Volume 8 Issue 12 | June 17, 2019
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources
Nakisha Hobbs to Deliver 2019 Commencement Address
Saturday, June 22, at 1:00 p.m.
Maharishi Patanjali Golden Dome
Nakisha Hobbs, who cofounded and directs the Village Leadership Academy in Chicago, has been selected to give the 2019 commencement address
The Village Leadership Academy is a kindergarten through 8th-grade school with 700 students, whose focus is “to transform urban youth into global leaders” and which incorporates the Transcendental Meditation® technique throughout.
During MUM’s Changemakers Conference last spring, Ms. Hobbs shared a moving and inspiring story about what she learned from being the child of struggling teen parents and going on to found a school to empower children with backgrounds like hers.
Other innovative features of her school include a practical approach to leadership development, a world studies and social justice curriculum, and access to global travel through the World Scholars Program.
“I was most moved by her at the event,” said Jeffrey Abramson, chair of the MUM Board of Trustees. “She was articulate and authentic. She described how being a child of a teenage mom and the 12 schools she attended by the time she started college taught her the need to change education and create her own place of learning. She is indeed a changemaker and represents the next generation of leaders in education who see education more like Maharishi envisioned it.”
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if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.
IT Business Analyst / Project Manager
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Maharishi University of Management is an equal opportunity employer.
Afternoon Ayurveda: Tips to Avoid Digestive Drama
March 8, 2016
“What you eat becomes your mind. As is the food, so is your mind.” Ayurvedic proverb as stated in
The Prime
by Dr. Kulreet Chaudhary.
The next time your lunch hour rolls around, keep the following Ayurvedic tips in mind:
Eat your main meal of the day at lunch.
This might sound different, but try it out! When the sun is highest in the sky, your Agni (digestive fire) is working at maximum strength. As the sun goes down, so does your Agni. To burn your main meal of the day, eat when your digestive fire is strongest, at lunchtime.
Nourish with food.
According to Ayurveda, fresh, pure (not processed), cooked foods full of prana, or life force, are more bioavailable for our bodies. Well-cooked foods are easier to digest and assimilate. When possible, avoid eating lunch on the go, especially “fast” food, and favor prana-filled foods. This may require planning ahead and packing a lunch the night before, or in the morning before going to work. An easy-to-prepare lunch: sautéed veggies, seasoned with one of our
Organic Churnas
, along with rice or quinoa. If brown-bagging your lunch isn’t possible, find healthy, local restaurants close to work, and give yourself a few minutes after lunch to breathe, walk and shift gears before the next meeting.
Mindful eating.
Often, our lunch hours are filled with more than just eating, and we stand, walk, or drive our way through our meals. But to absorb nutrients from the food we eat, our bodies need a settled environment to enjoy and digest our lunch. When eating, bring awareness to the taste and source of your food, free from your to-do list, computer and cell phone. Digestion starts in your mouth, and when you take the time to eat properly, chewing and tasting your food, “well begun is half done.”
Stimulate digestion.
If you feel fatigued after eating or have weak digestion, peel and slice one-inch pieces of fresh ginger and keep them in the office fridge. Chew on a piece before or after meals. If these ingredients are not handy, steep an organic ginger tea bag — sip and feel the difference.
Drink warm water throughout the day.
When you’re hydrated, it’s easier for food to pass through the digestive system. Try switching to room-temperature water, or mix the hot and cold water from the office water dispenser. Stock your bag with your favorite teas to enjoy throughout the day. A soothing cup of our
Organic Calming Vata Tea
will do wonders to settle a whirling, busy mind.
MUM Visitors Weekend Calendar
Academic Year 2019 - 2020
July 18 - 20
September 5 - 7
October 3 - 5
October 31 - November 2
December 5 - 7
January 16 - 18
March 5 - 7
April 2 - 4
April 30 - May 2
June 4 - 6
July 16 - 18
Academic Year 2020 - 2021
September 3 - 5
October 1 - 3
November 5 - 7
December 3 - 5
January 14 - 16
March 4 - 6
April 1 - 3
May 6 - 8
June 3 - 5
July 15 - 17
4 Great Pages on TM.org
Note: The conversion rate on this new page is much higher than previous research pages.
Note: We’re now testing an ad campaign on anxiety.
Note: Some top-performing Centers show this video during their TM Intros.
Note: This is DLF’s most recent “sizzle reel.”
