Volume 8 Issue 22 | December 16 , 2019
News for Faculty and Staff from Human Resources
24 email sign-offs to avoid — and the perfect one to use every time
Jacquelyn McKee,  Business Insider 26.09.2019
  • Figuring out how to sign off on a work email can be hard and time consuming.
  • You want to send the right message and come off as a professional, but don't want to be too formal or stuffy either.
  • We consulted three workplace and communication experts to find out which common email sign-offs to avoid, and which one is safe every time.
  • Turns out "Best" is the winner.

Writing an email isn't so hard, but figuring out how to sign off can be a real challenge.

Open Positions
Please contact hr@mum.edu if you know of anyone who has the qualifications and interest to fill any of these positions.

Position:  Senior Software Engineer
Department:  Marketing
Summary of Job Responsibilities:
Responsible for researching, gathering system requirements, system analyzing and designing, developing, testing and deploying, support, enhancement and maintaining coding standards and code documentation.
Requirements:  Must have a Masters degree in Computer Science or a related field plus one year of experience including development: design patterns, system integration, developing reusable components and API, redesign existing components; UI/UX; develop automated tool to replace manual tasks, creating dashboard using PHP, Java and MySQL Server. 

Other Open Positions:
Undergraduate Academic Adviser for MUM Online
Security Officer
Financial Aid Awards Officer
PC/IT Support Technician

For job descriptions and application information on any of these positions click here.

Maharishi International University is an equal opportunity employer.
Health and Wellness
Stress-Free Holiday Travel Tips
by Maharishi Ayurveda Staff Writers on December 1, 2015
Long delays and canceled flights… traffic jams… inclement weather… crowds… wrangling little ones…. all these factors and more can make traveling during the holiday season stressful. Yet, getting together with friends and family is a big part of what makes the season so special.
Is it possible to travel stress-free? Once we understand what imbalances are caused by travel, we can take steps to protect ourselves and prevent them from developing.

Imbalances Caused by Travel
Vata dosha in general tends to get disturbed during travel. In particular, continuous sitting disturbs Apana Vata, which controls the downward movements of elimination and purification. Traveling in fast-moving vehicles and an unpredictable routine aggravate Prana Vata, which controls mental and emotional balance. Pachaka Pitta, responsible for digestion, can also get disrupted by an irregular schedule of meals and sleep.

Steps to Stay Balanced
Maintain physical, mental and emotional equilibrium through travel and hectic times with these ayurvedic tips:

The Week Before Travel
Be meticulous about adhering to a regular routine. Taking pains to keep Vata in balance before travel can help us withstand stress, time pressure, multiple demands and unpredictability.

Maharishi University of Management Becomes Maharishi International University
Fairfield, Iowa, December 11, 2019 — Today it was announced that Maharishi University of Management has been renamed Maharishi International University. The announcement was made by Dr. John Hagelin, president of the university.
The name change is actually a return to the university’s original name: the school was founded in 1971 with the name Maharishi International University. Twenty-five years later, the name was changed to Maharishi University of Management, to reflect that the university offered BA, MBA and Ph.D. programs, and was dedicated to being a preeminent place of learning for the enlightened leaders of tomorrow.
Now, on the cusp of the university’s fiftieth anniversary, the board of trustees determined that the original name is most apt, as the university truly embodies the word “international”:
  • The current student body represents 88 different countries around the world.
  • Approximately 75% of students at the university are from countries other than the US.
  • The university’s footprint is increasingly global, with its affiliated Maharishi Invincibility Institute in South Africa and a growing number of alliances and partnerships with institutions of higher learning around the world.
  • The university’s successful and growing online learning programs have provided access to its unique Consciousness-Based Education to a greatly expanded global population.
Dr. Hagelin said, “I believe this name best reflects who we are, who we’re for, and what we do, and it aptly conveys the global reach of our achievements and ambitions. We are committed to bringing Consciousness-Based Education to seekers of knowledge and enlightenment across the world.”
Upcoming Events and Courses
MA Fall 2019

A new exhibition at MIU's UNITY Gallery
Featuring works by our Masters in Studio Art candidates:
  • Molly Duff
  • Morgan Flores

The show will run from December 13th through January 18th, 2020.

Unity Gallery is located in the MUM library

Library hours:
Mon-Sat: 8am to 10pm
Sun: 7pm to 10pm
with David Lynch and Bob Roth

Broadcast from New York City
Oscar-winning filmmaker
Via LIVE video from his film studio in Los Angeles,
answers questions from the New York audience
CEO of the David Lynch Foundation
Special Articles
Governor of Bali Creates Education for World Peace

The innocence, bliss, coherence, intelligence, purity, simplicity and sincerity of thought in this video is breathtakingly uplifting. It is immediately apparent that everyone in the video is directly experiencing what they are talking about.

