Volume 7 Issue 22 | November 19, 2018
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources
Dr. Bevan Morris will present news and knowledge for the community

December 8
2:00 to 4:00 pm

Dalby Hall

New Staff
Kay Hazen is our new Senior Career Development Associate and Instructor with Career Strategies for Information Technologies. She trains and coaches the CS MA degree students on best interviewing practices, teamwork, and leadership skills, working with them through the hiring process, and continuing working with them as needed until they graduate.

Her past experience includes being the owner and executive recruiter for Dharma Placement Group, being an insurance flood adjuster, director of recruiting for Carlton Search Associates, and an account manager at Renaissance Capital for 20 years. Kay has a BS from Western Michigan University and considers herself to be self motivated, attentive to detail, focused, organized, compassionate, honorable, l oves facing new challenges, and able to prioritize and thrive under pressure.
Tyler Wilfley recently joined our Sustainable Living Department and is currently pursuing his MBA with MUM. He was born in central illinois and graduated summa cum laude from Illinois State University with a bachelor’s degree in Philosophy. Tyler has spent the last 4 years living in the Northern regions of rural Thailand where he has worked in and studied the field of international sustainable development. The last two years in particular, he led an effort in collaborating with local leaders to design and develop a community run vocational school that focused on sustainable agricultural techniques in hopes of promoting environmental stewardship and economic prosperity for small scale farmers in the area.

The last 4 years has provided him with a well rounded experience in project management, program development, and even enabled him to create extensive curriculum directed at educating locals and volunteers alike on the many principles and practical benefits of sustainable agriculture. Twice certified in permaculture design, Tyler plans on getting his pH. D in AgroEcology and creating his own business models based on perennial polyculture systems that restore ecological fitness while feeding a growing world.
Open Positions
Please contact cpassos@mum.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.
Departmental Assistant - Sustainable Living
IT Technical Trainer - ComPro
Graphic Designer - MAVIM

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here .
Health and Wellness

‘Tis the season to be snacking! From Thanksgiving (or even Halloween) through Valentine’s Day, the holidays present an extended string of festive gatherings that center around food and drinks. While living it up with friends, family, and colleagues can be fun, it can also be a bit stressful — especially with travel, gift buying, hectic schedules, and easy access to rich and sugary foods.

“When there’s stress involved, our choices can become more reactive, rather than coming from a grounded place and connected to the self,” says Sankari Wegman, an Ayurvedic consultant at  The Raj  who also teaches Ayurvedic cooking classes. Moreover, Wegman tells us, it’s particularly easy to feel stressed during Vata season, which falls in autumn. “Vata by nature is light and airy, and it gets thrown out of balance when there’s any kind of irregularity.”

Click here for Wegman's ten easy Ayurvedic lifestyle and diet tips to help combat holiday stress — whether you’re the host, the chef, or dining solo this season.
Recycling Flier

It has bothered me for years that there was no clear cut piece of information that covers all recycling options to city/county residents. So, I went and interviewed Connellys Recycling & Waste Management, worked with graphics genius Paul Siemsen, who donated his time, and Voila!! we came up with the attached flyer you can keep in a drawer or on your fridge. Please pass on to friends and colleagues.

You will be surprised, relieved, and possibly overjoyed at learning what can be recycled. Ed Malloy LOVES it and the City will be including this piece in future utility bills.

Please Note that Chem Thursdays ONLY take place between Mar-Sept so you can store those chems/paints/etc for now and take over in the Spring. Also NOTE that if you bring plastic bags for recycling, if they had funky stuff in them wash them out, let dry, then turn inside out and let dry again.

Finally NOTE again, and this cannot be over-emphasized: DO NOT place any food items in the curbside recycling bins. Oils and foodstuff then contaminate 60+% of that load … and it all goes to the landfill! This includes cooking oils/grease, etc.

Ron Blair (via Tom Brooks)
Economical MAV appointments available December 4, 5, 6, and 7

The next opportunity to experience an Economical MAV wellness consultation is coming up quickly. Please call me at 641-472-7000, ext 3406 to schedule your appointment. These appointments happen once a month when a group of the online MSMAV (Master of Science in Maharishi Ayurveda) come to Fairfield for their clinical rotations with the faculty at MUM. The students provide MAV wellness consultations under the supervision of Dr. Manohar, Dr. Jim Davis, Dr. Paul Morehead, and sometimes others.

These appointments last about ninety minutes. The client's pulse is first taken by the faculty ( Dr. Manohar, Dr. Davis, Dr. Morehead, etc.), and then by the MSMAV students. After taking all the pulses, one or two students meet with individual clients to go over all their health history forms and any health concerns that they have. Each client case is presented in a confidential format to the faculty for discussion and review. Clients return at 4 PM to receive the prescribed recommendations for addressing their concerns in creating better health.

We would like to invite you to schedule an appointment with our wonderful students and faculty. The dates for our next clinicals are December 4, 5, 6, and 7. The fee is $75.00. Call me at 641-471-7000, ext 3406.

Best wishes for good health, 
Helen Davis, Clinical Administrator
Integrative Wellness Center
Upcoming Events and Courses
Accelerate Your Growth with Advanced Techniques of the TM Program
Advanced Techniques teachers available for 2 days only

Wed. 11/21 to Thur. 11/22 course

It's getting more difficult to get teachers from India, so we may not offer them every month going forward.