Valued Faculty/Staff,
As a means to best streamline our processes and to provide equal service to everyone on campus,
we in the Mailroom will no longer hand-deliver standard mail (anything that goes into mailboxes, either departmental or personal).
All faculty/staff and students will be responsible for opening their designated mailboxes when picking up their mail beginning Monday, June 3rd.
We will continue our same procedure in checking out larger shipments (packages, certified mail, etc) through our Mailroom pick-up window, delivered warmly by hand.
Thank you for understanding
and thank you for your service to this institution.
Upcoming Events and Courses
Larry Chroman – Maharishi Veda App
Theme: Recent update on the Maharishi Veda App
Dr Larry Chroman, Minister of Trade and Commerce
of the Global Country of World Peace, gave an overview of the Maharishi Veda App.
The app allows anyone with a smartphone or similar device to listen to and/or download a wide range of high-quality Vedic music and recitations, for a modest subscription of $3.99 per month.
All profits go to support the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India.
At the time of writing the app contains nearly 200 recitations, and more are being added all the time, often in response to customer requests or suggestions.
There is a large section for Gandharva Veda music, which can be searched by instrument, time of day, or theme. Vedic recitations include those used daily by people practicing the TM-Sidhi program, but also a vast range of other recitations that will be less familiar.
Maharishi University of Management's Department of Art presents this year’s candidates for the Bachelor of Fine Arts program:
Katia Stewart
Millie King
Ginger Persolus
The show will run: June 14th to June 22nd
Join us for a Live Webinar
Tuesday June 18th or Thursday June 20th
Five Ways Maharishi Vastu Creates a Harmonious Home is open to all and will include questions and answers at the end, which is the perfect opportunity to ask your questions about Maharishi Vastu!
Jon Lipman, AIA, our National Director and Chief Maharishi Vastu architect, will cover the essential elements of Maharishi Vastu, with examples, and announce the latest research, which is the effect of orientation on brain functioning. The webinar will take about an hour.
Click on either link to access the registration page. You will receive an email confirmation with your personal link to the event. A reminder email will also be sent to you the day before the event.
Tuesday, June 18 at 7:30 pm Central time U.S.
(click on THIS link to register for the Tuesday webinar)
Thursday, June 20 at 1 pm Central time, U.S.
(click on This link to register for the Thursday webinar)
You may submit your questions ahead of time to:
subject line: question for webinar; OR submit your question thru the Q & A sidebar during the presentation. (We may not be able to answer all questions, in particular questions about specific situations).
Should you miss the first event, please sign up for the second event up to the time of the presentation. We look forward to having you join us!
2019 Purusha Capital
Top Leaders Coming Again This Year
We invite all male Governors and Sidhas to join us for deep experience and knowledge on one of our courses. During these courses top leaders of the TM
organization will share their knowledge and the latest news and developments in their area of expertise.
For a complete list of all World Peace Assemblies (WPAs) and other courses, including detailed course descriptions, please visit
Upcoming Courses/WPAs
Next Generation
• June 28-July 1 (Fri-Mon) or June 28-July 5 (Fri-Fri), 3 or 7 nights • $350 or $750
Guru Purnima WPA with Dr. Fred Travis
• July 13–20 (Sat-Sat), 7 nights • $950
September WPA • September 7-14, (Sat-Sat)
, 7 nights • $950
Dr. Schneider addresses doctors on the role of managing the mind to manage the aging process
This past spring, Robert Schneider, MD, FACC, Dean of MUM’s College of Integrative Medicine, traveled across the globe to champion the integration of the knowledge and technologies of Maharishi AyurVeda into the worlds of modern medicine and natural traditional medicine.
Dr Schneider spoke at six prestigious conferences and special events, where over a thousand doctors, medical students and Ayurvedic practitioners were inspired by the holistic, science-based approach of Maharishi AyurVeda.
Kathryn Frazier's dynamic presentation at the MUM/DLF sponsored Changemakers event
She starts off answering a question of how she learned about TM years ago via one of her interns at the time, Andrew Runkle, who grew up here. Erin Skipper had taken Kathryn to speak in several MUM classes the day before. They loved her! Watch her talk and you'll see why.
Jason Rodi welcomed
Bob Roth to NOMAD Life TV
for an interview on Transcendental Meditation, during his Montreal visit, the last leg of his Canadian TM Tour. The timing couldn't be better for the release of La Force du Silence, the Québécois version of his best-selling book, Strength in Stillness.
