King of Glory Lutheran Church Easter Egg Hunt
KOG will host an Easter Egg hunt for all youth under the age of 12 on the back lawn. Sunday, April 17th between services, please bring a basket to gather some eggs filled with treats. There will be candy and non-candy items in designated areas. We will count on parents to check eggs to make sure they are appropriate for your child's age and dietary restrictions.
Lay Preaching Class
Both Online & In-Person Class

Who is invited?
People who love God and have a message to share about faith, God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
This course will give you tools & resources for your preaching tool belt.
In-Person Session:
In-person sessions at King of Glory Lutheran Church, 3430 N. Maple Grove Road, Boise, ID
Zoom Classes: The Zoom invitation will be given after you sign up
When: Monday evenings at 7:00 –8:00 pm MST, April 25, May 2, 9, 16
Cost: FREE
Sign up Deadline: April 23, 2022

Contact Info:
Pastor Connie Winter-Eulberg
I know my Redeemer lives | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton | Easter 2022
As we enter the third year of this pandemic, we see the signs of stress and incivility, even the signs of war and disease in Ethiopia and Sudan, in Europe. It might seem like death still has sway, but Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reminds us to declare confidently on this Easter and all times "I know that my Redeemer lives.”
Women’s Zoom Monthly Bible Study Update
“The Kingdom of God: Looking into the Future”
All Women are invited to join our “Gather” Magazine Bible Study “The kingdom of God: Looking into the Future” Wednesday, April 13th, at 1:00. This month we will be exploring the kingdom we all look forward to someday. This is the last study in a series by Mark Allan Powell, ELCA Bible scholar. Last month we considered what a blessing it is to live in God’s kingdom here on earth.
This monthly Bible study meets the second Wednesday of the month. It is published in the Women of the ELCA’s publication, “Gather Magazine.” But you don’t need the magazine, just come and join in. If you want a peak at some of what we will talk about, you can read Matthew 22:23-30. This month we are still meeting on Zoom. In May we plan to meet in person in the Bethlehem room at the church
Phyllis Bradburn

You can join us at this link:
Join Zoom Meeting
Owls Meeting Information
The next meeting for the OWLS will be on Tuesday, April 19th. We will be going to Smoky Mountain Pizza at 980 E. Fairview Ave., Meridian. I have reserved the room for us so hopefully there is no mix-up again. We will meet at 11:30 AM. See everyone there!
Sandwich Sunday Update

For Sandwich Sunday on Palm Sunday we had 9 volunteers and made 41 loaves of bread into 410 sandwiches for "The Rescue Mission" (Boise Rescue Mission) For the month of MAy, we will need more meat, cheese and margarine.
Thank you!
Val & Tom Bridges
Free Meal Update

The last free meal of corned beef, cabbage, red potatoes, and carrots was a big hit. The diners came in very sporadically but at the end of the day, we served 22 diners and sent 18 meals home. At the very end when we were taking the sign down and closing up, one last car full of people came by and took all the leftovers. So all the food went to good use. The next free meal will be on Saturday, April 30th from 12:00 – 1:30 PM. Those that want to help cook can show up at 10:00 AM and those who wish to serve and clean up can show up at 11:30 AM. Thanks to all who help with this endeavor. We couldn’t do this without your help.
WELCA presents Ladies Spring Luncheon
and Janet Worthington as Suffragette, Amelia Bloomer
May 7, 2022 @ 11:00 am
Tickets per person - $15.00 Purchase Tickets In-Between Services.

