Optimal GI Health is key to optimal energy levels!
Good news! We may have found an important a key to why you are so tired. The gastrointestinal (GI) tract is where you absorb nutrients (and toxins)—it brings nutrients into the blood and that blood then goes through the liver. When our gut health is not optimal, we will absolutely feel tired and sluggish. Please read below to understand a little more about gastrointestinal imbalance and the role it may play in your fatigue.
Next a culture and sensitivity test is run to determine which herbs will kill the types of bad bacteria or yeast that you have.
About gastrointestinal imbalance
When our good bacteria is low, the bad bacteria can colonize and produce semi-toxins in our GI tract and when that happens we can have gas, bloating, and foul or irregular stools. 
Antibiotics anyone? Our good bacteria cannot live through many courses of antibiotics. This very often leads to candida, or yeast overgrowth in the bowels. Candida eats sugars and carbohydrates. When it takes root in your gut, it can cause you to want to eat more carbs! When candida eats and grows in your body, it off-gasses toxins. These toxins get absorbed, make us tired and use up valuable resources to be detoxed out of the body. 

Unhealthy bacteria or yeast = unhealthy gut = excess toxins in blood = toxic liver burden = TIRED! 

We can take good bacteria or probiotics yes, however, without knowing which organisms have taken root, you will most likely eventually end up with the same issues again. There are twenty six different strains of candida and each one is killed by a different herb or set of herbs. There are hundreds of bad bacteria we are exposed to daily!  

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