Birthplace: Sweetser’s Ricker Farm
The Experiential Learning Program at the Eslie J. Parquette School has yielded a spring crop including triplets born to Mocha: Pepper, Salt and Ferdinand are doing well! And Maple and her baby Lambo are also doing well. Students in the Art/Multimedia class
made this video
to give a progress report.
Sweetser and Domino’s Deliver a Special Message
Mental Health Month in May
, Sweetser is building awareness of ways that everyone can achieve better mental health. Again this year, we have partnered with
Lee and Amanda Prior of Domino’s Pizza
to distribute 10,000 flyers statewide through pizza deliveries from their stores. We hope that you will register for
the confidential online wellness tool that Sweetser is offering for free. Learn more about
myStrength and COVID-19
resources for support.
Checking in on Community Partners
Mobile Crisis Services team member Heath Seeley made the rounds in April with local partners including the Kennebunk Police Department. This time in addition to bringing crisis services handouts, he made the visit sweeter with donuts! In the photo, left to right, Heath, K-9 Officer Kaitlyn Sawyer with K-9 Otto, and Sergeant Anthony Clukey.
our volunteers
Sweetser is fortunate to have wonderful volunteers. We are so appreciative of those who have made face coverings for our staff and clients in Residential and Crisis Services. Our volunteers include the grandmother of Nick Blunier, the art teacher at Sweetser’s Eslie J. Parquette School. Judy Blunier (in the photo with her husband Marvin), lives in Illinois, but supported the effort from afar! Contact Volunteer Manager Susan Hawthorne at
if you would like to be involved.
Thanks to everyone for supporting this ongoing effort:
Fiddlehead Artisan Supply/Sewing Masks for Maine, Seacoast Mask Makers, Sarah Del Tergo, Christine Washington, Jeanne Bard, Rebecca Ryan, Vonla Murdock, Muriel Quinn, Diane Johnson, Dorothy David, Rebecca Ryan, Judy Blunier,
Susan Hawthorne
Pat Beaudoin
Briana LaPointe
Sewing Masks for Maine Brunswick
Leslie Fetzer, The Chaplin Family, Susan Stanley, Jo-Ann Bertrand
Joanne Pineau, Nana Cronin
Candace Remillard and Maine Department of Corrections.
Learn about the
, which offers incentives to give.
Our services are needed more than ever ...
28 and growing
- Sweetser Crisis Intervention Specialist Priscille Dixon was recognized by Bridgton Hospital for making hospital staff aware of someone in the parking lot who was in need of medical attention. While leaving the hospital, Priscille noticed someone sitting in a car and went up to the window. She noticed the woman was very confused so she spoke to her and got assistance.
- School vacation week activities: in our Residential Services in Saco students participated in a Talent Show, and those in the Belfast Residential Services went fishing with some newly donated poles!
- Developmental Services is keeping their clients happy and healthy with a virtual book club through the Bangor Public Library, and providing stay-at-home fitness activities and videos through Special Olympics.
- Staff and clients in the Crisis Stabilization Unit in Lewiston repurposed two end tables to create wonderful games of Parcheesi and Checkers!
Students sprout good deed
Paying forward a donation of seeds from
Johnny’s Selected Seeds
and an anonymous donor, students at the Eslie J. Parquette School are growing flowers, herbs and vegetables for an annual plant sale hosted by the Saco Grange #53 on North Street in Saco. The sale will be held on Saturday, May 23 from 9 a.m. – Noon, and benefits adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities who grow produce for local restaurants through Cultivation Works’ Teenie Greenies program.
Sweetser Events Rescheduled
50 Moody Street, Saco, Maine
We’re here to help
Access services by calling The PromiseLine at 1-800-434-3000