King of Glory Lutheran Church
3430 N Maple Grove Road
Boise, ID 83704

Come join us for a 1920s style luncheon and presentation of suffragette, Amelia Bloomer, portrayed by Janet Worthington to celebrate the 100year anniversary of the women’s right to vote: 1920’s foods, fashions, slang, inventions, Prohibition and Speakeasys, Jazz music, the introduction of counting calories and dieting, hobbies and entertainment.
We encourage any and all ladies to come dressed like a 1920s lady, housekeeper, suffragette, flapper, girl gangster, etc.   
Come eat, drink some giggle water and be merry and have your picture taken with a vintage automobile.
Luther Heights Events

Luther Heights is looking forward to celebrating 70 years of ministry (1952 - 2022) this year! They're hosting a Blue Jean Gathering both in Boise (Immanuel) and Pocatello (Good Shepherd) as well as a retreat and day celebration at camp this summer!
Blue Jean Gathering - May 1st at 2 pm at Immanuel Lutheran Church, Boise.
Join us for worship, dessert and fellowship, new canteen items and a raffle. RSVP by scanning the QR code (with your smart phone camera app) or visiting 70th Celebrations at
Attention to our ONLINE Worship Attendees Near & Far: You are included and remembered at all of our in-person worship services. But, we are working on an even more tangible way to include YOU. Please send us a photo of you (shoulders and head). Different ways would be to: crop a photo you have on your phone or take a photo of a photo with your phone (or someone else's). Make sure it is as clear as possible. Send via email to Megan. We will keep you posted on our project.
Update and Refresh of our member board - It has been a while since we last updated our board of photos in the Narthex hall at church. We would like to include ALL OF OUR MEMBERS.  Please send us a photo of you (shoulders and head). Different ways would be to: crop a photo you have on your phone or take a photo of a photo with your phone (or someone else's). Make sure it is as clear as possible. Send via email to Megan.
Save the Date for Bingo/Lunch Fundraiser 
Sunday, April 24th at 11:30 after second service, we will host lunch and bingo in the fellowship hall. Lunch (TBD) will be served to you at your table and open doors/windows will provide some air circulation. Watch for details on cost and sign-ups. Prizes and FUN are guaranteed! ALL proceeds will be donated to Luther Heights Bible Camp to make their 70th year a success!
Tickets will be on sale Sunday, 3rd, 10th and 17th between services. Adults $ 12, Kids $ 5, kids 5 and under free, Family maximum $ 25.
Speaker Announced for Adult Education.

Hi All -
I have secured a speaker for adult education on Sunday, April 24th after service at 9:45. His name is Rex Young. This is a link to his book Diary of a Caregiver: The Dementia Journey: Young, Rex T: 9781984511447: Books.

He is a very well-spoken older man who wrote this book to share his experience. He lost his sweetheart in June, 2018. This is the write-up from Amazon:
Diary of a Caregiver: The Dementia Journey Hardcover – February 28, 2018
In 2009, my wife of over fifty-eight years was diagnosed with dementia with Alzheimers symptoms. My caregiving responsibilities began before that time and continued until her death in January 2018. She was provided care in her own home. As time went by, the caregiver duties became more and more demanding. It was truly twenty-four hours each day and seven days each week. My sweetheart was referred to the hospice program as a patient beginning in 2013 with a life expectancy of six months or less. At the time of her passing, she had been a hospice patient for four years, eleven months, and five days. The Diary of a Caregiver begins with her entry into the hospice program and continues until her death. Caregiving can be very frustrating at times as one never knows what to expect or when to expect it. The Diary of a Caregiver identifies many of the problems and frustrations associated with care of a dementia patient. It also identifies different techniques and solutions to some of those problems. It should be of interest to anyone who is involved in caregiving, especially those who are just beginning.
Rex Young will discuss his book on Sunday, April 24th after early service at 9:45 in the Forum. Please join us for stories and discussion on a topic that is close to and experienced by many people.
Worship Assistant Schedule
Greeter, Usher, Assistant Minister, Lector, and Song Leader Schedule.

Thank you to those that volunteer for our Sunday Services. We appreciate all that you do, and are so grateful for your service.
You may download the new (April/May) Worship Assistant Schedule below.

We did our best to accommodate everyone's desired times. For future scheduling conflicts, please either switch with someone or find a replacement.

If you have a preference for a specific service (9am & 10:30am) please respond to this email with your preferences and we will schedule accordingly for the next volunteer schedule.
King of Glory Lutheran Church
3430 N. Maple Grove Rd., Boise, ID 83704
Facebook: Ministries at King of Glory Lutheran –