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Big City Access Small Town Charm

Week Ending - August 31, 2024

Welcome to the Village of Forest Park's weekly e-newsletter! Please use this e-newsletter as a resource to provide you with the latest news, events, and resources in and around Forest Park!

In this edition, please find updates from the Village Council, the Clerk's Office, Public Works, the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Community Center, community news, job opportunities, and more!

We want to hear from you! If you have news or events that you would like to include in future editions, please let us know

Drury Lane has generously provided complimentary tickets to their upcoming show, The Audience! If you’re interested in attending, email us at to claim your tickets.

We have a limited number of tickets available for performances on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, September 6, 7, and 8. These tickets are available on a first-come, first-served basis, so don’t wait to reach out! We will contact you on Tuesday, September 3rd regarding ticket pick up.

For more details about the show, click here.

Exciting updates on the Madison Street revitalization! Last year, Public Works improved safety by fixing sidewalks and cleaning the area from VanBuren to Harlem. They've also refreshed pavement markings between Desplaines and Harlem.

Right now, we're replacing old tree grates with new, tree-friendly permeable porous pavement. Soon, we'll be seal coating and re-striping all municipal parking lots on Madison Street, so watch for closures. New signs will guide visitors to local spots, and we'll be adding updated garbage cans, bike racks, and benches. This winter, we plan to bid for painting all light poles to get the best price. Stay tuned for more updates!

The overnight street parking ban will be lifted for the holiday weekend. You will find more information later in this newsletter. Village Hall will also be closed on Monday, September 2nd in honor of Labor Day. Please enjoy the long weekend that pays tribute to the contributions and achievements of the American workers and the labor movement.

Rachell Entler

Village Administrator

Village Council News

Village Council Meeting Information

The next meeting of the Forest Park Village Council will be held on Monday, September 9, 2024, at 7pm in the lower level of Village Hall. As always, the public is welcome to join.

Can't make the meeting in person? Village Council meetings are streamed live and recordings are published to the Village website within a few days after the meeting.

To view the meetings live via Zoom, click here and then click on the Zoom link for the current meeting. Meetings will start at 7pm.

To view recordings of the Village Council meetings, click here, then click on the date you would like to view.

News from the Village Clerk's Office

Parking Update and Holiday Schedule

Overnight Parking Ban Lifted: The overnight parking ban will be lifted from Saturday, August 31, through Monday, September 2. You will need to call your car in again on Tuesday, September 3rd for parking from 2am-5am on Wednesday, September 4th.

Parking Lot Maintenance: During the week of September 2-6, 2024, the municipal parking lots on Madison Street will be seal-coated and striped. To accommodate residents and patrons, the overnight parking ordinance will be suspended in the following areas:

300 block of Lathrop

400 and 500 blocks of Circle, Hannah, Thomas, Beloit, and Ferdinand.

We appreciate your patience as we work to enhance Madison Street.

Holiday Hours: Village Hall will close at 2 PM on Friday, August 30, and remain closed on Monday, September 2, for Labor Day. We will reopen with normal hours on Tuesday, September 3.

News from the Mayor's Office

Save the Date: Leaf Pick Up Townhall

Residents are invited to attend a Leaf Pick Up Townhall on Tuesday, September 24, at 7 PM at Village Hall. This meeting will provide an opportunity to discuss the current leaf pick-up program's pros and cons and explore alternative ideas. Village staff, along with members of the Forest Park Environmental Commission, will be present to offer insights and answer questions. Participation and input from the community are encouraged.

Nominations for the Environmental Awards Are Now Open!

Do you know someone or a group making a real impact in sustainability and climate action? Now is the perfect time to recognize their efforts!

The Environmental Awards honor individuals, organizations, local businesses, and collaborative projects making strides in climate action and sustainability! Categories include Community Organization, Individual, Local Business, and Collaborative Initiative. Anyone can nominate deserving candidates. Submit your nominations by September 30 and help us celebrate those making a positive impact on our environment! Nomination form can be found here.

News from the Department of Public Health & Safety

The Illinois Department of Public Health has issued a warning about microscopic oak mites that have been spotted in our area. These mites, which emerged alongside cicadas earlier this summer, are known to latch onto humans for about four hours before biting. They typically fall from trees in late summer and can easily drift through open windows or door screens, and even penetrate loose clothing. Unfortunately, traditional bug sprays are unlikely to be effective against them. To protect yourself, avoid scratching bites to prevent infection, rinse off and change clothing after outdoor activities, keep windows closed for the next few weeks, and steer clear of oak trees with leaves that have brown, crusted edges—an indicator of mite activity. More information can be found here.

