Fairfax Newsletter | February 6, 2024


Rain, wind, and power outages

Over the weekend, we experienced heavy rains and wind that caused power outages throughout Fairfax, and the rest of California. Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) called this “one of the top three most damaging, single-day storms on record.”  

When PG&E notified the Town of potentially extended power outages, we set up a charging station in the Police Department lobby Monday evening and planned to open another charging station in the Pavilion, but power was restored around midnight this morning.

During the storm, the Ross Valley Fire Department responded to a total of 71 calls for service, with 33 of those calls occurring in Fairfax alone. Notably, 26 calls came in on Sunday, and an extraordinary 23 of those were received between 3:00 PM and 6:30 PM on that day. 

Review and comment on Fairfax's Local Hazard Mitigation Plan

Towns and cities are periodically required to update their Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (LHMP). The LHMP is used to identify and address hazards within their communities.

Residents of Fairfax are encouraged to provide comments and feedback on the proposed LHMP plans. Fairfax has been working together with other Marin jurisdictions on a Multi-Jurisdictional Local Hazard Mitigation Plan (MJLHMP). Feedback will be shared with the administrators of the MJLHMP for consideration.

Comments should be emailed to Paul Bockrath at The comment period closes Sunday, February 11, 2024.

Fairfax Festival opens Poster and T-shirt Contest

Every year, the poster and T-shirt art for the Fairfax Festival is decided through their annual Poster & T-Shirt Contest. Entries are submitted and voted on by the Festival Committee.

The winning entry will be the artwork judged to best capture the spirit and essence of the upcoming Festival.

There is no cost to enter. This contest is open to all artists high school age and up.

Upcoming Town Council Meeting - February 6

The next regular Town Council meeting will be held tomorrow, on Wednesday, February 6, 2024 at 6:30 p.m. at the Women's Club.

Agendas are posted online 72 hours in advance of the meeting. You can subscribe to have them sent directly to your email inbox.

Submit a public comment for the upcoming meeting

Email written comments to the Town Council before 3:00 p.m. to be posted online. Emails received after the cutoff time will be posted online and made part of the meeting record the next business day. 

Apply to Serve on a Board or Commission!

It’s not too late to apply! We’re recruiting to fill vacancies on Fairfax’s boards and commissions, including, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, and Community Emergency Preparedness Committee. 

Participating on a board or commission is a great way to get involved with your community and your local government. Learn more and apply online!

Climate Action

Electric Landscape Equipment Rebates

Starting from January 1, 2024, it is mandatory for residents, Town staff, contractors, and commercial landscapers to use electric (battery-operated or corded) or manual landscape equipment.

Good news! We continue to offer rebates for both residents and landscapers who purchase eligible electric landscape equipment from Fairfax Lumber & Hardware. Additionally, you can receive a rebate discount at the point of sale when you trade in your gas- or diesel-powered tools. Make the switch to electric and save!


For additional information about the ordinance and rebate program, visit the Landscape Equipment webpage.

Residential Electrification Program

Fairfax and San Anselmo have teamed up with ReadySetReplace for a pilot program offering free assessments to homeowners interested in switching to electric appliances. Assess your home's electric readiness and determine which gas appliances to replace first. When you're ready to upgrade, we'll connect you with local contractors and help you get rebates on appliances like heat pump space heaters, heat pump water heaters, and induction stoves.

Sign up now and get more program details at ReadySetReplace's website.


Last week, Recreation sent out their quarterly newsletter! The February 2024 Fairfax Recreation newsletter highlights a variety of activities and programs for the community, including:

  • Summer Camps: Early bird pricing for a diverse range of summer camps for children from preschool to high school.
  • Events: Details on specific events like the Alice in Wonderland Tea Party and the Spring Egg Hunt.
  • Classes for Babies, Kids, and Youth: Includes a new parent’s group, family days, paint and sip night, a youth club, and tennis classes.
  • Youth and Family Activities: Features activities like a teenage musical showcase in partnership with Archie Williams High School.
  • Adults and Older Adults Classes and Events: Lists offerings like the Age Friendly Newsletter, a Valentine's Day Playshop, yoga classes, Chi Gong, and more.

We’ve designed these opportunities so there is something for everyone—find a class or activity and come down and enjoy an activity with us!

Upcoming Meetings

Special Open Space Committee

Tuesday, February 6 | 7:00 p.m.

Town Council Meeting

Wednesday, February 7 | 6:30 p.m.

Parks and Recreation Commission

Monday, February 12 | 7:00 p.m.

Community Emergency Preparedness Committee

Tuesday, February 13 | 7:00 p.m.

See more public meetings.


Fairfax Library Climate Action Event

Thursday, February 15, 2024 | 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM

Fairfax Library

Next Thursday, the Fairfax Library is hosting an event on climate action and advocacy. Come hear what is happening in and around Fairfax in the name of climate action and how residents can best advocate for progress while strengthening our democracy. Speakers will include:


  • Students from Archie Williams High School
  • Sean Youra, Fairfax’s Climate Action Coordinator
  • Jenny Callaway, District Director of the office of Congressman Jared Huffman

Learn more online!

Save the Date for the Fairfax Theater Company’s Alice in Wonderland Tea Party—March 23rd

Saturday, March 23rd | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM

Women’s Club

Join us for a whimsical tea party with Alice, the Mad Hatter, March Hare, Queen of Hearts, and other Wonderland characters. The Fairfax Theatre Company will provide entertainment as you indulge in a delightful English Tea experience. Don't be late! Tea starts at 2:00 PM.

Learn more about this event on our website.

From our Partners

Age Friendly Fairfax

Read the Age Friendly February newsletter to learn about new and upcoming age-friendly classes and events.

If you're looking to get connected with or have questions about the Age Friendly community, contact our representative for the Commission on Aging, Kristin Amlie at

FireSafe Marin's latest newsletter

The January newsletter from Fire Safe Marin focuses on wildfire preparedness and safety, offering valuable resources and insights to help the community in Marin County. You’ll find a comprehensive overview of actions and resources available to residents of Marin County to help them prepare for and mitigate the risks of wildfires.

You can sign up through FireSafe Marin’s website to receive their newsletter directly into your email inbox.

Spread the word | We want to share the Town news with our whole community. If you know someone who would like to receive this weekly update, let them know they can subscribe online.

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