Volume 8 Issue 4 | February 18, 2019
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources
Dear Faculty and Staff,
To be in compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the university must make sure every employee is aware of our Drug and Alcohol Prevention Policy. A summary is included int the faculty and staff handbooks, or you can
click her
to view the policy online.
If you have any questions, please contact the Dean of Faculty's office or the HR department.
Yours truly,
Vicki Alexander Herriott
Carol Passos
Laxmi Budhathoki joins the Golden Dome Market team.
Trishakti Madhikarmi is our new Press Marketing Manager
Please contact
if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.
Financial Aid Award Officer
Golden Dome Market - Cook
ComPro - Admissions Counselor
Physiology and Health - Academic Support and Advisor
For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click
Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf & "Staying Sharp" Webinar
Want a better memory? To stay sharp all your years? There’s now a research-based, natural way to do it!
Wednesday, February 20
8:30 Eastern Time
Dr. Nancy Lonsdorf,
former Medical Director of The Raj Ayurveda Center
, has worked for over a year with hundreds of patients, in office and online, to implement the validated, research-based Bredesen protocol to reverse cognitive decline – the first program ever documented to reverse memory loss.
Best of all, the protocol is entirely natural and personalized, and is based on lifestyle changes, diet, individualized supplements and rejuvenating, health-enhancing Ayurvedic modalities she’s used successfully with thousands of patients for over the past 30 years.
Many participants have reported gains in memory and mental clarity, as well as whole-body benefits, such as:
- Better memory
- Greater mental clarity
- Gradual, natural weight loss
- Lower blood pressure
- Better sleep
- More energy
- More flexible, comfortable joints
This approach is health-giving and anti-aging for the brain
the whole body.
Wednesday, February 20 at 5:30 Pacific Time/8:30 Eastern Time
You’ll learn valuable information about how to enhance and protect your memory, including:
- The 7 keys to sharpen your memory now, and prevent decline in the years to come.
- How your brain registers everything you eat, do, think and feel.
- How to keep your brain in a healthy, growth-oriented mode.
- What helps turn around brain fog, forgetfulness, “Mommy Brain” and cognitive decline. The latest surprising research.
- Patients who describe how they regained brain power and reversed memory loss…and more!
2019 TM-Sidhi Course (CIC) Schedule
The next TM-Sidhi
Course (CIC) is now scheduled for Spring, 2019. The course will be held on three consecutive weekends:
- Fairfield, IA: May 23–26, May 30–June 2, June 6–9
- Application deadline: April 30, 2019
Economical MAV appointments 2/26, 2/27, 2/28, 3/1
It's that time again! The Masters of Science in Maharishi Ayurveda (MSMAV) students are coming to the MUM campus to work more closely with the faculty while doing their clinicals. The students are arriving on February 25th and will be doing MAV consultations every day starting on Tuesday, the 26th.
Each appointment lasts about ninety minutes.The client's pulse is taken first by Vaidya Manohar and the rest of the faculty, and then by all the MSMAV students. After that, one or two students will meet with the individual client to go over their health history and any health concerns they may have. Each client's case is then presented to the faculty for discussion and review. The clients return later in the day to receive their individually prescribed recommendations for creating better health.
Please share this news with everyone, and call me at 641-472-7000, ext 3406 if you have any questions or to schedule an MAV wellness consultation. The fee for these appointments is $75.
All best wishes as we wait for spring!
Helen Davis, BS Psychology
Clinical Administrator
Integrative Wellness Center
Request For Spring Celebration Award Nominations
At the beginning of each season, the Maharishi University of Management community hosts a festival to celebrate the growth and fulfillment in our society. These Seasonal Festivals give momentum to progress and prosperity for each new season by honoring successful individuals in every area of society for the inspiration they create by their actions and achievements.
The 2019 Spring Festival will be hosted by Maharishi School grades K through 12 on
Wednesday, March 20 at 8:00 pm
If you would like to nominate someone you feel should be recognized for the contribution he or she makes to the community, please email complete information
. Include your name and phone number and your nominee’s name, phone number, address, and complete information about why you feel they should be honored.
The nomination deadline is February 25, 2019.
Upcoming Events and Courses
Is College Bad for Your Brain?
Neuropsychologist Bill Stixrud spoke of the importance of getting students into their “right mind” — a mind cultured by practice of Transcendental Meditation. Renowned heart transplant specialist Dr. Hassan Tetteh described how TM practice is taking a transformational role at the National Defense University, where our country’s elite officers are trained.
