Volume 9 Issue 3 | February 10, 2020
University News for Faculty and Staff
New MIU Employee Handbook

Employee handbook has been updated to reflect new policies and the new name.

The document can be viewed on the website.

Purusha Calendars for 2020

Calendars are now available for pick up at the Human Resources and Dean of Faculty offices.
Open Positions
Please contact hr@miu.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.

Position - Software Engineer/Data Architect
Job Summary : Application development and data specialist performing custom data development and integrations, analysis, design, modeling, transformations, mining, migrations, operational support, maintenance of production systems. Recommend and implement data processing tools and enterprise technologies and align data architecture plans with strategic business strategies.
Qualifications:  Must have Master’s degree in computer science, engineering or related field plus two years’ experience including Data Integration, Data Modeling, Data Mining, and Data Analysis; ETL; Business Intelligence Development (SSAS, SSRS); Complete Database Life Cycle Management (DBLC); Formal Requirement Analysis and Business CRM needs tracking End-to-End Application Life-Cycle Processes.

Other Open Positions:
  1. MUM Online - Student Support Services
  2. Compro - Admissions Counselor
  3. Compro - Career Coach

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here.

Maharishi International University is an equal opportunity employer.
Health and Wellness
Ayurvedic Tips for a Blissful, Stress-Free Winter
Staying Blissful All Winter Long  By John Peterson, MD

We've just passed the turning of the year. In the northern hemisphere the relentless shortening of the days reverses and then it is the night's turn to diminish. The return of the light comes quietly, in a silence you can hear outside at night when snow is falling, each flake absorbing its own share of noise. I challenge you to bring this silence into your life. It is balm for the soul.
The winter season is a time of joy, rest, thanksgiving and sharing. One of the greatest gifts you can give to family and co-workers is your own health. The Ayurvedic definition of health is living 24 hours a day with the body, mind and senses full of bliss. This means having balanced doshas, balanced digestion, balanced elimination and a getting a good night's sleep every night!

In fall the winds of Vata blew the leaves off the trees. Vata continues to blow on us for the next two months and can create whirlwinds of "unnecessary" thoughts, fears, anxieties and sleepless nights. Prana Vata and Apana Vata can become easily aggravated. When Prana Vata is out of balance you feel tired in the afternoon and can find yourself holding your breath or breathing shallowly. And when Apana Vata is out of balance you can feel ungrounded and have irregular digestion and elimination.

Balance in all areas is important. High levels of unmet expectations for the winter season feed into the winter blues or "seasonal affective disorder," with the associated feelings of doubt, disappointment and rejection--the three seeds of disease, from the perspective of Maharishi Ayurveda.

2019 University Report

The new
University Report  about all the major events and achievements from 2019 is hot off the press and what a story it tells. 
There were so many awesome accomplishments to report, some of which had already been noted in MIU's weekly  Review  but many that are totally new or that received more in-depth coverage. It's very powerful when taken together, all within one publication. The  University Report  is getting very positive reviews - some saying it's one of the best  Reports  ever. 

Examples from the  Report : This past year MIU more than doubled total donations (annual fund + capital campaign = over $5 million); MIU bought and now fully owns the Gate Ridge Building; renaming and major remodeling of the Arts Center; extraordinary faculty research and faculty presentations to distinguished audiences - including Pres. Hagelin's keynote address in LA in which he stunned the scientist-audience with his explanation of quantum theory which mathematically parallels Maharishi's  Apaurusheya Bhasya.

The student achievements include one of our 2007 alumni who's now a billionaire.... and then there's the Maharishi School's rankings as  #1 in Iowa in 5 of 6 categories, as well as very highly ranked for STEM; And a highlighting of 2 seniors, one of whom is the most science award-decorated in the entire history of the state of Iowa, and the other, a girl, who 's data analysis research could help to avoid mass shootings ...

People can also send the link around to their list of contacts. No holds barred, this is MIU's chance to brag!

Maharishi Special Yagyas

We wanted to let you know of a very special day coming soon for those thinking of having a Well-Being Special Yagya performed.