Orientation: We have scheduled several orientation meetings. Please attend one of them. This is an opportunity to learn more about the program, and also apply and pay for the course.
Mon. Nov. 19th 7:30 pm application meeting Men's Bldg.
        or Wed Nov. 21st 4 pm Men's Bldg.
Course will be Wed. Nov. 21st to Thurs Nov 22nd
Personal Instruction:  Wed. Night 6:30 Reg. Techniques & 2nd,3rd,4th
                   Wed. Night at 7:30PM Night Technique ONLY

Please RSVP for one of the orientation meetings by email at  wdevasier@tm.org  or  olgahopkins@gmail.com  or call 641-919-8188 or 641-919-1300. If the orientation meeting times don’t work for you, let us know and we will find another time to meet with you.

Please join us for the Advanced Techniques Course at the Fairfield Peace Palace!

Best wishes,
Wally DeVasier  Olga Hopkins
Reminder: Sunday, December 2, Next Nationwide TM Group Meditation
Peaceful Mind • Peaceful World
Weekend Course and Advanced Techniques
November 30 – December 2, 2018

The Eau Palm Beach Resort , Palm Beach, Florida

Special Videoconference
for Governors only
with Maharaja Adhiraj Rajaraam
Answers to the Most Challenging Questions from Meditators
Introduction and Welcome by Raja John Hagelin
Dec. 2, 2:00–2:45 pm
Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome

Explore science, consciousness, and the furthest reaches of human potential during this special course hosted in beautiful Palm Beach, Florida. Dr. Nader, an MIT and Harvard-trained neuroscientist and distinguished Vedic scholar, designed this weekend of self-development and inner experience, with discussion focused on Advanced Techniques and the growth of consciousness to enlightenment. In addition to live lectures and Q&A with Dr. Nader, the course will include recently released videos about Advanced Techniques. The Peaceful Mind, Peaceful World course is open to anyone who practices Transcendental Meditation or its advanced programs. Participants may apply to learn an Advanced Technique of Transcendental Meditation during the course.

A World Peace Assembly (WPA) is our number one recommendation for accelerating your personal growth.
Higher States of Consciousness

  • Special new videos by Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R.
  • Dr. John Hagelin speaks on “The Physics of Enlightenment”
  • TM-Sidhi ® administrators Drs. Doug and Linda Birx will offer a TM-Sidhi checking over the first weekend.
For more information: 641-451-5108
Ideal Energy’s solar-plus storage system for MUM is first large-scale installation of its kind in Iowa

Official Inauguration of the solar panel installation will take place on Friday, December 14, from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. in Dalby Hall.

A detailed creative article on this innovative project written by Bob Saar for The Hawk Eye was published September 9, 2018. 

Fairfield company Ideal Energy brings Iowa to national attention with new solar array installation at Maharishi University of Management.

First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is.

That Buddhist concept fits the solar energy business: The first mountain was long-term storage, but that has been alleviated with modern battery technology, paving the way for local, independent companies like Ideal Energy, Inc. in Fairfield, Iowa to enter the energy-supply business.

But that in turn led to another mountain: How will those smaller companies interconnect with utility giants like Alliant and MidAmerican Energy when they’re in competition with them for energy dollars?

Upcoming Maharishi Aroma Therapy Course 
Maharishi Aroma Therapy is a program for creating balance and health through the use of essential oils which contain powerful health-promoting properties. This 18-hour course which starts November 30 is taught by Diane Malaison, a Senior Maharishi Aroma Therapy Consultant and Teacher who has been teaching courses on Maharishi Aroma Therapy internationally since 2011.

This course will be taught in-person in Festival Hall and is limited to 15 students.  The free talk is currently available online , or you can attend in-person on November 30. The course fee is $350 which covers all course materials including samples of many hydrosols and essential oils.

For more information, please visit  http://mum.edu/aromatherapy
CIC #85 at MUM, Dec. 26-Jan. 9  
The application deadline for this course is December 5 (three weeks before the course begins). 
Special Articles
SILENCE THE VIOLENCE Town Hall, Washington D.C.

David Lynch Foundation posted a video October 4, 2018 from THEARC Theater. Far too many precious young lives are being lost or irreparably damaged by the epidemic levels of violence that are striking adults and children East of the River in Wards 7 and 8. We have a solution. It is collaborative, innovative, practical, proven, and immediate. Please view this event video to find out more. Click on SHOW MORE to find out about the speakers.
What is transcending? And what does it do for our brains?

Neuropsychologist Dr. Fred Travis takes us on a guided tour of the brain during the TM technique—including a live EEG demonstration on stage in New York City—and compares TM ® to other kinds of meditation.

Humor Corner
TM in the News
Stressed at work? Transcendental meditation may help By Maria Cohut, 23 October 2018
People who practice meditation often hail it as a fix for anything from anxiety to physical pain. Indeed, some studies suggest that it may improve our sense of well-being. Now, new research finds that one type of meditation — transcendental meditation — can relieve stress and boost emotional intelligence.

Transcendental meditation can help you feel less stressed and boost your emotional intelligence, a new study shows.

The practice of meditation does appear to bring many benefits, and recent studies have supported this idea.

For instance, meditators are less likely to experience  cognitive decline , and practicing mindfulness techniques seems to reduce  chronic pain .

Invest in Rest
Ringing phones, appointments, reminders, social calendars or day dreaming about a holiday taken years ago or trying to forget a casual comment made by a friend last week… our mind is busy with a whirlwind of things… every day, all day! ‘The human brain is the best blessing of the Creator,’ Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, founder of Transcendental Meditation, once said in a lecture.

And, indeed, it is, for the human brain has crafted wonderful inventions: the smartest smartphone, the fastest jet and much more. But how many of us treat it like that, give it the value it deserves? We just slog it away, wanting it to work 24×7… this causes the brain to burn out and lose its potential.