MUM's own resident neuroscientist, Fred Travis, revealed the inner workings of a meditating mind with a live EEG demonstration. A panel of our own MUM students displayed our precious knowledge by their very presence. David Lynch, as always, delighted with wit and wisdom in a closing Q&A. Everything came together into a very powerful experience.
MUM is grateful to Jeffrey Abramson, Chair of the Board of Trustees, for his vision and generous support for this ChangeMakers series, and to the David Lynch Foundation, for partnering with the University to make this series a reality.
Feb. 24 Nationwide Group Meditation
The next Nationwide TM
Group Meditation will take place on Sunday, February 24, starting at 5:00 pm.
Bevan Morris's personal memories of Maharishi
New Course with Dr. Bevan Morris
March 11 – April 18, Mon. & Thurs. evenings
In Dalby Hall and Online
Dr. Bevan Morris will be sharing his unique personal memories of Maharishi and reflections on the gifts that Maharishi gave to the world. Having worked closely with Maharishi as a teacher and leader in our worldwide organization for nearly 50 years, Dr. Morris is ideally placed to offer a deep insight into Maharishi’s vision for the world.
Dr. Morris will explore:
- How Maharishi started his worldwide Movement, and how spontaneously it developed year after year, reaching every corner of the planet
- What Maharishi did to fully transform the knowledge and technologies available to the world in every field of life during 53 years of service to Guru Dev
- The nature of the golden age of the human race that is now rising as a direct result
- Reflections of personal experiences of Maharishi’s cosmic genius and supreme achievements
The course fee is $125 or $75 discounted rate for MUM staff, IAA grant recipients and others. (Please see details at
.) Prerequisite: TM technique
Advanced Maharishi Pulse Reading Course Postponed Until March 1
Fri. evenings, Sat. afternoons & evenings and Sun. afternoons
Come study with Vaidya Manohar, one of the world’s most experienced Maharishi AyurVeda vaidyas who spent many years working closely with Maharishi, as well as with Vaidya Brihaspati Dev Triguna, Vaidya Balraj Maharishi, and Vaidya D.M. Dwivedi.
This four-weekend course is designed to enliven the knowledge of Maharishi Nadi Vigyan and enhance correct practice according to Maharishi’s guidelines. It is for both professional practitioners and nonprofessionals.
For Maharishi AyurVeda Practitioners: This course will bring your Maharishi Nadi Vigyan skills to another level of effectiveness and profundity. It will give correct understanding and systematic procedures to practice successful analysis. This course will help standardize and deepen the practice of Maharishi Nadi Vigyan for all our practitioners.
For Nonprofessionals: You will learn to take other people’s pulses to know the different types of pulses. The main intention is enhancing and understanding your own pulse and the self-pulse practice. Prerequisites are Maharishi Self-Pulse Reading courses Parts 1, 2, 3 or 1, 2, 4, taught by Andrew Stenberg or the 16-Lesson Online Course.
The prerequisite for each weekend 2, 3 & 4 is the previous weekend. The course fee is $125/weekend or $75/weekend discounted rate for MUM staff, IAA grant recipients and others. (Please see details at
From Los Angeles to Ethiopia and across the U.S
In 1969 a group of African American TM
teachers established a new organization to bring the TM program to their communities, called Transcendental Meditation Center (TMC), Inc. Their pioneering initiatives in education, health, and rehabilitation laid the groundwork for the successes of the David Lynch Foundation
today. In celebration of TMC’s 50th Anniversary and Black History Month, here is their remarkable story.
A 20-Minute Exercise You Can Do Anywhere
Our wellness columnist tries out Transcendental Meditation
Marisa Meltzer
Feb. 12, 2019
Maybe it’s the winter, or maybe it’s my own reluctance to leave my apartment, but lately I’ve been intrigued by the idea of a home practice — something like yoga or meditation that I do on my own, for myself, wherever I am, whether I’m in the mood or not. I like the lack of performance or flashiness. I meditate at home from time to time via an app or take the occasional class, but nothing has been consistent. So, recently, I decided to take up meditation.
My friend Karyn has practiced Transcendental Meditation (TM) for some time and compared her teacher Peter Lamoureux at the David Lynch Foundation (it was founded by the director, who has been a vocal proponent of TM) to the ideal dad. This for some reason made me think he would look like Elliott Gould.
Big Waves Strong Boat Enlightenment Is Sexy™: Every Woman's Guide to a Magical Life
Mary interviews Valerie Gangas, author of the best-selling book: Enlightenment Is Sexy™: Every Woman's Guide to a Magical Life