Once again, Pork Checkoff brings you four production-focused webinars in August. Simply
register for these one-hour sessions
on pork.org prior to their 1 p.m. EST / Noon CDT start each Tuesday and hear some of the latest research and practical applications of the following topics:
Aug. 6: What Does the Data Say about Mortality?
Data can tell us a lot about when, where and why pigs leave the herd, but data is only as good as how it is collected. Valerie Duttlinger of Swine Management Services will talk about how data can be interpreted to highlight areas of improvement that lead to improved pig health, welfare and productivity.
August 13: Managing Piglets from Birth to Weaning
On most farms, the time from birth to weaning is when the most mortality occurs. University of Illinois’ Mike Ellis will discuss management practices that can optimize a pig’s chance of survival during this critical period.
August 20: Nutrition of Health-challenged Pigs
Health-challenges are one of the major causes of pig mortality. Iowa State’s Nick Gabler will discuss nutritional approaches to help sick pigs through health-challenges and how that can translate into reduced pig mortality.
August 27: An Overview of Pig Survivability Research
Learn about the ongoing results from a comprehensive, 5-year coordinated research, training and outreach program to improve pig health, welfare and productivity. Iowa State’s Jason Ross will go over the work being done by 17 investigators from three research institutions.