District Newsletter

October 9, 2024 | Vol 2 Issue #2

2024 Teacher of The Year

Congratulations to Ms. Hannah Hoy, Library Media Specialist at Stony Lane Elementary School. Ms. Hoy was nominated by her students and families for her dedication to learning and the opportunities she provides to her students on STEM education.

2024 Education Support Professional of The Year

We are very proud of Mrs. Malley for receiving the 2024 Education Support Person of The Year award. Mrs. Malley was nominated by her colleagues for her continued dedication, huge heart, and kindness that she provides to the children, families, and staff of Quidnessett Elementary School!

NKSD #2 in RI!

According to the recent school rating report by NICHE the North Kingstown School Department is the #2 Best School in Rhode Island.

Best School Districts in RI

Proposed School Bond Capital

Improvement Projects

 As we continue to strive for excellence in education, it is essential that we also ensure our facilities reflect our commitment to creating a safe, innovative, and effective learning environment for all students. 

 Our schools play a vital role in shaping the future of our children and our community. We are fortunate to have dedicated educators, engaged families, and talented students who contribute to the success of our district. However, as we look ahead, we must also address the significant challenges posed by the aging facilities and infrastructure in North Kingstown. 

Many of our buildings are decades old and, while they have served us well, they require substantial upgrades to continue providing safe, effective learning environments for our students. The wear and tear over time, combined with new educational demands, mean that we can no longer delay essential improvements. 

It is the vision of the North Kingstown School Department to keep two middle schools in our town. The plan is to build a new Wickford Middle School on the current property of the school. The new school will be built where the current athletic fields are. Once the new school is built new fields will be laid out where the current school is located. We have identified specific renovations for Davisville Middle School over the next 5 years. Each Elementary School will also receive renovations with the proposed School Bond. The School Bond in the amount of $137,200,000 is on the ballot for this November's election.

These capital improvement projects are not just about maintaining our buildings; they are about ensuring that every child in our district has the opportunity to learn in a safe, supportive, and inspiring environment. Quality facilities are a critical component of educational success, and they reflect our community’s commitment to the future. 

Your voices are important to us. We value your participation in shaping the future of our district. You can use the link below to forward any questions you have. We will compile answers into our FAQ.


You can also find past and recent presentations from the School Building Committee on our School Facility Projects page


District-Wide Improvements:

  • All elementary schools need roof replacements as well as upgrades to their heating and ventilation systems;
  • Heating and Ventilation upgrades to NKHS and Davisville Academy;
  • Security vestibules will be added to Fishing Cove, Hamilton, Quidnessett, Stony Lane, and Davisville Academy;
  • ADA accessibility upgrades to Davisville Middle School, Fishing Cove, Hamilton, Quidnessett, and Stony Lane;
  • Fire alarm replacement to Forest Park Elementary School;
  • Plumbing and bathroom upgrades at Fishing Cove, Forest Park, Hamilton;
  • New Boiler at Davisville Academy;
  • New Water Filling Stations at NKHS, Stony Lane, Quidnessett, & Davisville Academy;
  • Add classroom walls at Stony Lane, Quidnessett, and Fishing Cove Elementary schools;

Renovations to Davisville Middle School

  • New 21st Century Library Media Classroom;
  • Offices/Instructional Spaces for Social Worker, School Psychologist, and Student Assistance Counselor;
  • Plumbing and bathroom upgrades;
  • New water filling stations;
  • New student lockers;
  • Replace existing operable classroom walls with permanent walls;
  • New Conference Room;
  • Upgrade Heating and Ventilation systems with new Cooling systems (AC);
  • ADA compliance upgrades;
Click here for a full listing of Capital Improvement Projects and estimated costs

New Wickford Middle School

  • To be built adjacent to the existing building
  • Construction of a new 79,500 sq ft school
  • 400 students
  • Net Zero Building
  • Geo-Thermal heating
  • Solar PVC
  • 21st Century Learning Spaces
  • Media Center and Tech/STEM Lab
  • Designated Choral, Music, and Art studios

If you have questions related to the proposed school facility projects please include them in this google form https://forms.gle/6kE215qJHhw5NgWP9

We will add responses to our FAQ documents.

Public Forum on School Construction and

School Bond

October 21, 2024

6:30 - 7:30 pm

North Kingstown High School Media Center

  • Presentation on Capital Improvement Projects &

new construction of Wickford Middle School

  • Question and Answer Forum

School Safety

Coordinated Emergency Exercise

 On Tuesday, September 10 the school department participated in a coordinated emergency exercise drill with the Town, NK Police and NK Fire Departments. The purpose of an emergency exercise is to help us learn how to respond to an emergency, and to prepare for and mitigate the effects of a disaster.

   Through continued training and practice drills we will ensure our schools and community are safe places for our students, staff, and families. More information will be shared in the future about family reunification plans. 

   In the meantime, please talk to your children about your own family emergency plans. If there is an early release due to weather or an emergency please make sure your children know what they are to do. In an early release any students who are transported by bus will be brought home. 

