LOOK! The TOS International  e-Newsletter has a new format.
In this issue: TOS Around the  World, Pakistan, Canada and Australia;
Hutoxy Contractor - A life of devotion to service;
What's new on the TOS website?
Theosophical Order of Service International Newsletter
EN 38 March 2016
Dear TS and TOS members and friends,

We've often heard it said that children are our future. For that future to be bright, our children need to be well cared for, nurtured, loved and educated. In past newsletters, we've shared with you some of the things that TOS members and groups are doing to care for children and to ensure that even the poorest boys and girls have a quality education, most especially an education that is character building and helps to instill in them theosophical values. This month you can read about what the TOS in Canada and Pakistan are doing to support the education of children and youth, and our Featured Project highlights a TOS school in Rayagada, India that is working to become a truly theosophical school.
  "I slept and dreamed that life is joy. I woke and saw that life is service. I acted, and behold, service is joy."
                   - Rabindranath Tagore
TOS Around the World
Mr Mayet, Director of TOS Pakistan, and Ms Damani present the scholarship donation from the United Nations Women's Guild to trainee nurses at Holy Family Hospital, Karachi, Pakistan.
TOS Pakistan Nursing Scholarship Programme
The TOS Pakistan in collaboration with the United Nations Women’s Guild, Geneva, Switzerland provides scholarships to 15 girls to study nursing at the Holy Family Hospital, Karachi. The support has enabled girls from the marginalised Christian community, too, to train as nurses and get a diploma in a short span of three years. The results are relatively rapid and the impact on the future of the nurses and their families will be tremendous. Read more here.

TOS Canada sponsors students at Golden Link College
  We have been asked if it is possible for individuals or groups to sponsor individual students at the Golden Link College or other TOS sponsored schools. It is! As one of its national projects, the TOS Canada has sponsored students at GLC since 2004, each year paying the tuition for two students, Jubilee Taguinod and Clyde Lamina. Read more here to see pictures of the children and thank you letters from them and their mothers. If you’d like more information about sponsoring students, please contact us at    
  Part of the group that participated in the October 2015 TOS Australia Cambodian tour.
TOS Australia fundraiser to the Kingdom of Cambodia Oct. 2015
              by Jean Carroll
I n our June 2015 TOS e-newsletter we told you about the service-oriented Cambodian tour being planned by the TOS Australia . Please click here for a report of that tour written by Jean Carroll, Director TOS Australia and tour organiser par excellence. She assures us that an inspiring time was had by all. After reading Jean ’s report, please click here for an enthusiastic account of the same journey from the perspective of one of the participants, social anthropologist, Dr Olga Gostin of the TOS in Adelaide. Her report was published in TOS Links , the newsletter of the TOS in Australia.  Enjoy discovering the newsletter, Olga’s report and the additional photos.
Hutoxy Contractor - A life of devotion to service
We say goodbye to to Hutoxy (pronounced Hutsy) Contractor, 79, a stalwart member of the TOS in America. Hutsy had a B.A. in sociology and anthropology.She and her husband, Dinshaw, originally from India, were married in 1958 and  continued their ancestral Zoroastrian faith in the United States where they raised five children. Hutsy is survived by her husband, Dinshaw and four children, Rashna, Yasmin, Yazdi and Arnavaz. Sadly, their fifth child, Shernaz died in an accident in 1985.
Read more here
What's new on the TOS website?

Shashi and Mahendra Singhal

Mahendra and Shashi in action!
What is our immediate past International Vice-President of the Theosophical Society, Brother Mahendra Singhal, up to now?

As a former National Director of the TOS in India, Mahendra Singhal is passionate about service. What is more natural, then, than for him to be deeply plunged in the support of a major new initiative, one initiated by Mr Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India himself?  Read more here.

 Students at thatched hut where TOS Rayagada School began
TOS Annie Besant Model School, Rayagada, Odisha
From its humble beginnings as a balwadi (nursery) school in 1992, the TOS Annie Besant Model School has developed into a government recognised school from nursery to class VII. Currently, emphasis is being placed on developing theosophically-based educational methods such as those outlined in Vic Hao Chin’s booklet Establishing Theosophical Schools. Read more here.
How Does Your Garden Grow?
by Betty Bland
In this delightful article entitled  How Does Your Garden Grow? American TOS worker, Betty Bland, compares the way we look after our houseplants with the way we cultivate our spiritual nature. “Just as good intentions alone do not provide the sustenance needed by the plant, so do our spiritual roots starve if we prefer to think good thoughts without putting them into action….With regular care and watering, the soul exhibits amazing strength in overcoming adversity and unfolding its potential.”  Read more here.
To make this world a better place

"To make this world a better place,
Lay stepping stones for a selfless race,
Work for others' progress at steady pace,
Our interactions with love and sweet face,
The courage and follies of others discreetly embrace,
When facing challenges, seek Divine Grace."  
                           - By Mrs Parinaz Gandhi
                              TOS Mumbai, India