Volume 8 Issue 20 | October 21 , 2019
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources
13 Ways To Stay Positive at Work
Paraphrased from an article by  Bryson Kearl, June 18, 2019, Bamboo HR

No one can stay positive at work 100% of the time, of course, but your attitude is contagious—because you interact with many people every day, your good or bad moods can affect your entire organization. It’s important for you to maintain a positive attitude in the workplace as often as possible. Doing so can help you and your team perform better, not to mention  there are many physical and mental benefits  as well. With that in mind, here are 13 ideas for how to stay positive at work:

1. Develop a solid morning routine.
Whatever puts you in a good mood, do that thing every day ie, jogging, listening to music, cooking, warm shower, Ayurvedic massage, etc. At the same time, try cutting out morning habits that cause stress or set the wrong tone for the day—like  checking your phone as soon as you wake up . Weed out the negative and replace it with the positive to make your morning routine serve you. Health and positivity are related, so the more you take care of your body, the better you’ll feel mentally too.

2. Practice gratitude .
Staying positive at work is easier when you lead with gratitude. Try expressing it verbally on a regular basis or performing random acts of kindness to pay it forward. You’ll feel good about yourself and others (and you j ust might live a little longer ).

3. Live healthy.
Make your health a priority. Exercise regularly, and couple that exercise with relaxation and meditation. Among regular exercises, make sure to smile and laugh as often as possible. As with most exercises, you may not be in the mood to do either sometimes, but the more you smile and laugh, the better you’ll be at it (and the better you’ll feel). Also, maintain a healthy diet, stay properly hydrated, and make sure you’re getting enough sleep.

4. Celebrate often.
R ecognizing the excellent performance of your coworkers  and celebrating their successes (big and small) can help everyone stay more positive at work. While bonuses and raises remain the preferred form of reward and recognition,  25 percent of employees  said they would be happiest with a simple “thank you.” When you begin to offer more frequent, sincere recognition, many people will respond in kind. Soon, your whole organization can embrace a culture of positivity and recognition that will carry them forward to the next success.

5. Keep learning.
Whether it be a new job skill or a personal interest, keep learning. Read good books. Pick up new hobbies. Positivity comes from appreciating all the world has to offer, and we may forget the world’s brilliance when we stop learning new things.

6. Take breaks.
It’s too bad people don’t actually come with batteries included. Because that way we would know when we absolutely must recharge. As it is, far too often we keep going until  we’re burned out , at which point trying to stay positive at work (and everywhere else for that matter) is almost impossible. Take small breaks throughout your workday. Giving yourself a chance to rest and recover will make you more productive and happier.

7. Maintain balance.
Make time for the most important people in your life, family and loved ones. If your personal life is in order and you’re in healthy relationships outside of work, it’ll spill over to your job in a good way (and the opposite is also true).

8. Make your coworkers your friends.
It’s always easier to stay in a good mood among friends, so make your coworkers friends! As you’re developing friendships with coworkers, navigate towards positive people. Of course be friendly with everyone, but be careful not to spend too much time around those who are disgruntled or gossipy. They may start to wear off on you, steering you into a dead end of negativity.

9. Decorate your workspace.
It’s a small thing, but if your desk is uncomfortable or sterile, it will affect you. Make your workspace your own. Whether that means it’s covered with family photos or Star Wars paraphernalia, you should surround yourself with the things that remind you to be happy and positive.

10. Set realistic goals.
If you’re setting realistic, achievable goals regularly, you’ll constantly feel accomplished. But if your goals aren’t realistic, you’ll always feel behind, like you’re failing. Unrealistic “stretch” goals may motivate you for a time, but eventually, they will lead to negative feelings and attitudes. Try following the  SMART goals model  so you can get into a steady flow of satisfying work and consistent achievement.

11. Focus on your strengths.
As much as possible, focus on those things you do really well, and keep your head up. From that place of confidence, you should select one or two weaknesses at a time to work on. Trying to tackle the whole list at once is a quick way to burn out, lose confidence, and become pessimistic. On the other hand, making small improvements over time as you lean on your strengths is a great way to stay positive.

12. Be creative.
Creating something—whether it be a piece of art or an innovative solution—brings personal satisfaction. And when you’re creating something that will improve your company, everyone is better off. Others will be grateful for you, you’ll be grateful for their accolades, and they’ll be grateful for your gratitude.