Importance of School Safety

I would like to take this time to share with you the importance of school safety and the safety of our students and staff in the North Kingstown School Department. The safety and well-being of our students, staff, and visitors is always our top priority. To ensure that we are prepared for any unforeseen emergencies, we have developed comprehensive emergency plans that are designed to protect our students, staff, and community. In accordance with the RI Schools Emergency Act, we are informing you of the type of emergency drills we will conduct in our schools. 

The North Kingstown District Emergency Team, in collaboration with our local police and fire departments, have developed comprehensive emergency plans for various situations, including natural disasters, fire, medical emergencies, and other potential incidents. These plans have been carefully designed in collaboration with local authorities and school staff to follow best practices to ensure preparedness and an effective response.

Emergency Drills: We conduct regular drills at all of our schools, including fire, lockdown, shelter in place and evacuation. These exercises help our students and staff practice how to respond calmly and quickly in an emergency.

  • Fire Drills: The fire alarm is sounded to alert students and staff to quickly and safely exit the building through the nearest door. They will report outside to a designated location where attendance will be taken.
  • Shelter in Place: A shelter in place may be used for a medical emergency, if there is a missing student, protection of the outdoor environment, or external airborne contaminants. 
  • Lock Down: A Lock Down occurs when there may be an imminent threat inside or outside the school. All movement within the school is restricted.
  • Evacuation: An evacuation is the orderly movement of students and staff from a school building to another area when conditions outside are safer than inside.

Communication Protocols: In the event of an emergency, we will promptly communicate with parents and guardians through our emergency notification system. Please make sure your contact information is up to date to receive timely alerts.

Student Reunification Process: If an evacuation or lockdown is necessary, we will have a clear process in place to reunite students with their families. We will share specific instructions regarding pickup locations and procedures during an emergency.

Emergency Contacts and Resources: We encourage families to review their emergency contact information and ensure that the school has accurate details. Additionally, it’s essential that students are aware of emergency contacts and procedures both at school and at home.

We understand that emergencies can be stressful. We want to assure you that we are doing everything possible to keep our school community safe. Throughout the school year your child will be trained in these emergency procedures. Each school will conduct fire drills, lock down drills, and evacuation drills. While it can be unsettling to think about situations that require emergency response, frequent review and practice will reduce hazards and help everyone to be prepared in an actual event. We appreciate continued trust and cooperation as we work together to maintain a safe learning environment for all.

North Kingstown High School, Davisville Middle School, and Wickford Middle School continue to partner with the Sandy Hook Promise program to provide the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System.

All middle school and high school students have access to this reporting system on their Chromebooks.

We teach our students that if they see something or hear about something that does not seem safe they can report it to a trusted adult at the school or through our reporting system.

To learn more about the Sandy Hook Promise Program you can access their website at the below link.

Sandy Hook Promise
2024-2025 School Calendar

Teaching and Learning

2024 Survey Works

Here are some significant improvements from last year in 2024 Survey Works data for North Kingstown:


Elementary student rates improved in 9 out of 10 Topics

Secondary student rates improved in 10 out of 10 Topics

Teacher rates improved in 9 out of 10 Topics

Support Professional rates improved in 7 out of 10 Topics

Family rates improved in 4 out of 5 Topics

Grade 3-5 Students:

84% Favorability for School Rigorous Expectations

78% Favorability for School Safety (12 points above state average)

Grade 6-12 Students:

5% gain in Risk/Protective Outcome (trust in school protections)

5% gain in School Safety (perceptions of physical and psychological safety in school)

5% gain in School Climate (perceptions of overall social and academic climate of school)


9% gain in School Climate

10% gain in Building Leadership (perceptions of leadership effectiveness)

9% gain in Professional Learning

9% gain in Frequency of Professional Learning Activities

Support Professionals:

6% gain in School Climate

8% gain in Cultural Awareness/Student Focus

7% gain in Professional Learning


8% gain in Family-School Communication

Click HERE for detailed information about Survey Works

Attendance Data

2023-2024 Chronic Absenteeism

NK School District

  • Rate of 14.8% (among best in RI among school districts)
  • 3% improvement from previous year
  • Every NK school lowered chronic absenteeism rate from previous year

School Chronic Absenteeism Rates

  • DMS- 19.5% (5.2% improvement from previous year)
  • Fishing Cove- 10.8% (2.3% improvement from previous year)
  • Forest Park- 9.6% (3.1% improvement from previous year)
  • Hamilton- 9.5% (0.9% improvement from previous year)
  • North Kingstown High School- 18.2% (3% improvement from previous year)
  • Quidnessett- 26.9% (1.1% increase from previous year)
  • Stony Lane- 5.5% (2.1% improvement from previous year)
  • Wickford Middle School- 14% (1.1% improvement from previous year)

For more information about school attendance, click HERE

Click here to Apply

Kenneth A. Duva, Ed.D.

Superintendent of Schools

"Inspiring Students to Reach Individual Excellence"

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