
Your Source for All Things Riverwalk

May 15, 2022


Happy Sunday, Pride!


Welcome to the final “full” week of school of the 21 – 22 school year. Before I share my thoughts about this week, I wanted to take a moment to recognize a few outstanding students.


  • Noah Goins (SR) – for being named the valedictorian for Riverwalk Academy’s inaugural graduating class
  • Jesse Matthews (SR) – for being named the salutatorian for our inaugural graduating class and for finishing in 4th place in Digital Marketing Concepts Assessment and 6th place in Management, Marketing, and Human Resources Concepts Assessment last week at the National Business Professionals of American Leadership Conference
  • Dakota Thomas (SR) –Dakota is the only graduate who has attended Riverwalk Academy since the first day the school opened its doors in 2014
  • Noah Goins (SR), Jesse Matthews (SR), and Michelle Mabey (SR) - for graduating from York Technical College with an associate’s degree.
  • Abigail Maloney (SR), Taylor Walker (SR), Robert Lafortune (JR), and the three named above - for earning their University Studies Certificate from York Technical College last week.
  • Alondra Ramirez (FR) – for being accepted into the Governor’s School Summer Program for Visual Arts
  • Gavin Lewis (FR)  and Lily Fite (SO) – For being accepted into Clemson’s 4-H Pinckney Leadership Conference
  • Trent Marshall (7th), Austin Thurman (FR),  Hayden Thurman (7th),  Lily Hutto (7th), Kayla Silver (7th), and Lila Hutto (FR) – these track athletes completed in the upper state championships on Saturday and they have qualified to run in this week’s State 1A Championships.


Our Pride is Powerful!


As things wind down, I’ve spent a lot of time reflecting on our successes of this year, and on things that we can improve. Not everything went as planned, but that doesn’t automatically make it a failure. “Imperfections are not inadequacies; they are reminders that we’re all in this together” -Brene Brown. That’s what I love about Riverwalk Academy, none of us are perfect and we are all in this together. 


I think the Turkish playwright, Mehmet Murat ildan, said it best when he said this about the closing of one year and the starting of a new one: “never forget to thank to your past years because they enabled you to reach today! Without the stairs of the past, you cannot arrive at the future!”


Pride, the “stairs” of this year have helped us arrive to this point and we are another step closer to our future selves. 


Have a great final full week of school!


In Strength and Blessings,

~Dr. Compton


Photo of the Week

This week's photo is of Isaac Mosley from Ms. Reneau's class participating in the obstacle course relay event for field day. 

K Field Day

You're Invited:  Music in the "Lot"

Wednesday 6:00 pm

Music in the Lot


Calling On Our Pride: Blue Envelopes

We have a tradition that we'd like to start with our seniors that we're calling the Blue Envelope.  We're encouraging any to consider writing a letter to one of our seniors.   We'll be collecting these letters (either through the mail, or dropped off to Ms. Robinson) until May 20th.  On the 24th, during their senior breakfast, each senior will receive a large blue envelope that contains all of the letters written to them.   If you know any senior, write them a note.  If you don't personally know any of them, that's okay too.  They'd still love to hear from you.

Our Seniors:

  • Darby Adams
  • Ryler Amick
  • Nathalie Bass
  • Hannah Cratty
  • Trinity Fite
  • Noah Goins
  • Ian Gray
  • Matthew Greene
  • Michelle Mabey
  • Abby Maloney
  • Jesse Matthews
  • Lillie Pruitt
  • Alex Ray
  • Chad Salyer
  • Dakota Thomas
  • Taylor Walker
  • Justin Zunker
Blue Envelope
Blue Envelope 2

State Testing Information

EOCEP (End of Course Examination Program) - high school courses

The End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP) is a statewide assessment program of end-of-course tests for gateway courses awarded units of credit in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies. The EOCEP encourages instruction in the specific standards for the courses, encourages student achievement, and documents the level of students’ mastery of the academic standards. Gateway courses in English/language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies will be defined by the State Board of Education. EOCEP examination scores count 20 percent in the calculation of the student’s final grade in gateway courses. Defined gateway courses currently include Algebra 1, Intermediate Algebra, Biology 1, English 2, and United States History and the Constitution, or courses with other names and activity codes in which the academic standards corresponding to these subjects are taught.

Our students will take their tests on the following dates for the courses listed. As listed above, all testing will begin at 8:30am, any student arriving after 8:15am will not be allowed to test and will have to take the test during the make-up session on May 20, 2022. These are the only dates these exams will be given.

  • May 2, 2022 - US History (11th grade)
  • May 16, 2022 - English 2 - Part 1 (Writing)
  • May 17, 2022 - English 2 - Part 2 (Reading)
  • May 18, 2022 - Algebra 1
  • May 19, 2022 - Biology

EOCEP 2021-2022 Parent and Student Assessment Brochure-English

If you have any questions or concerns regarding state testing, please reach out to your student’s teacher or Mrs. Carr, State Testing Coordinator. If you have a student who is particularly anxious regarding testing, please contact their counselor (Mrs. Carr - Elementary or Mrs. Menges - Middle/High) so we can reassure them.


Elementary Guidance with Mrs. Carr



Thank you for bringing your children to school on time and ready to test this week. We had a great final week of testing (for Elementary and Middle). We have one more week of testing (for upper school) and then only three final days of school. 

