Family Federation for World Peace and Unification

Heavenly Parent's Holy Community

Europe and the Middle East

No. 761 - 03.12.11 (13.01.2024)

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Unification News

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1. True Mother’s Activities

- New Year Celebration: True Mother's Breakfast with Cheon Il Guk Leaders

- Special Luncheon of True Parents with Key Officials of Sun Moon University

2.World News

■ Heavenly Korea

- HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center: Workshop for Cheonshimwon Assistants in Korea

- HJ Heaven and Earth Cheonbo Training Center: 1615th Hyo Jeong Cheonbo Special Training Session and Blessing Ceremony for Unmarried 2nd and 3rd Generation Spirits 

- Incheon Grand Church: 40-Day Special Training and Belt Examination in Tong-il Moo-do and Ilwondo for Public Officials and Their Spouses

■ Heavenly Japan

- Taiwan, Taichung Jiphyeonjeon: Year-End Festival

■Heavenly North America

- United States, Celebration of Peace Awards Banquet-2023

- United States, Northeast Region: 4-Day Youth Seminar

- United States, Alaska – Youth Winter Seminar

■ Heavenly Asia-Pacific

- Thailand – Special Worship Service: "Celebrating Christmas with the Heavenly Parent"

- Cambodia – National Tong-il Moo-do Tournament 2023

- Nepal – Special Devotional Condition for the Success of Vision 2025 and Vision 2027

■ Heavenly Latin America

- Brazil, Inauguration of HJ Media Studio

- Uruguay – 28th Special Fishing Devotion for Latin America

- Peru – Year-End Gathering of Peace Ambassadors

■ Heavenly Africa

- Zambia – 21-Day Divine Principle Seminar

- Côte d'Ivoire – 7-Day Divine Principle Seminar

EUME Weekly Video News 316

January 10, 2024

EUME Wednesday Evening Prayer Call

January 10, 2024

Young Adults Chill On Nordic Retreat

Young Adults gathered together to start the new year in beautiful and cold Norway, to join in community and create timeless memories and bonds.

‘Nordic Winter Workshop was 3-7 January 2024. With a participation of 32 individuals from 13 different countries, 30 were 2nd gen with an age group spanning between 18 to 35. The workshop had a retreat feeling to accommodate the needs of the young adults and some elements of education with HDH and lectures. The lectures were carefully picked to suit the needs of the 2nd gen staff and the participants. The focus of the lectures were Healing and Wellbeing by Aunty Barbara S. and Community and Ownership by Peter N. There was a lot of free time in the schedule allowing participants to really take the time to share with the staff and each other. A big plus of the workshop was the chance to spend a day in Helsinki and to enjoy a true Finnish Sauna every day with the chance to jump in the snow or take a dip in the frozen lake, rejuvenating spirit and soul.’- Peter N

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Introducing The European Second Generation Development

ESGD has undergone a transformation, shifting from being known as ESGD to adopting a new name that reflects their journey into the next phase. The transition involves a shift from being labelled a ‘Department’ to embracing ‘Development’ as a guiding principle for their future endeavours.

ESGD (European Second Generation Department) has rebranded itself to ESGD (European Second Generation Development). Learn more about it here:

ESGD is now ESGD

As the ESGD, we have been taking stock. We are commemorating 25+ years of offering education and care rooted in the Divine Principle, and the values and ideals of True Parents. There have been significant challenges to navigate over the years but our dedication and heart have remained steadfast – and so has our support. At this juncture, we particularly want to appreciate the foundation of years of investment from many brothers and sisters. The fact that we are still here is a collective accomplishment. 

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HJ International Graduate School for Peace and Public Leadership Spring Classes begin soon!

Exciting courses include:

Ministry and Public Leadership in America taught by Dr. Thomas Walsh and Rev. Demian Dunkley

Korean Language 1 taught by Christina Miyake

Divine Principle in Depth taught by Dr. Andrew Wilson

History of Christianity 1 taught by Dr. Michael Mickler

To see the full schedule and course syllabi:here

Classes begin on January 29. Generous scholarships are available! 

To apply:

For further details, please contact:

Steven Boyd, Dean of Enrollment Management & Student Life, at 

Upcoming Events

Hyojeong CheonBo Special Event in the Netherlands

January 20 – 21, 20224

Dear Brothers and Sisters,


We sincerely thank you for supporting the Hyojeong CheonBo Workshops and Events, and we pray that Heavenly Parents and True Parents’ love will always be with you.


On January 20th and 21st, the CheonBo EUME Branch will organize a 2-day CheonBo Event in the Netherlands. All members from the EUME region are invited to attend at the venue or in their church centers through live transmission. For more details regarding attendance, especially for members offering forms, please look at the Official Memo.


There will be an Ancestor Liberation Ceremony, an Ancestor Blessing Ceremony, a CheonShim Won Special Prayer Condition (Vigil Prayer), and educational lectures.


The deadline for registration is January 15th, 7 pm CET.


Registration link




CheonBo EUME Branch

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Ahn Shin Il Calendar 2024

Calendar in PDF

As we conclude the year 2023, we are already looking forward to another exciting summer of “Truth and Spirit” in 2024. 

Many of you have been asking about the dates of HJ Youth Pilgrimage and the 14-Day Divine Principle WS. We are happy to announce the following dates:

14-Day Divine Principle Workshop

July 14 – 27, 2024 in Gaflenz, Austria

21-Day HJ Youth Pilgrimage 

August 4 – 24, 2024 in Korea

(Arrival Aug 3 / Departure Aug 25)

Please share this news in your nation and pencil it in your calendars. More information will follow in time.

True Mother's Memoirs

EUME Region ZOOM Prayer Call

Every Wednesday Evening at 20:00 CET