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December 2020 Volume 10 number 12


News, Tips and Happenings
Dear Shipmates:

BlueJacket is getting a new roof put on. The metal roof is guaranteed for 40 years.
On a much sadder note, Charlie Cook, the voice behind our toll-free help line, passed away earlier this week. He died peacefully in his sleep at age 86. He helped probably a thousand modelers during that time. His soft and gentle demeanor instilled confidence in the new modeler, and courage to proceed. Always patient, his wealth of knowledge was readily shared with all. Jack M. of TX was especially fond of Charlie, and said that of the 12 models he's built, Charlie helped him on all of them. The only thing bigger than the shoes he's left to fill is the size of his heart. He's reunited with is wife Lorraine, who passed this last April. We will miss him terribly.
BlueJacket is a proud sponsor of:
Model Ship World is an on-line forum of over 39,000 ship modelers. Topics range from kits to scratch builds, in-process continuing stories, tips, manufacturer information, technical topics. Too many to list here. Go take a look!

We get emails......
On the comment in the "we get e mails" that referred to the 15 laws of physics. There is an engineering law ( that also applies to modeling) that I have personal experience with:
This law states that if one phase of a project goes better than expected, the following phases will prove to be more difficult than anticipated.

Love your newsletter

Dick from New Hampshire
Nautical terms and origins
Buntlines - Lines on a square-rigger, attached to the foot of a sail, leading up its forward side, for furling. The origin is the Old English word byndel, meaning bundle.

Dan Buoy - A temporary buoy for any of several purposes, usually associated with fishing, or sometimes anchoring. The origin of Dan in this connection is obscure; it is said to be Daniel, but whether biblical or otherwise does not seem to be recorded.

Stirrup - A short stout line holding a footrope close to its yard on a square-rigger. It may well have got its name because an earlier word for footrope was horse. The word came via Middle English, stirop, from Old English Stigrap, a mounting rope.

Wending - An old term for tacking. The origin of this term is the Anglo-Saxon wealan, turn.

Information is from the book "Origins of Sea Terms" by John G. Rogers
copyright 1985 Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and available from BlueJacket. 
Model of the Month -Shipyard Diorama
This is from Lowell F. of CA
Hi Nic,

The attached 3 photos show my most recent effort to support the Lake Pontchartrain Basin Maritime Museum. In 1918 the local shipyard, Jahncke Shipbuilding Corp., was contracted by the Government to build Ferris Wooden Cargo Ships in support of WWI activities. The diorama is the result of a three year effort and includes all the structures to support the shipyard activity. The ship on the way is the Bayou Teche, which currently resides in Mallows Bay along with many of its sisters in a water sanctuary. The diorama is 3' x 5' and is built in 1/96 (1/8") scale. Bluejacket served as a very reliable source for many of the fittings used in this project. The primary wood used for the models is jelutong with the building frames being Louisiana Cypress.

I enjoy your newsletter very much.

Best Wishes,
Lowell F.
Real Boat Names
OK, so it's not a boat, but I thought it was clever. Bet he's a fisherman!
I took this shot while in a DD drive-thru line.
Let's see YOUR workbench
This is from Ray F. of ME.

Hi!!  As you requested in your newsletter her is my Work Bench. As you can see here is an other Steam Boat that I am working on.
Take care  Ray
What's on the workbench?
Nic's bench - The end is in sight for the Red Jacket. I've been doing the braces.
Al's bench - While waiting for the photo etch on the USS Oregon, Al has started to work on the NS Savannah. Here's a picture of the master hull blank.
Something Fun
Tip of the Month - Workshop Light
I got this light this past summer, and don't know how I got along without it! It's an LED screen on a flexible stalk, with a clamp base. I screwed the base to the workbench so it wouldn't move. The light has 3 light levels.

What's so great is that now I can have light sideways on the model, not just down from above. Especially when working deadeyes, which are typically black, with a black background. Also to work on small parts on the bench. Here's a couple of photos.
Blatant Publicity
A Final Thought...
Variety is the spice of life.........

Indeed. BlueJacket's variety of model kits is extremely broad. Of course there are kits for every skill level, from the most basic models to kits that challenge the most experienced among us.

Variety also means different types of ships. Schooners, square riggers, work boats, cargo ships, warships, ironclads, explorers, fishing boats, racing yachts, pleasure boats, WWII, radio control, and half hulls. There's truly "something for everyone" in our lineup.

And we're always developing new kits that are sure to please.

Nic Damuck
BlueJacket Shipcrafters, Inc.