Girls Granting Initiative
The mission of the Girls Granting Initiative through the Women’s Fund is to provide high school age girls with the opportunity to experience philanthropy though the grant-making process and ultimately, to empower them to become life-long philanthropists. While at the same time getting their first hand perspective and voices out into the world.
Through this grant-making work with the JJ Keller Foundation, girls in our community have awarded over $75,000 over the past ten years. These funds have gone directly into nonprofit organizations in our area. The programs and campaigns which have been directly supported by the GGI range from healthy relationships to human trafficking, with the most recent grant going towards community outreach for mental health education and mentorship programs with teen girls and young women.
With programs like this, our next generation is able to experience first-hand how it feels to make an impact for others. What a gift to them, to our community now, and to our future society. Lessons in philanthropy at such a young and impressionable age, can prove influential and long lasting. One that we hope empowers them to make philanthropy a life-long act.