Get the most out of your meditations—and your holiday
Wonder how you’ll fit in your TM sessions with a busy summer? Or looking forward to reconnecting with your TM practice? Here are tried-and-true vacation tips and meditator favorites. With the extra rest, stress relief, and time to yourself, you’ll enjoy your vacation even more, and come home fresh and recharged.
'For years now, I’ve been reading and hearing about transcendental meditation'
For years now, I’ve been reading and hearing about transcendental meditation. TM is a non-religious meditation that was developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. It was popularized in the west in the late 60s when The Beatles undertook a TM training course in India, later denouncing drugs in favor of the meditation and crediting TM for the fertile period of creativity that followed.
Since then, it seems to have become the meditation of choice for celebrities all over the world. Oprah Winfrey paid for 400 of her employees to take the TM course, declaring: “I’m a 1,000% better person if I do (TM)”. Others such as Jerry Seinfeld, David Lynch, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Ellen DeGeneres have all praised the practice for increasing productivity, making them more efficient and less reactive, boosting energy levels and improving their quality of sleep.
Their claims have been backed up by hundreds of peer-reviewed medical studies, and every time I would read such a testimonial, I would promise myself that I would investigate further. It wasn’t until a friend told me that she found her TM practice incredibly helpful in easing her anxiety that I decided to take a leap of faith and get in contact with the Cork branch of TM Ireland.
How to Build a Sovereign Business
Rob Dube
Finding His Own Timeless Place
Bill has figured out his personal business passion. But until just a few years ago, he hadn’t quite figured out how to better control his mind. Like most leaders, Bill struggled with racing thoughts and sleepless nights—until he finally discovered
Many different meditation practices exist. Transcendental Meditation is just one of them, and it’s the one Bill embraced as an integral part of his everyday life. He says Transcendental Meditation likely stuck with him because of its simplicity—it’s all about one word.
Transcendental Meditation primarily differs from other methods because of the secret, one-word mantra given to new practitioners. No one else knows your personal mantra. Then while meditating, meditators let this word flow through their mind. “You're not supposed to try to say the word,” says Bill. “You just let it flow and see where it goes.”
“I could immediately feel the difference,” Bill says “And at the same time, my wife and family also commented on how much more present I was...My mind wasn’t racing around thinking about other things rather than being present. It made a profound impact right out of the gate.”
It also improved his sleep habits. According to his sleep monitor, Bill was receiving less than 30% of quality slumber before starting a meditation practice. Within a couple of weeks of Transcendental Meditation, it was up to 80%.
Bill also notes how body aches, likely tied to his nightly restlessness, vanished. He realized that the benefit behind meditation was much more than mental—it was physical too. With regular restorative sleep, his body could truly go into repair mode.
Meditation improved his leadership abilities as well. It boosted his focus, performance and presence. No longer was his mind constantly bouncing among the endless thoughts of a business owner. Instead, he could concentrate on the current task at hand rather than what just happened or what’s coming next.
It’s all about the present.
Now, Bill dedicates twenty minutes every morning and evening to his meditation practice. If he ever does miss his daily practice, he says, “I don't really feel a big difference in one day. But by missing a couple of days, I feel my mind start racing again.
Then I'm like, ‘Oh yeah. I got to get back to meditating.’”
Want to hear my entire conversation with Bill Flagg? You’ll learn more about his path to business success, his passion for Transcendental Meditation, how his three young daughters are already practicing mindfulness and so much more.
Listen to the entire conversation
on my
A 35-year-old CEO who sold his first startup for $1 billion says he relied on alcohol for years to escape facing his life. Here's why he's giving it up permanently.
Justin Kan, Jun. 7, 2019
I'm pretty new to meditation. I started off using
, which worked reasonably well to create a sense of calm for me throughout the day. After a couple of months, I would do focused meditation following my breath (on average once every other day) for about 10 minutes.
I'm now doing Transcendental Meditation (TM), which Ray Dalio recommends in
Principles: Life and Work
. TM is a form of mantra meditation that is quite easy to adopt, that you do in two 20-minute daily sessions (I do them right when I wake up, and then in a supply closet at work in the afternoon). While this is a big time commitment, I feel like it has paid dividends to my daily happiness, energy, and ability to be present.