The highly auspicious Maha Shivaratri, February 21st, is that one day when the infinite peace and silence of Pure Consciousness is most accessible to bestow spiritual and material progress and fulfillment in life.
Through the performance of a Well-Being Special Yagya at this time, those qualities are further enlivened in one’s consciousness, and enhance the flow of progress in the direction of enlightenment.

Applying for these Yagyas is very easy and  can be done here . Please request your Yagya at least seven days in advance. To read more about the Special Yagyas  please click here .

All proceeds from the Yagyas go towards supporting the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India and are deeply appreciated.

Thank you so much for your very kind support and wishing you all the blessings of this upcoming Vedic Celebration.
Upcoming Events and Courses
Sunday, February 23
5:00 PM

This inspiring new course will cover Maharishi’s journeys from 1954 to 1964, starting with the time spent with his teacher, Guru Dev. Dr. Boncheff will share some of the rarest talks, books, and papers by Maharishi from the new 20,000 item collections in Maharishi Global Archives which have been newly acquired from various estates.
During these years, Maharishi faced several major turning points in his life and activities. These key moments will be fully discussed using Maharishi’s own words. Every point of knowledge will either be presented by playing a recording of Maharishi, or reading from an official transcript of Maharishi, or from publications from the early days of the TM movement.
Course schedule: March 2 – April 1. Monday and Wednesday evenings 7:45 – 9:15 in Dalby Hall and available online. First lesson is free and starts at 8 pm.
Course fee: $108 (or $69 for full-time MIU/MSAE staff, faculty, and students; or full-time Governors, IAA grant recipients, and anyone who is retired and cannot otherwise afford the course). MIU alumni receive 10% off the full course fee. A portion of the course fee will go to support the Maharishi Global Archives at MIU.
Prerequisite: This is an advanced course for Governors, Sidhas and those Meditators who have a familiarity and comfort with many of the terms and concepts used in Maharishi Vedic Science.

For more information, please visit:  https://miu.edu/archives-course-1
Bob Roth will make two presentations on the back story of his fascinating new book, Strength in Stillness. He will reveal recent initiatives to spread TM around the world, including a new project being planned with the United Nations. Also Mr. Roth will discuss his recent appearances on national television, including Good Morning America and the Dr. Oz Show. He will sign your copy of his book immediately following.

Sunday, February 18
1:30 pm • Dalby Hall
Argiro Student Center
Monday, February 19
11:00 am
Fairfield TM Information
Center on the Square

Mr. Roth will be introduced by
MUM President, Dr. John Hagelin
“It is collective consciousness that administers a nation.
“We have, with the grace of Guru Dev, established a principle of improving collective consciousness of every nation. It is with these Vedic performances, through the Yagyas and through the Yogic Flyers. That is our task before us.”
—Maharishi, January 23, 2007
The next 11-day Maharishi National Yagya SM  performance will start on the evening of February 12 and continue through Maha Shivaratri on February 21.
Shiva represents the infinitely dynamic silence at the foundation of all creation—the almighty impulse of Creative Intelligence that clears the path to spiritual and material progress and fulfillment in life. This profoundly transformational aspect of Nature is most accessible and lively on this day.

Yagyas performed at this time are especially effective for bringing about positive transformation and fulfilling desires that are most difficult to achieve—whether for individuals, families, companies, or entire nations.

The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will be:

Increasing harmony, peace, and spiritual awakening
for the United States and its people.
In celebration of our upcoming 10th season of courses at the Brahmasthan of India, we are offering a one-time special lower course fee for early booking.

We have been deeply inspired, week in and week out, by our guests’ consistent depth of inner experiences — in program and while listening to the recitation of the Maharishi Vedic Pandits. And as we approach our 10th anniversary, we wanted to offer the blessings of the place Maharishi called “The holiest of all the holy places of India” to as many people as possible.