13. Find the positive.
“Assume the Best.” This means keeping a positive, optimistic outlook towards other people and things. When negative thoughts come, or people appear to be acting poorly, look for the positive. Assume that people are trying their best and want to work with you to find the best solution. You’ll be surprised how much good there is in every situation. Just look for it!

There is so much to like in this world. Now go spread some positivity!
Open Positions
Please contact hr@mum.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.

Evening Assistant Manager at the Golden Dome Market
Department Administrator for Physiology and Health Department
Undergraduate Academic Adviser for MUM Online

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here.

Maharishi University of Management is an equal opportunity employer.
Health and Wellness

Rejuvenate your body and mind

With fall on the way, wouldn’t it be great to get rid of built-up toxins and rejuvenate, for health, vitality, and a mental boost? When the seasons change, the ancient health system of Ayurveda recommends several days of specialized massage and herbal cleanses. Nancy Lonsdorf, M.D., Maharishi AyurVeda expert, and Robert Keith Wallace, Ph.D., researcher in physiology, introduce panchakarma, the “karmas” or actions for internal cleansing, and how these transformative treatments work. Plus a Quiz with 10 Tips for detoxing at home!    READ MORE  
Expand Your Awareness with Great Italian Art—and a Tour of Italy
Discover universal qualities of consciousness in the works of Michelangelo and Raphael

Matthew Beaufort, Associate Professor of Humanities, wrote two articles for EnjoyTMNews on Italian art in the light of consciousness: "Expand Your Awareness with Great Italian Art and a Tour of Italy: Discovering Universal Qualities of Consciousness in Art" in the September issue, and "Great Art Energizes Awareness: Discovering Universal Principles of Consciousness in Michelangelo's Sculpture" in the November issue. These articles can be accessed at  enjoytmnews.org  in the Creativity and the Arts section.

Professor Beaufort will lead the MUM Tour of Italy in May 2020 for alumni and TM Meditators. See website  tours.mum.edu   
NEW Show, MUM's Unity Gallery

Featuring works by artist Glenn Goldberg.

The show will run from October 18th through November 16th, 2019.

Unity Gallery is located in the MUM library

Library hours:
Mon-Fri: 8am to 10pm
Sat: 9:30 am to 4pm
Sun: 7pm to 10pm

Business Recognition for Fairfield MakerSpace
It is our pleasure to inform you that Fairfield MakerSpace has been selected for the 2019 Best of Fairfield Awards in the category of Community Center.
For details and more information please view our website:
2019 Best of Fairfield Awards - Community Center
For more information contact:

Rick Ryerse: ryerse@gmail.com
Pam Ryerse: radiantpam@gmail.com
Maharishi School

We are reaching the conclusion of  Step It UP! , our Fall Fundraiser.

Please enjoy this video of students in PreK through Grade 12 at our  Day of Awesomeness . We are nearing our goal of $20,000 and we need your help. The last day to give is October 15.

Can you help us reach our goal?

Your donation makes a difference in the daily lives of our children. With much appreciation, we thank you for your kind support.
Upcoming Events and Courses
Silence the Violence Recap Celebration

TONIGHT Monday October 21st
7:30 - 9:00 pm
Festival Hall

The 2 students who won the all-expenses paid trip to attend the DLF Katy Perry concert in DC return to share their experiences with fellow students & community with video clips, music, and presentations.
The worlds oldest continuous tradition of knowledge on earth is the Vedic tradition of knowledge from which yoga and Transcendental Meditation emerge. There’s much discussion on what the Veda is and isn’t and how it applies to each of us in our daily life. Please join Dr Tony Nader on Tuesday, Oct 22 9:30 AM (Italy time), 1:00PM (Delhi) for the Livestream that deepens the understanding of Veda for each and every individual.

About Dr. Nader
Tony Nader, M.D., Ph.D., M.A.R.R., is an author, medical doctor, and neuroscientist trained at M.I.T. and Harvard University, as well as a globally recognized scholar in the fields of meditation, yoga, and consciousness. As Maharishi Mahesh Yogi’s successor, Dr. Nader is the head of the international Transcendental Meditation organizations, and oversees Consciousness-Based SM  programs in the fields of education, health, business, etc., in more than 100 countries.

2:30 AM CDT
Register early for the webinar: Growing and Kapha Dosha with Vaidya Dinesh Gyawali
Vata, the most dynamic dosha, is responsible for movement and momentum in the body and mind. It tends to change quickly, before the other doshas and is considered the leader of the three doshas. But when out of balance, it can result in restlessness, feelings of anxiousness, hypersensitivity and even poor sleep. Sometimes it’s not just about what we put into our bodies or how we process our experience. Sometimes, it’s simply a matter of age.

