Volume 8 Issue 3 | February 4, 2019
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources

Open Positions
Please contact cpassos@mum.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.

Financial Aid Award Officer
Golden Dome Market - Cook
ComPro - Admissions Counselor
Physiology and Health - Academic Support and Advisor

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here.
Health and Wellness

Seriously. Where does David Lynch find the time? In-between making movies, dabbling with photography, music, painting – know what else he does? Transcendental Meditation. He’s been doing it twice a day, every day, since 1973, and insists he’s never missed a day. That’s how much he swears by it. He describes TM – as it’s also known – as a dive into “an ocean of pure happiness”. He  explains  it as a technique that lifts things like stress and anxiety; as a vehicle that carries you towards intelligence, peace, creativity, and what he calls “pure consciousness”.

Based on the techniques of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, who introduced Transcendental Meditation to the world in 1955, Lynch launched his own foundation in 2005, the David Lynch Foundation for Consciousness-Based Education and World Peace. He started it,  the website says , “to ensure that every child anywhere in the world who wanted to learn to meditate could do so.” Since then, the foundation claims to have provided scholarships to teach Transcendental Meditation to more than 300,000 at-risk youth in underserved schools, veterans with PTSD, women who are survivors of domestic violence, and homeless and incarcerated individuals.

Could TM be the ultimate cure for modern life? We’ve dug around, taken a closer look at his movies, watched various lectures, and we’ve discovered some handy wellness tips from the man himself. As if his calming voice alone wasn’t enough to lift your anxiety.

Food Service Suggestions

Over the last 6 months we have made considerable effort to improve the MUM Food Service for everyone. We have created a new Food Service Committee that meets weekly to guide progress and make changes based on input from various user groups. We meet monthly with any interested students who want to give the committee input.

Here are some recent changes:
 Updated menu signage
 Created and implemented a new menu rotation
 Added black tea for breakfast at student request
 Put a new management team in place
 Added eggs to the breakfast menu
 Added a sandwich/specialty bar at night
 Moving ahead with a serving area renovation scheduled for March

We would now like to ask for your contribution of ideas, practical steps, talent and/or finances. If you have an idea or ways that we can improve MUM Food Service, we would like to hear from you. Please send your suggestions

Thank you,
MUM Food Service Committee
Upcoming Events and Courses
Is College Bad for your Brain?

February 8, 2019
7:30 to 9:00 pm
Dalby Hall

How an epidemic of stress is overwhelming students — and what you can do about it

Learn how key habits—sleep, exercise, diet and meditation—can help you neutralize the effects of college stress. Highlighting a university that is reversing this trend by placing stress-busting meditation at the core of its curriculum.

The statistics are sobering. Three out of four students report feeling stressed. 39% of college freshman report symptoms of anxiety or depression. And there has been a 30% rise in mental health support requests.

MUM and DLF will co-host this conference: The Global Webcast will go live on Wednesday, February 13, 4:00 pm ET. Special guest, filmmaker David Lynch will connect live via Skype for closing Q&A. For more information and a list of speakers and panelists visit:  https://www.mum.edu/changemakers-event-2019 .
The next 11-day U.S. National Yagya will begin on the evening of February 6.

The Sankalpa (intention) of the Yagya will be:
Increasing peace, positivity, and spiritual awakening
for the United States and its people.

For many years, Maharishi quietly applied the powerful Vedic technology of National Yagyas when and where he felt it was most needed.

Since 2011 when the National Yagya Program was announced, several thousand National Yagyas have been performed for 171 countries with over 12,000 donors participating. The program is the primary source of financial support for the Maharishi Vedic Pandits worldwide. We now have nearly 6,500 Pandits performing Vedic recitations every day. And an additional 4,500 young Pandits in training.

The National Yagyas for the United States, and for every other country, have always been performed in India by specially trained, senior Maharishi Vedic Pandits. In addition to supporting the big monthly U.S. National Yagyas (in India), USA donations are now also supporting a large group of Maharishi Vedic Pandits in Nepal. Every day 1,331 Pandits in Nepal perform Ati Rudrabhishek for the benefit of the United States.
Register Now! Spring Semester Begins February 4, 2019
These courses are offered for credit and noncredit
Introduction to Sanskrit
 Instructor Karen Aoki
Learning to read the language of the Veda
This 10-lesson course will teach students to read the texts of the Vedic Literature – such as the Bhagavad-Gītā and Ramayan in the Devanagri script.
Physiology, Consciousness and Veda
Instructor Peter Hodak
Are we primarily matter? Or are we primarily consciousness?
This 10-lesson course explores concepts of mind and brain in science; identifies paradigms governing research into this area; and compares the understanding of mind, consciousness and the body in modern science and Maharishi Vedic Science.