The simplicity of the idea is overwhelming. The results are staggeringly undeniable. I don't see how any educator or world leader seeing this video would not run out immediately and apply the technology.

Please take a few minutes today and watch this. You will not regret it. And forward it everywhere you possibly can.

Background: A few years ago the Governor of Bali started a project that had been his life-long aspiration. He wanted to find a way to use education to lift up the poorest of the poor children of Bali...young people who had no chance of getting a good education or finding meaningful life work. Kids and families living in the worst kind of poverty.

He built a model school to attempt that transformation. At first, they failed to produce good results. The kids were overwhelmed, frightened in an away-from-home environment and unable to keep up with their studies. Many of them ran away, back to their poverty stricken villages.

Desperate to find something that worked, he heard about the TM Program in schools and was brave enough to give it a try. TM teachers came and taught all of the teachers, administrators and students. The results were immediate and remarkable. Within two years his experimental school, performing at the lowest levels of academic achievement, became the #1 school in Indonesia. And the Principal was named the #1 school Principal in the country.

The Governor was so excited about the results that he started organizing conferences for all the Principals in Bali, and now only three years later, a project is underway to teach Transcendental Meditation and the advanced TM-Sidhi Program, including Yogic Flying, to every student in every school in Bali.

Here is the heart-warming and inspiring short video the students made to describe what is happening there...in the first half minute you will see young girls singing a beautiful traditional Balinese song...as you watch and listen, remember that these are girls from the poorest of families, who in most cases have never had their children educated before.

Dr Girish Momaya and Lothar Pirc
Theme: Great strides in acceptance of Maharishi AyurVeda

Maharishi AyurVeda is making great strides in acceptance and implementation by governments, health authorities and scholars in many countries around the world. 

Two people intimately connected with this expansion are Dr Girish Momaya and Lothar Pirc, Founder and Director of the MAV Health Centre Bad Ems, Germany.

In the last twelve months there have been many breakthrough events:

Vedic organic agriculture explained by Dr. Peter Swan

New TM Study: PET scans show Transcendental Meditation with cardiac rehabilitation increases blood flow to the heart
PET scans show Transcendental Meditation with cardiac rehabilitation increases blood flow to the heart . Can more be done besides diet and exercise to better recover from a heart attack, a stroke, or to prevent one? Scientists from Columbia University Irving Medical Center and the Institute for Prevention Research conducted a study, with and without meditation, to find out.

Randomized, controlled pilot study
The researchers randomly divided the subjects into four groups: cardiac rehabilitation, Transcendental Meditation, Transcendental Meditation plus cardiac rehabilitation, or usual care.

Within 4 days of posting the  press release  there were well over 12,000 page views on EurekAlert! Some significant science news websites that reported on the study were HealthImaging Meditation increases blood flow in the heart, PET scans show ; and PsychCentral Transcendental Meditation with Cardiac Rehab Can Increase Blood Flow to Heart .

Gary Null discussed the need for prevention on his show’s podcast and shared news of newly published natural approaches for improving heart health. He included MUM’s study at CUIMC from  26:28 to 27:10 .
Humor Corner
TM in the News
The Best Places That Travelers With a Sweet Tooth Should Visit Mark Ellwood Nov. 29, 2019

While you’re grounded–and frustrated–for that 20 minutes before the plane takes off, I’ve learned to meditate. I mean, if your flight’s delayed, and you’re grounded, and you don’t have cell service, it’s a good time. I took a four-day seminar with David Lynch. My mind can tend to move around fast, and I wanted something to clear my head that was quick. I find transcendental meditation very helpful; other [kinds] you need to not hear anybody, and it’s kinda impossible. I do a 20-minute meditation you can do anywhere: You just sit there, close your eyes, and you have a mantra you just repeat to block out other thoughts and sounds. I literally do that, and I’m energized and un-frustrated for the rest of the flight. Right after, it’s as if I slept all night.

Singer Tommy Victor's Meditation Practice Helps Inspire Prong's New Single 'Age of Defiance': Premiere
11/26/2019 by  Saby Reyes-Kulkarn
“I love this lyric because we live in a reactionary period where people [feel they] have to take a stance,” says Victor. “Maybe the answer is no stance.” He explains that the song is also inspired by how he has been practicing Transcendental Meditation for the past few years, calling it “a natural progression” in his thinking about how to handle conflict. “I’ve banged my head against the wall, I’ve fought, I’ve tried to react, and it comes to this, where I would rather lay down my defense. That’s the answer I’ve seen as being the way to go. I mean, why just keep defying?”