As we move into the “Vata Period of Life,” Vata tends to increase naturally. This webinar, featuring Vaidya Dinesh Gyawali, will discuss what to expect as we age and Vata naturally increases. We’ll cover common imbalances during the later stages of life, how to maximize the best of Vata and how best to navigate this period of life through a natural Ayurvedic approach.  
Wednesday, October 23, 2019, 3:00 - 3:30 P.M.
or register and receive the replay link
Upcoming Fall TM-Sidhi Course: CIC#87

  • Fairfield, IA: October 31–November 3, November 7–10, and November 14–17
  • Application deadline: October 17, 2019
  • Contact: Bobbi Ringwalt at cicfairfield@tm.org or 319‑400‑5010

To Develop Higher States of Consciousness, Bring Life into Accord with Natural Law, and Create Heaven on Earth 

The TM-Sidhi program is a natural extension of the Transcendental Meditation technique. During the TM technique the individual experiences “the infinite reservoir of energy, creativity, and intelligence that lies deep within everyone.” (Maharishi) 

The TM-Sidhi program cultures the ability to think and act from this level, self-referral consciousness, making the total potential of natural law available in practical life.The result is greater skill in action- the ability to fulfill one’s desires naturally while effortlessly promoting the evolution of everyone and everything.

One aspect of the TM-Sidhi program is called Yogic Flying. During this practice, at the moment the body lifts up, coherence is maximum in brain wave activity, creating the perfect conditions for the flow of awareness towards the fulfillment of its desire. When Yogic Flying is practiced in groups, this influence of coherence spreads throughout the environment, reducing negative tendencies and promoting positive, harmonious trends in society, contributing to world peace.

“The TM-Sidhi program…trains the conscious mind to function from bliss consciousness, the self-referral state of pure consciousness, which is the total potential of natural law.” (Maharishi)

Part I : In-Center: Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 2, 3; 7, 8, 9, 10; 14, 15, 16, 17, 2019 (12 required meetings- approximately 2 hours each meeting)

Part 2 : In-Residence: Dec. 27, 2019-Jan.10, 2020 (full-time for 2 weeks)

Essential requirements:

  • 2 months regular, twice daily practice of TM
  • one (minimum) weekend Retreat/Residence Course 
  • 6 passport photos
  • 3 or 4 recommendations from Governors
  • $20 application fee
Sunday, October 27
5:00 PM
Fall Semester TM Retreats and WPA's

You are warmly invited to enjoy some deep, revitalizing rest and profound knowledge on these two night, in-residence retreats. Breakfast will be served on-site so you can enjoy your mornings of rest, relaxation and meditation.
Campus TM Retreat & WPA
Thurs, Oct 24 8pm-Sat, Oct 26 noon
Visitors Center, building 153

Thanksgiving Campus TM Retreat & WPA
Thurs, Nov 28 8pm-Sat, Nov 30 noon 
Visitors Center, building 153

On Tuesday, November 5th at 3:30 pm (Festival Hall in the Argiro Center), Dr. Andrew Bargerstock invites you to hear a 30-minute preview of his FREE investment workshop that will take place on Saturday, Nov. 16 and Sunday, Nov. 17 from 1-4 pm in Dreier 102. For the past 7 years, Dr. B has been an investment coach and educator for Rule #1 Investing, a company founded by best-selling author Phil Town near Atlanta, GA. He teaches Warren Buffett style value investing methods. From Dr. B, you will learn how to analyze and select excellent US stocks at a 50% discount. These methods are designed to generate at least 15% average annual rate of return.
For more information, contact Dr. B directly at  andyb@mum.edu .
Spread the word and bring a friend to the informational meeting on November 5th.
Highly Auspicious Days Coming Up for Special Yagyas
Three very special and highly auspicious days are coming soon for those thinking of having a Well-Being/Special Yagya performed. Each of these sequential days offers a specific favorable aspect of Natural Law:

  • Dhanvantri, for health - October 25th
  • Hanuman Jayanti, removing obstacles on the path of enlightenment - October 26th
  • Mahalakshmi, for prosperity and affluence — inner and outer - October 27th

Applying for these yagyas is very easy and can be done  here . To read more about the Special Yagyas please click  here .