For this coming season — October 26th, 2020 through March 15th, 2021 — we are reducing the regular course rate by 20% for those who book and pay before this March 31st. Please  click here  for more information and to apply. We look forward to welcoming you next season.
Special Articles
TM, Religion, and Transcendence

Maharishi explains that the Transcendental Meditation technique is a great friend of Christianity and all religions because transcending takes the meditator to that universal field of pure consciousness, which has been described by all religions as the Kingdom of Heaven that lies within us. When experienced regularly through daily practice, pure consciousness creates a fully developed, fulfilled individual, a person capable of spontaneously living a truly good, truly religious life.

Humor Corner
TM in the News
Manage Your Mind to Manage Your Heart: Why Transcendental Meditation is Vital for Heart Health
Research studies show regular TM practice reduces risk factors for cardiovascular disease.
By  Robert Schneider, M.D., FACC , Dean, College of Integrative Medicine, Maharishi International University WISDOM //Jan. 24, 2020
Students at Maharishi International University practice the effortless technique of Transcendental Meditation twice a day on campus.
My colleagues and I have long been concerned about the high rates of cardiovascular disease in the US that have spread throughout the world. Despite advances in modern medicine, heart attacks and strokes are the leading cause of death globally. One of the reasons for these high rates is the epidemic of stress in modern society. Early in my career, I studied the connection between psychological stress and high blood pressure and heart disease. This was a negative effect of the mind-body connection. About 30 years ago, I decided to investigate how the mind-body-heart connection could be positively managed with effective stress reduction, particularly the Transcendental Meditation® technique.

During that time, we and our colleagues at major academic medical centers in the US, such as Columbia University Medical Center, Medical College of Wisconsin, Cedars Sinai Medical Center and Charles Drew University, received funding from the National Institutes of Health and foundations to study effects of mind-body intervention with Transcendental Meditation in high-risk groups, like African Americans with high blood pressure or established heart disease. The results of this series of well-controlled studies, known as randomized controlled trials, showed that practice of Transcendental Meditation lowered high blood pressure, reduced insulin resistance (aka metabolic syndrome), reduced atherosclerosis, and prevented abnormal enlargement of the heart (called left ventricular hypertrophy) in one of most recent studies. Some of our published pilot studies suggested improvements in blood flow to the heart and benefits to patients with heart failure.

A landmark study that brought all these findings together followed 200 patients with known heart disease over an average of five years. Half practiced Transcendental Meditation and half attended a class about cardiovascular factors. All participants continued their usual medicines and medical care. At the end of the study, the results showed that the meditating participants had a 48% lower rate of death, heart attack and stroke compared to controls. We believe that this remarkable result was due to redacted risk factors such as high blood pressure, psychological stress, and possibly cardiac enlargement. The results of reduced mortality in long-term TM practitioners were replicated in a separate study of older participants with high blood pressure. All of these studies have been published in peer-reviewed medical journals, many in top ones like the American Heart Association and American Medical Association.

Based on these findings an American Heart Association scientific statement acknowledged these scientific studies and recommended that Transcendental Meditation be considered in the treatment of all patients with high blood pressure. And that’s a lot of people — according to the most recent guidelines, nearly half of all adults in the US. The research is continuing, but I would say that if you’re at risk for heart disease — and that’s most men and women — consider managing your mind and body with Transcendental Meditation®. It’s easy to learn and practice, has extensive scientific evidence, and has other positive “benefits” for mental and physical health. It could save your life. For more information, visit  https://www.tm.org.
Here’s How Meditation Can Boost Your Running

Three Olympians discuss why clearing their minds benefits their performances.

Olympic steeplechaser  Colleen Quigley  calls it her “secret weapon.”  Deena Kastor , the  American record holder in the marathon , says it’s aided her performance throughout her legendary career. And 2018 European marathon champion Koen Naert surmises he wouldn’t be where he is without it.

These pros aren’t talking about a  training program , a special  recovery tool , or a  high-tech piece of gear . They’re talking about  meditation .

In recent years, this mental health practice has become more mainstream, and perhaps that’s no surprise in today’s increasingly wellness-focused world. According to the Centers for Disease Control, the number of American adults who meditated at least once in a year  more than tripled  between 2012 and 2017.