St. Cuthbert's 65th Anniversary Celebrations
As one part of our celebration we are putting together a binder of who we are at St. Cuthbert. It will be called "Who We Are, St. Cuthbert's at 65" and I'm hoping that every single person will join us. This will be a history of our congregation now, for the congregation in years to come to look back at. Had this been done years ago, you could look back and find out about Rev. Pat Reid, Rose Whitaker, Frank Sutton and many, many more former parishioners who are no longer with us.
This is strictly an “in house” project, only for those of us who are around the church to look at, so you need not worry about privacy and this going out to the world at large.
Please fill in a page with the story of you at St. Cuthbert and preferably including a picture of yourself. An outline of what to include and a page to put it on are attached. When you’re done please email it to me ( or print it and bring it to the church.
Suggestions of what to include and a page to put it on are attached.
Please download the two forms here:
Who Are We Suggestions
Who Are We - form