All proceeds from the yagyas go towards supporting the Maharishi Vedic Pandits in India and are deeply appreciated.
Special Articles
By William T. Hathaway SEPTEMBER 29, 2019
In the early 1950s, as the newly developed hydrogen bomb cast its mushroom-shaped shadow of megadeath over the world, an aged Indian monk gave his young assistant a mission: create world peace and enlightenment by restoring the ancient global Vedic civilization. The young man was Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and he accepted the responsibility wholeheartedly, fully aware of what an enormous job it was.

Contemporary civilization is in many ways the opposite of Vedic civilization, filled with multifarious forms of damage and suffering that seem to be avalanching us towards annihilation. Vedic civilization, in contrast, had achieved what seems impossible to us now: collective harmony and individual fulfillment.
They achieved this by living in accord with natural law, not as a set of external commandments to be obeyed but as a spontaneous expression of their own inner being. They used Vedic technologies of consciousness to connect their minds to the unified field, the same field that physicists have now discovered to be the ground state out of which the universe manifests. Everything is connected with it, and with the right techniques, we can contact it. “This transcendental field … lies beyond the boundaries not only of perception and thought but beyond individuality, time, and space. In the innermost depths of the mind lies the fundamental reality of life itself, the all-pervading field of unity from which the infinite diversity of the universe is born. Everything in nature, from the flowers on the mountainsides to galaxies without end, arises from within this ocean of crystal-clear consciousness.” 

The Story of Maharishi and How the Teaching of the  Transcendental Meditation  Technique Began

Teaching the world how to find peace within

Vedic scholar Dr. William Sands tells the story of Maharishi’s contributions to the most ancient tradition of knowledge, the Vedic Tradition, and how his teaching profoundly impacted the world. This excerpt is adapted from Dr. Sands’ book,  Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and His Gift to the World, available at mumpress.com.

The most powerful way to understand Maharishi is to experience that entity about which he spoke—the pure intelligence deep within, the basis of individual life, and the source of all creative processes in nature. After all, you can listen endlessly to the description of a strawberry’s flavor, but you will never appreciate it properly without tasting it yourself.

In the coming years there will be books and documentary films that reveal the historical Maharishi. This book, however, will discuss Maharishi in the context of his historic revival of Vedic knowledge, focusing on his teaching and his programs, in particular the Transcendental Meditation technique.

The Beginning of a Journey to Remove Suffering and Bring Peace to Others

Humor Corner
TM in the News
Strength in Stillness and the Law of Pure Potentiality By  Claudia Mason October 8, 2019

Claudia Mason sat down with acclaimed meditation leader, Bob Roth, to learn about his passion for helping others, and how he and The David Lynch Foundation through transcendental meditation, are doing just that.

2019 marks Bob Roth’s 50th year of practicing Transcendental Meditation, and Claudia Mason got to sit down with him to discuss what has changed over the years. From when he first met the founder of the T.M. movement, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, to becoming one of it’s most renowned teachers today. 

Listen in as they speak about the success rate of a meditation practice when treating P.T.S.D. and children with A.C.E., the need for spiritual practices in today’s world and how The David Lynch Foundation is funding the teaching of T.M. in schools and for “at-risk” populations such as the homeless, military veterans, and prison inmates. All that and more.

In that deep rest is the access to all potentiality:

Laura Dern, Famous for Her Flameout Heroines, Is a Low-Key Wellness Hero BY  LAURA REGENSDORF OCTOBER 8, 2019

The actor, who plays a divorce lawyer in Noah Baumbach’s latest film, Marriage Story, finds that every role—even the high-strung ones—manages to “feed the soul.” The same goes for Dern's partnership with the natural beauty brand True Botanicals, whose face oil earned her literally glowing reviews on Big Little Lies.
Speaking of meditation, you've worked on a number of projects with David Lynch, who is synonymous with Transcendental Meditation. Is that kind of groundedness palpable on set, and do you still have your own meditation practice?

I do, and I've not been consistent in my entire lifetime, for sure. I learned to meditate as a kid, but I didn't learn TM until I was 19. Like anything else, different forms work really well for people. I think TM is a clinically tried practice that has proven to lower anxiety and help with focus and multitasking—everything. In the last couple years, I don't know that I've worked with a director who doesn't do a form of meditation, and clearly David has highly influenced my generation of filmmakers. Just having a practice where you are able to really be in the moment and focused—that’s certainly what it gives me before a work day, and then some form of a restart at lunchtime. If all of us did that, it would be amazing. All I know is David's always been incredibly generous and incredibly present, very clear about what he wants, and kind—while handling a beast [on set].