday, October 2, 2021
TIME: 7:00 PM to 11:00 PM
VENUE: Osceola Council on Aging - 700 Generation Point, Kissimmee FL 34744

Premium Table $2,500
Corporate Table $1,000
Individual Ticket $100

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, email
"I am honored to represent this agency as President/CEO with all of the Council’s staff at my side. I believe our organization’s strength resides in each one of us who carry out the COA mission, values and goals daily.
We fulfill so many needs in the community, but we all know that we get so much more in return by seeing the changes in the lives we touch. I am humbled that in the 22 years I’ve worked for this agency, I have had the opportunity to serve so many in our community and have worked alongside some of the greatest people with the biggest hearts. I really do have one of the best jobs in the world."

Our mission is to provide services to enable independence and self-sufficiency for seniors, disabled adults, the disadvantaged, and families in poverty, and that's exactly what we do!
Osceola Council on Aging Testimonials
"I've been coming to the Osceola Council on Aging since 2011. After receiving several of their services like assistance with my electric bills and attending the medical clinic, I have also volunteered my time in the kitchen, the clinic, Meals on Wheel's Thanksgiving and Christmas events. Osceola Council on Aging is a great organization, with a wonderful group of people, and I will gladly continue to volunteer with the Council.

Our mission is to provide services to enable independence and self-sufficiency for seniors, disabled adults, the disadvantaged, and families in poverty, and that's exactly what we do! If you have a testimonial and would like us to share it with the community, please feel free to submit them to We will be sharing client testimonials monthly on our website and Facebook page.
FREE Weatherization Service available from
Osceola Council on Aging
Are you a homeowner in Osceola or Orange County? Is your home in need of weatherization repairs to lower your electric bills?
  • Mechanical Measures
  • Building Shell Measures
  • Health & Safety Measures
  • Electric & Water Measures
  • Client Education Activities

We are accepting applications for low-income homeowners.

Please call Jordan Love at 407-933-9533 or for eligibility/restrictions and any other questions. Text Link
Want to be a Meals on Wheels volunteer?
We have been blessed with the most AWESOME, CARING, COMPASSIONATE and DEDICATED group of Volunteers! These angels have been there with us during our hardest times (COVID Pandemic). Day after day, some of them are doing more than a route, more than one day a week! WE ARE SO THANKFUL TO EACH ONE OF THEM!
Because of COVID, the number of people we serve has doubled, making the routes longer! We have had to split routes to make it more manageable for volunteers and to better control meal temperatures. This is the reason why we need more volunteers! We are in need of volunteers especially in Poinciana, Poinciana Blvd., Pleasant Hill Road, Good Samaritan, Campbell City, Holopaw, Old Canoe Creek Road, BVL area, 192 going toward Celebration, among others!
If you are interested or would like to know more about being a hero to our Seniors in need, please call Wilda at 407-847-2144.

Stamp Club
Calling all Stamp Collectors:
Come trade, sell, buy and meet other stamp collectors with the Stamp Club!
New Members are welcome and they meet every first and third Wednesday of the month at the Osceola Council on Aging - Clyde's Cafe from 12pm-2pm.Text Link

The Osceola Council on Aging Public Guardianship Office acts as a guardian for individuals who have been deemed incapacitated by the courts and do not have a qualified family member or friend to act in this capacity. The Public Guardianship Office provides these services to individuals who lack the financial resources to compensate a private guardian.
Guardianship Department is following strict CDC Guidelines

*Due to COVID-19 all regularly scheduled meetings are being held virtually by Zoom. For more information on meetings contact Janice Casler at

Thursday, August 19th - Finance Committee* 12:00 P.M.
Wednesday, August 25th - Executive Committee* 3:00 PM & Board of Directors* 3:30 P.M.
Thank you to all of our donors. We are not able to get a photo of every donor but we thank you all the same.

We are so fortunate to have had so many of you reach out to us asking how you can help and what you can do to ensure our community is well cared for. As an essential business we provide meals and other services to members of the community in need.Your donations are more critical now than ever to ensure they continue to receive these services during this unprecedented time.

Our greatest needs are contributions, both monetary and grocery items, for our community food pantry. We are trying to keep up with the new demand and increasing needs to feed the community. Leveraging your monetary donations allows us to stretch your dollars to serve even more individuals.

Thank You!