A Message From Our President

At Atlantic Health Partners, we’re proud to partner with healthcare providers across all 50 states. To support our members, we aim to provide them with valuable resources that help strengthen and grow their immunization programs. This month, we’re excited to share our most recent blog, The Complete Guide to Vaccine-Preventable Diseases for Babies & Children. As the third installment in our "Guide to Vaccination" series, which focuses on the CDC's immunization recommendations for varying patient populations, we hope to offer insights that empower your immunization program to thrive.

We know vaccine procurement isn't always seamless, but we’re here to help. As always, please reach out if you have any questions.

- Jeff Winokur, President

The Latest

The Complete Guide to Vaccine-Preventable Diseases for Babies & Children

For parents and caregivers, it can be overwhelming to navigate a child’s healthcare decisions. Vaccination is an important part of keeping children healthy, and routine childhood immunization is one of the lowest-cost and most effective ways to control disease and extend lifespan. By providing parents with immunization resources, engaging in conversations about recommended vaccines, and encouraging well-child visits, healthcare providers can increase childhood vaccination and strengthen the collective immunity of generations to come.

 Read the full blog  

Did You Know?

Haemophilus influenzae is a bacterium that causes often-severe infections, such as bacterial meningitis and pneumonia. The infection is primarily common among infants with an estimated 60% of invasive infection occurring before 12 months of age. In the early 1980’s, the infection was highly prevalent and there were an estimated 20,000 annual cases. In 1988, the first Hib conjugate vaccine was licensed for use in the United States and, since the vaccine’s introduction, the CDC has reported a 99% reduction in the incidence of invasive Haemophilus influenzae infections.

Flu Orders Are Now Open!

While it may seem early, it’s already time to begin planning for the upcoming flu season. To ensure you fulfill your flu vaccine procurement needs, it’s important to utilize your member benefits and place your flu reservation in advance. Atlantic Health Partners offers favorable pricing and terms for all flu products, including those offered by Sanofi Pasteur, Seqirus, GlaxoSmithKline, and AstraZeneca.


If you need any assistance while making your flu reservation, contact us

Clinical Spotlight

Vaxneuvance™ (Pneumococcal 15-Valent Conjugate Vaccine)

Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines help prevent against pneumococcal disease, any illness caused by Streptococcus pneumoniae bacteria. In 2021, Merck & Co.’s Vaxneuvance™ vaccine, a pneumococcal 15-valent conjugate vaccine (PCV15), was approved for use in the United States and is now one of the primary PCV CDC recommendations. Since the vaccine’s introduction, it's been estimated that PCVs have prevented over 282,000 invasive infections. Learn more >

2023 Immun-Insights: The Current State of Immunology and What Lies Ahead in 2024

The past three years have been transformative for the vaccine industry. In our latest blog, we analyze current immunization trends, reflect on vaccine advancements, and identify opportunities and challenges for immunology strategies in 2024 and beyond.

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Best Practices for Vaccine Storage, Handling, and Inventory Management

Immunization is a powerful form of protection against infectious diseases. However, without proper storage conditions, immunity is impacted and vaccine solutions risk hosting bacterial growth and rendering defective. As a reminder of the Center for Disease Control (CDC) protocols, we have accumulated a list of best practices for vaccine storage, handling, and inventory management.

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Seven Vaccines for Patients Over 50

Vaccines are important for patients of all ages, not just children and adolescents. As patients age, their risk of infection and heightened symptom severity may increase, making it important to stay up to date with routine vaccinations. We offer an overview of vaccines recommended for patients 50 and over.

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