The dawn of a new year and decade has found WV VOAD both busy and productive. As always, when disaster strikes, we stand ready to respond to our neighbors in all 55 counties. Last week, when flooding threatened the entire state, WV VOAD joined the American Red Cross and other agencies at the State Emergency Operation Center to respond to potential need. When needs were made known, we collaborated with WV Conference United Methodist Church and the WV Council of Churches to fulfill them.
Three new committees are up and running thanks to the Board who assisted me in establishing objectives and approving members. The Spiritual and Emotional Care, Mass Care and Long-Term Recovery Committees will facilitate more efficient response when service is needed. Watch for in-depth information on their goals and objectives in a later newsletter.
We are still deeply entrenched in the State’s recovery from 2016 devastation. First, WV VOAD, as a CDBG-DR subrecipient grantee, is providing case management as well as building bridges and homes through Rise WV. Four Outreach Events were held this month which yielded 43 new applications for assistance in this program which will continue for the next three years.
WV VOAD also continues to coordinate recovery completion for several flood survivors who were ineligible for the Rise WV program by collaborating with member organizations, national and local funders, long-term recovery committees, and of course, VOLUNTEERS! We look forward to dedicating these projects soon.
Speaking of VOLUNTEERS…they are the life blood of everything we are doing. We welcome your teams and individuals who would like to serve in West Virginia as we work through the remaining few hundred recovery plans from 2016 in twelve counties. Just email us at for information.
Read on for project updates, Volunteer Spotlights and more good news. As always, we look forward to serving alongside our members and partners!