Have Questions? Contact us now  de@mum.edu
Bevan Morris's personal memories of Maharishi
 New Course with Dr. Bevan Morris
March 11 – April 18, Mon. & Thurs. evenings
In Dalby Hall and Online 

Dr. Bevan Morris will be sharing his unique personal memories of Maharishi and reflections on the gifts that Maharishi gave to the world. Having worked closely with Maharishi as a teacher and leader in our worldwide organization for nearly 50 years, Dr. Morris is ideally placed to offer a deep insight into Maharishi’s vision for the world.
Dr. Morris will explore:
  • How Maharishi started his worldwide Movement, and how spontaneously it developed year after year, reaching every corner of the planet
  • What Maharishi did to fully transform the knowledge and technologies available to the world in every field of life during 53 years of service to Guru Dev
  • The nature of the golden age of the human race that is now rising as a direct result
  • Reflections of personal experiences of Maharishi’s cosmic genius and supreme achievements

The course fee is $125 or $75 discounted rate for MUM staff, IAA grant recipients and others. (Please see details at  http://mum.edu/tmhistory .) Prerequisite: TM technique 
Course Dates: Feb. 15–17, Mar. 8–10, Apr. 12–14, May 17–19 in Dalby Hall and Online

Fri. evenings, Sat. afternoons & evenings and Sun. afternoons

Come study with Vaidya Manohar, one of the world’s most experienced Maharishi AyurVeda vaidyas who spent many years working closely with Maharishi, as well as with Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna, Vaidya Balraj Maharishi, and Vaidya D.M. Dwivedi.
This four-weekend course is designed to enliven the knowledge of Maharishi Nadi Vigyan and enhance correct practice according to Maharishi’s guidelines. It is for both professional practitioners and nonprofessionals.
For Maharishi AyurVeda Practitioners: This course will bring your Maharishi Nadi Vigyan skills to another level of effectiveness and profundity. It will give correct understanding and systematic procedures to practice successful analysis. This course will help standardize and deepen the practice of Maharishi Nadi Vigyan for all our practitioners.

For Nonprofessionals: You will learn to take other people’s pulses to know the different types of pulses. The main intention is enhancing and understanding your own pulse and the self-pulse practice. Prerequisites are Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading courses Parts 1, 2, 3 or 1, 2, 4, taught by Andrew Stenberg or the 16-Lesson Online Course.
The prerequisite for each weekend 2, 3 & 4 is the previous weekend. The course fee is $125/weekend or $75/weekend discounted rate for MUM staff, IAA grant recipients and others. (Please see details at  http://mum.edu/advancedpulse .)
Special Articles
Discover Your Own Infinite Source of Creativity Within | 6:43  

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi explains the dynamism of silence in a press conference, January 15, 2003
Q uestion:  Some thinkers do not understand how continuous peace can coexist with progress. Could you please explain whether peace can also be dynamic?

M aharishi:  Just take the word “progress.” Now think what is the basis of progress. Progress is activity. What is the source of activity? It must be silence. The source of activity has to be silence. If you cater for silence, if you stabilize silence as a conscious experience of your awareness, then you have a springboard for progress.

If you are not established in silence, then you have no basis to progress. You may be floundering around, but without the basis of progress. Even if you take the word progress, what is the basis of progress? Silence is the basis of progress.
Humor Corner
TM in the News
Kathy’s Corner: Physician Wellness and Loyola Stritch School of Medicine.
The first show of 2019, Kathy speaks with Dr. Jim Bray, alumnus of Chicago Loyola’s Stritch School of Medicine and Dr. Carla Brown, adjunct professor at Loyola Stritch on the value of medical students learning the TM technique. Dr. Bray, Dr Brown and others introduced MDED-400, Physician Wellness through the Transcendental Meditation Technique, a 2 credit elective --a first of its kind program to bring relief in the highly stressed field of academic medicine at Stritch 5 years ago.

Indian Army Generals Tips Kenya on Combating Terror Kim Aine January 21, 2019
Here's one of the many articles David Leffler and Indian Generals have had published recently on the use of IDT to combat violence