F4K works to alleviate childhood hunger

and promote literacy

on the lower/outer Cape

by bringing together

the Church of the Holy Spirit

and local communities

to provide free meals and free books

for children and teens

in the summer when schools are out

November 18, 2022

Learn about Volunteering
Learn about our sites

Updated Mission Statement

You may notice somewhat different wording in the mission statement at the top of this newsletter. At its October meeting the Food 4 Kids Steering Committee made two important changes:

We clarified that we are called to serve only the 8 towns of the lower/outer Cape, and so removed the words "and beyond."

We acknowledged the importance and popularity of our free book program by adding that we also "promote literacy" by providing free books along with our free meals.

Our 2022 Funding Partners

Food 4 Kids is very fortunate to have broad community support as evidenced by the help of more than 100 volunteers each summer and the partnership of 16 or more community summer programs. But we could not provide more than 36,000 free meals and more than 2,400 free books without community financial support, too.

As a Summer Food Service Program, each summer Food 4 Kids is reimbursed a fixed amount for each meal a child receives.  The reimbursement rate/meal is set by the USDA and is the same for all communities across all 50 states, regardless of variations in the cost to prepare and deliver the meals.  And the reimbursement does not cover the third meal, an afternoon snack, that we provide some all-day programs.

This year that federal funding will cover about 68% of our expenses.

Who Covers the Rest?

Thank You

To Our

Funding Partners!

(Thank You art complements of the children of the Harwich Summer Recreation Program)

Together these organizations 

and individuals

provided $73,122 to Food 4 Kids 

State-wide Organizations


DESE – Annual EATS Grant

Project Bread

Local Funding Organizations


Cape & Islands United Way

Cape Cod 5

Nauset Newcomers

Seamen’s Bank

Local Community

Human Services Grants









Faith-Based Organizations


Church of the Holy Spirit

Episcopal Diocese of Massachusetts

Am HaYamCape Cod Havurah

Federated Church – Orleans

St. Vincent DePaul – Orleans



(through November 15)

All of Us at Food 4 Kids

and the Children and Families

of the Lower/Outer Cape


Until next summer!

Put it on your calendar now:

our 11th summer begins

June 26, 2023

Childhood hunger is a

hidden reality on Cape Cod.

We are thrilled

you would like to help make a difference

by supporting Food 4 Kids!

Thank you!


This institution is an affirmative action /

equal opportunity provider

Visit the Food 4 Kids Website
Facebook  Instagram
Visit the Church of the Holy Spirit Website