News from the Public Works Department

Public Works is planning our Fall tree planting for late October and early November, and we’d love for you to get involved. You can request a new tree to be planted on your parkway, helping to enhance our community’s green spaces.

To request a tree, you can choose from a list of options provided by the Village’s preferred nursery or let our Director of Public Works select the best tree for you. Please make sure your parkway meets the necessary criteria, including enough space, no obstruction from stumps or utilities, and proper distance from existing trees.

Requests are handled on a first-come, first-served basis, so be sure to submit yours by September 13, 2024. If you miss this deadline, your request will be considered for our Spring 2025 planting.

For more information or to make a request, please email

Help us make our community greener—request your tree today!

 News from the Community Center

Food Pantry

Residents who are in need of assistance with groceries can visit the Forest Park Food Pantry located at the Community Center. For hours and more information, call 708-771-7737.

News from the Fire Department

9-1-1- Emergency and Non-Emergencies

Anyone requiring immediate assistance from the Forest Park Police and Fire Departments should call 9-1-1; this also includes non-emergency situations which require a response. The Village’s 9-1-1 dispatch center will route your call to the appropriate personnel to assist with the matter at hand. The Village’s 708-366-2425 number is not to be used to request service for public safety personnel.

This change is a result of the State's dispatch consolidation requirements that went into effect in May 2017. If you call Village Hall in need of police or fire personnel for either non-emergency or emergency response, you will be transferred to our WESCOM dispatch center where a dispatcher will route your call to the appropriate police or fire personnel. WESCOM services Forest Park, Oak Park, and River Forest. Since three towns are being serviced, you may be asked a series of questions in order to confirm your location.

Please share this news with your neighbors. 9-1-1 is for both emergencies and non-emergencies requiring police or fire personnel assistance.

News from the Police Department

For more information about the Forest Park Police Department, visit their website by clicking here.

Boards & Commissions

Upcoming Board and Commission Meetings

All meetings are held at Village Hall unless otherwise noted.

Dates and Times are subject to change- check the village website for the most up-to-date information.

September 4, Board of Health Meeting, 7pm

September 9, Village Council Meeting 7pm

September 16, Planning & Zoning Meeting, 7pm

September 17, Neighborhood Watch, 7pm

Environmental Control Commission (ECC)

We meet the 4th Wednesday of every month at 7pm at Village Hall. Please check out our August newsletter for the latest news.

Planning & Zoning Commission

The PZC meets as needed on the third Monday of the month at 7pm in the Lower Level of Village Hall.

Community News & Events

Invasion of the scarecrows is back!

The Historical Society of Forest Park and the Forest Park Arts Alliance are excited to bring back the Invasion of the Scarecrows this October! This year’s event will feature 300 scarecrows—up from 100 last year!

Here’s how to join the fun:

  1. Order Your Kit: Purchase online here.
  2. Pick Up Your Kit: Collect it at Garage Galleries on August 24 or at the Park District’s Fall Fest on September 7 (details to follow).
  3. Create & Display: Decorate and display your scarecrow(s) in October.

Reuse last year’s scarecrow for just $5. New kit with blank face scarecrow $35; Child scarecrow $25; or order a face painted by an artist $45.

New Kits include everything you need!

Vote for your favorites and compete for prizes in categories like Most Historic, Most Artistic, and more. Plus, there’s a special award for the block with the highest participation!

Proviso Handyman August News

Proviso Handyman department is here to serve the needs of our senior residents over the age of 60 and /or disabled residents who are homeowners in our community. More information can be found here.

Local Hiring Opportunities

The Village of Forest Park and several community partners are hiring. Please see the links below for more information and to apply:

Important Phone Numbers

Police, Fire and Medical Needs 

Emergency and Non-Emergency - 911

24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support - 988

Text to 911 Now Available

West Suburban Consolidated Dispatch Center which provides emergency response services to Forest Park, along with Oak Park and River Forest can now receive 911 texts from a cell phone to report an emergency.

While calls to 911 will best assist emergency responders in being able to locate a caller, texting is an option for those who may need it. Text should only be used when some is unable to voice call to 911.

A text to 911 cannot include any other recipients. Texts to 911 may also take longer to reach the dispatch center.

Texts to 911 should be brief. Please include the type of help needed and the location where help is needed. Be prepared to respond to follow-up questions via text to better assist emergency responders.

Village Hall/Clerk's Office - 708-366-2323

Police Department - 708-366-2425

Parking/Records - 708-366-7272

Fire Department - 708-366-1234

Community Center - 708-771-7737

Forest Park Public Library - 708-366-7171

Park District of Forest Park 708-366-7500 

School District 91 - 708-366-5700

Proviso Township High School - 708- 338-5900







517 Des Plaines Avenue

Forest Park, Illinois 60130

Telephone: 708-366-2323


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