Everyone keeps saying it, but we can’t believe it is the end of another school year. This one was harder than everyone expected. But we made it through. As the end of the year is here, I usually try to reflect on the year and figure out what worked and what didn’t. Personally, despite the year being harder than expected, I still feel there were a lot of successful moments as well. 

First, I had help, Mrs. Menges, Middle/High Counselor, joined us and it was wonderful to have a colleague to collaborate with! She is compassionate, caring, understanding and brings me smiles and laughter - two things you can’t do this job without. She is a gift and definite asset for our Pride.

Second, I was permitted the joyful opportunity to try out the Energy Bus program. Joining this positive program and bringing healthy growth mindfulness to Riverwalk is the whole point of my position. With the pandemic, a lot of social emotional deficits were created. The Energy Bus helps with these deficits and will continue to help shift our students from a fixed to a growth mindset. I have found other resources to add to this program next year and will be creating an even better guidance program at Riverwalk. 

It is my hope that Mrs. Menges and I can continue our collaboration and bring lessons to the middle school as well as the elementary school that helps our students grow and learn.

Lastly, thank you for allowing us this opportunity.

Have a wonderful last full week of school and I look forward to writing one last article for the year next week.


Ms. Carr

5th Grade Promotion Ceremony:  Friday @ 9:00 am

5th Grade

Middle/High Guidance with Mrs. Menges


Hello Everyone!

What a weekend that started out rainy and ended out beautifully. I’m so happy the sun decided to come out and give us some nice weather. I’m also thankful that the weather held off on Friday for field day. It was so much fun. I was able to run an obstacle course station and the kids really seemed to enjoy it. What I did learn Friday is that we have some pretty competitive students at our school…and also some really competitive teachers haha (all fun and games). This past week we also handed out middle/high yearbooks and you all seem to be enjoying them. If you were not able to get one, we are selling extras on the school website under the school store tab. Please note, we are only selling the extras so once they’re gone, they’re gone. I look forward to moving into this final full week of school. We have accomplished so much this year and I can’t wait to see the ways the students, staff, and overall school grows next year! Here’s what to know for this week…

Things to know:

  • Rising 10th-12th grade students, if you are planning to take York Tech courses in the Fall, please make sure you fill out an application with York Tech by May 16th, if you have not done so yet. If you need assistance doing so, please contact me or Mrs. Born.

  • High schoolers, please eat a good breakfast, get a good nights sleep, and be prepared for EOC’s and exams this week. You’ve got this!

See you tomorrow!

Mrs. Menges

8th Grade Promotion Ceremony

8th Grade Promotino

High School Families: Directory & Military Information Opt Out Survey

Please be advised that the SCDE Privacy & Security - Directory & Military Information Opt Out Survey is now available. Please inform your parent community that the survey is available and request they complete the survey ONLY IF they intend for the student’s directory information to be withheld from release to entities such as higher education institutions and/or military recruiters, by logging into their PowerSchool parent portal account. Directions to provide to families are here. We appreciate your assistance! If you have additional questions please contact


Attention Seniors

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Seniors! Look for an email from Mrs. Born this week about signing your Senior Gift. 

Senior Graduation Reminders:

  1. Plan to spend Tuesday, May 24th with us for your Senior Breakfast, Senior Walk, and Graduation Practice. We will see you at Riverwalk Academy Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM!!! Please bring your cap and gown! 
  2. Our Graduation Ceremony is on Thursday, May 26th at 6:30 PM:
  • Graduates must arrive by 5:45 PM
  • Families and friends may arrive starting at 6:00 PM
  • Graduate Dress Code:
  • Khaki pants (no shorts), solid button-up shirt, solid tie or bow tie, dark or neutral shoes (no flip flops, please)
  • Black or white dress, dark or neutral shoes (no flip flops, please)

Junior Marshals

You must attend Graduation practice on Tuesday, May 24th at 12:00 PM at Rock Hill Event Center. 

On Thursday, May 26th:

  • Arrive at Rock Hill Event Center at 5:30 PM
  • Dress Code: 
  • Option A:
  • White dress and dress shoes
  • Heels are permitted, however, please note that you will be walking in front of a crowd, so make sure you are comfortable moving in your shoe choice. 
  • Flip flops are not considered formal shoes
  • Option B:
  • White button-up dress shirt with khaki pants, brown dress shoes, and dark socks
  • Gentlemen are asked to wear a solid-colored tie

Riverwalk Academy Blue Envelope Tradition

Blue Envelopes
Weekly Events

Monday: 5/16/22

  • EOC: English 2 pt. 1
  • Band Practice (trombones only) 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
  • State Runners' Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)

Tuesday: 5/17/22

  • EOC: English 2 pt. 2
  • Beginning Band, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
  • State Runners Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)
  • Competitive Cheer Practice 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Kunde)
  • Board Meeting: 6:30 pm

Wednesday: 5/18/22

  • MAP Make-ups
  • EOC: Algebra 1 
  • Advanced Band, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
  • State Runners Track Practice: 3:15 - 4:45 pm (Coach Arizmendi)
  • Spring Band Concert 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Thursday: 5/19/22

  • EOC: Biology
  • Beginning Band, 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm (Johnston)
  • Competitive Cheer Practice 3:15 pm - 4:15 pm (Kunde)
  • State 1A Track Championships, 5:30 pm, Lower Richland High School
  • 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony 6:30 pm

Friday: 5/20/22

  • 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony 9:00 am
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