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Is To Be Informed!

The Manassas City Council voted unanimously Monday to bring commercial flights to the Manassas Regional Airport – a development that’s expected to happen sometime in the next two years. The city council took the vote after holding a public hearing at Jennie Dean Elementary School. Several residents again expressed concerns about noise and air pollution associated with larger aircraft flying in and out of the airport, which is now open to only smaller, private planes

Feds Say Virginia Paid Millions for Medicaid Patients Who Had Already Died

By MICHAEL MARTZ, Richmond Times-Dispatch

Virginia is working to recover nearly $22 million that the state mistakenly paid insurers for people enrolled in the state Medicaid program who had already died. That includes $15.7 million that the state must repay to the federal government for its share of the cost. In an audit released Monday, the Office of the Inspector General for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said Virginia paid at least $21.8 million to managed care companies for about 12,000 “deceased enrollees” in the Medicaid program in 2019 through 2021.

US Supreme Court Asked to Set Aside Ruling that Blocks Construction on Mountain Valley Pipeline

The fate of a controversial natural gas pipeline in West Virginia may rest with the U.S. Supreme Court, as the state appealed a lower court’s ruling that temporarily blocked construction despite a Congressional order clearing the way for the project.

“The Mountain Valley Pipeline is vital to the survival of American energy independence and affects thousands of jobs in West Virginia — its completion is also critical to our national security, the urgent need is for it to be completed as soon as possible,” Morrisey said.

Congress passed legislation last month ordering all necessary permits be issued for the pipeline, which crosses rugged mountainsides in Virginia and West Virginia. Environmentalists say the construction plan will cause erosion that will ruin soil and water quality.

The pipeline’s operators say the project is already substantially complete and that only 3 acres (one hectare) of trees need to be cleared, compared to more than 4,400 acres (1,700 hectares) that have been already cleared.

The $6.6 billion, 300-mile (500-kilometer) pipeline is designed to meet growing energy demands in the South and Mid-Atlantic by transporting gas from the Marcellus and Utica fields in Pennsylvania and Ohio.

NYC to Pay George Floyd-BLM Rioters $13 Million in Historic Settlement for Mass Arrests in US

The upside-down world is being run by fools!

As swaths of horrified Americans watched their fellow citizens loot, burn and raze businesses following the death of George Floyd in 2020, many were likely wondering what justice — if any — would eventually be meted out.

The “justice” that New York City ultimately decided on probably isn’t what most people were expecting.

The Associated Press is reporting that New York City has agreed to pay over $13 million to approximately 1,300 people to settle a civil rights lawsuit.

Anheuser-Busch Lobbyists Sell Access to Democratic Congressional Staff

The Bud Light maker owns a secret bar in Washington, D.C. for political insiders.

Carefully hidden inside an otherwise nondescript office tower in the middle of Washington, D.C., with a sweeping view of Pennsylvania Avenue, there’s a secret bar just for political insiders.

Last Thursday, I was promptly kicked out of it.

The lobbying division of Anheuser-Busch, the beer-making conglomerate that produces Bud Light, Michelob, and other brands, owns the bar. The invitation-only pub is off-limits to the public, and the event I briefly attended was an ethically-dubious influence-peddling operation. Political operatives desperate for cash are turning to brazenly pitching access to congressional staffers that manage the day-to-day work of members of Congress.

Such was the case last week. The lobbyists at Anheuser-Busch offered their private bar to Elect Democratic Women PAC, a group that raised $7.8 million for the Democrats last year. The event was billed as a “Chiefs of Staff Happy Hour,” with tickets ranging from $500 to $5,000.

At the event, I took a picture of the sign-in list of the legislative staff for the event, which showed many Democratic staffers participating in the event:

– Rebecca Walldorff, the chief of staff to Rep. Lucy McBath, D-Ga.

– Caitlin-Jean Juricic, the legislative counsel to Rep. Jasmine Crockett, D-Tex.

– Serena Gobbi, the legislative director to Rep. Norma Torres, D-Calif.

– Sean Gard, chief of staff to Rep. Gwen Moore, D-Wisc.

– Becky Salay, chief of staff to Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.

– John Gorczynski, chief of staff to Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Tex.

– Sarah Curtis, chief of staff to Rep. Kathy Manning, D-N.C.

Experts say that the fundraiser tests the boundaries of ethics rules.

"The solicitation of campaign contributions by the PAC with promises of meeting and mingling with “Chiefs of Staff” is a pay-for-access scheme that may well run afoul of congressional ethics rules," said Craig Holman, a lobbying expert with Public Citizen.

