Animal Corner
OOPs I Stepped In...
Be sure to Pick Up after your pets along sidewalks and all common areas. Violators may be fined!

Rules and Regulations for Sun City Mesquite 4.15 Animals
Any Unit Owner, Resident or other person who brings or permits an animal to be on the Common Elements or any Unit shall be responsible for immediately removing any feces deposited by such animal.
Be sure to Pick Up after your pets along sidewalks and all common areas. Violators may be fined!

Rules and Regulations for Sun City Mesquite 4.15 Animals
 Any Unit Owner, Resident or other person who brings or permits an animal to be on the Common Elements or any Unit shall be responsible for immediately removing any feces deposited by such animal.
City Code 10-3-16: ANIMAL WASTE
     No person having, owning or possessing an animal shall permit, either willfully or through failure to exercise due care, such animal to excrete any solid waste upon any public or private property (unless such private property is under the ownership or control of said person). No violation of this section shall occur if the owner or person having custody of the offending animal properly and voluntarily removes and properly disposes of the solid waste. (Ord. 433, 1-26-2010, eff. 3-1-2010)   
4.15 Animals

The Sun City HOA is asking you to be mindful of the nuisance that the continuous barking of dogs creates for your neighbors. Please be a respectful and considerate pet owner.
No Permitted Pet shall be allowed to make an unreasonable amount of noise or to become a nuisance. 
As per Mesquite Animal Control 10-3-16: ANIMAL WASTE, ODOR AND NOISE:
No person owning or possessing an animal shall permit such animal to bark, yelp, bray or make other noises in such a manner that, because of the duration or repetition of the noise, a reasonable person would consider an unreasonable intrusion into the quiet enjoyment of their property. Barking, yelping, braying or other noise from an animal that continues in duration or repetition for over thirty (30) minutes shall be deemed to be per se unreasonable. (Ord. 433, 1-26-2010, eff. 3-1-2010).
Rules at the Mesquite Sports Events Complex
No Pets - No Smoking – No Alcohol

This complex is not a Dog Park. Persons not complying with the leash laws or
removal of pet waste are violating City Code. The citations and fines are costly.
The closest enclosed dog park is at the Mesquite Animal shelter. Note that
this rule is for the health and safety of all players and fans.

This complex does not allow smoking in any form
including cigars per city code.

 Due to city code and additional regulations, this complex does not allow
any alcohol. The Mesquite Sports Events Complex will have a busy
upcoming schedule and the rules will be enforced.

Looking for a new pet/friend? 
WCFA logo
We Care for Animals 

Visit the website for adoption dates and information


Mesquite Animal Shelter 
795 Hardy Way 
(702) 346-5268

We have now extended our hours,
so please call.

Here in SCM, our pets and our neighbors' pets are part of our lifestyle!

If you have a pet-related question that you'd like to see addressed in the Sun City weekly or monthly newsletter please email 

Your name will not be published and we will do our best to answer as many questions as possible.
Learn about how Animal Control provides for
animals in the City of Mesquite
Mesquite Animal Control Website
City Code 10-3-6: Restraining Animals
The owner of any animal that has the animal on his/her premises or under his/her care, custody or control shall be restrained by adequate means so that said animal shall not leave or escape from the premises. (ord. 433, 1-26-2010, eff. 3-1-2010)

Rules and Regulations for Sun City Mesquite 4.15 Animals
All pets shall be confined to a resident's unit except that a dog or a cat may be permitted to leave a Resident's unit if such a dog or cat is at all times kept on a leash. No pet shall be allowed to make unreasonable amount of noise. No structure for the care, housing or confinement of a permitted pet should be visible from neighboring property.
Any issues or complaints with these City Codes or Rules and Regulations please call Animal Control at 702-346-5268.
For more information, please refer to the codes/rules and regulations in full.
NOTE : Do not feed the birds.  Bird feed attracts wild life.
Pigeon Control

A. Public Nuisance Declared: The roosting or lingering of feral pigeons poses a health hazard in addition to offending the aesthetic senses by pigeon contamination. Such roosting or lingering of feral pigeons is declared to be a public nuisance.

B. Unlawful activities: It shall be unlawful for any person to encourage the lingering, roosting and/or congregating of feral pigeons by prohibiting food, including, but not limited to: grain, seeds, greens, breadcrumbs and miscellaneous food scraps intended for pigeon ingestion on public or residential property.

C. Penalties: Any person convicted of a violation of any provision of the pigeon control section shall be subject to the following penalties:

1. A maximum fine of not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) on misdemeanor or a period of confinement in the city jail not to exceed six (6) months.
(ORD. 486, 8-12-2014) eff 9-1-2014