3 Times Men
Allowed to be Housed in Women's Prisons Harmed, Impregnated Inmates

This is outrageous....Triple murderer of women and child moved to women's prison

Amid ongoing concerns about housing men with female inmates, reports have surfaced that a male triple murderer who identifies as a woman is threatening and harassing women at the prison where he’s serving his sentence. 

The 68-year-old inmate is a man named David Chester Warfield who goes by the name Dana Rivers. Last month, a judge sentenced him to life in prison without the possibility of parole. Warfield was allowed to be incarcerated at the Central California Women's Facility in Chowchilla, California, following his conviction in the murder of Charlotte Reed and Patricia Wright, a lesbian couple, and their 19-year-old son, Benny Diambu-Wright. 

As The Washington Free Beacon reported, female inmates have complained about how Warfield has treated them since his arrival. According to the Beacon, women in his housing unit allege that he stares at them in a way that makes them uncomfortable and talks to them in a demeaning manner. He also allegedly forces the women in his housing unit to push him around in his wheelchair. 

The complaint also cited a March 2022 article Contreras wrote for the San Francisco Bay View, where he acknowledged that "sex takes place” between trans-identified biologically male inmates and female inmates. He also wrote that some trans inmates that identify as women have intact penises and get erections around the women inmates. 

Due to Senate Bill 132 in California, which the state implemented in 2021, Warfield was able to request a transfer to a women’s prison to serve his sentence because he identifies as female. Warfield is also not the only man who identifies as a woman who has been housed in a women's prison. 

Lebron James' Son Bronny Suffers a Cardiac Arrest During USC Practice

How many healthy young athletes have to suffer cardiac arrest before these deadly vaccines are taken off the market?

Bronny, the son of NBA superstar LeBron, was rushed to hospital following the cardiac arrest during a training session at USC's Galen Center on Monday morning, his family confirmed today. 

He is now in a stable condition and has been released from intensive care.

Hamlin, 25, suffered cardiac arrest on January 2 when he collapsed on the field during the Bills' Week 17 game against the Cincinnati Bengals and had to be resuscitated. The NFL safety has made a miraculous recovery and pledged to be there to support the James family as Bronny goes through the same process.

'Prayers to Bronny & The James family as well,' Hamlin tweeted alongside a praying emoji. 'Here for you guys just like you have been for me my entire process.' 

This incident is the second time that USC medical staff has responded to a basketball player with cardiac arrest during practice. Last summer, Vince Iwuchukwu collapsed at a practice and was revived by USC athletic trainers. He returned to playing basketball six months later.

Twitter CEO Elon Musk claimed that the Covid-19 vaccine may have caused Bronny's collapse. sparking outrage on social media.

'We cannot ascribe everything to the vaccine, but, by the same token, we cannot ascribe nothing,' Musk wrote in response to a media report on Tuesday. 

'Myocarditis is a known side-effect. The only question is whether it is rare or common,' Musk's tweet continued. 

Hunter Biden's Art Buyers Revealed - And There's 1 Name That Should Raise Eyebrows

Remember how Hunter Biden was supposed to be shielded from knowing the identity of the people who bought his finger-paintings at exorbitant prices in order to create a firewall to protect against influence-peddling? Yeah, according to an entirely unsurprising media report that emerged Monday, forget about all of that.

According to Business Insider, two of Hunter Biden’s “friends” (Insider’s quotation marks, although huge air-quotes should be put around the word “friends” any time it’s used in regard to the first son) were also — quelle surprise! — buyers of his juvenile attempts at art, and one of those buyers received an appointment to a position by his father, President Joe Biden, eight months after Hunter’s first art exhibition.

Recall, as Insider’s Mattathias Schwartz did, that we were told in very clear language that “Hunter Biden’s team had a process for carefully vetting buyers, and that their identities were known only to the gallery, and not to Hunter Biden himself” and that the messaging from the Biden camp “seemed to suggest that Hunter Biden’s art patrons came from a rarified universe of collectors who had nothing to do with the hurly burly of politics.”

Neither the Biden White House nor Hunter Biden’s legal counsel wanted to answer whether another buyer, Elizabeth Hirsh Naftali, a Los Angeles-based real estate investor and philanthropist, purchased Hunter’s doodles before or after her July 2022 appointment to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad.

Of course, I seriously doubt a soul actually “likes” Hunter Biden’s paintings, the same way I doubt that CEFC or Burisma “liked” his expertise (or near total lack thereof) in the international energy sector.

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