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October 2021 Volume 11 number 10


News, Tips and Happenings
October already! I was just getting used to wearing shorts. The tourist retail traffic has been busier than usual. Not that I'm complaining. So many nice people, and they all love Finn, who is now about 60 pounds!

Last week we held a rigging class. Here's a shot of the students. They are (L to R)
Alex-CA, Ian - ME, Mark - MA, Steve - NJ, Sue - ME, Jim - FL, and Dave - SC.
Alex decided to name his boat Rodney because he said a model like this doesn't get any respect!
Model Ship World is an on-line forum of over 40,000 ship modelers. Topics range from kits to scratch builds, in-process continuing stories, tips, manufacturer information, technical topics. Too many to list here. Go take a look!

Nautical terms and origins
Ahoy - The traditional hailing call. Hoi is still the blind-corner signal of Venetian gondoliers, apparently having come into use in the early days of these craft. It was once the dreaded battle cry of the Vikings, and appears in Middle English and Old French.

Bum Boat - A small harbor craft used for peddling to, or ferrying, ships' crews, still extant in some ports. The term applied originally to boats so used on the Thames River, at and below London in the XVII century, and probably came from the Dutch word, bom, bluff.

Irons, In - Said of a sailing craft when caught dead isnto the wind and unable without extra sail-handling to fill her sails on a new tack. The term sometimes is used for a steamship that is badly trimmed or so lightly loaded that her propeller and rudder are ineffective. The origin of the term is uncertain; it could be from the sense of being in shackles, and unable to move.

Rose Box - The filter or strainer on the suction side of a bilge pump. A good example of sailors' whimsy; you can imagine how rose-like the scent and petal-like the solid matter collected.

Information is from the book "Origins of Sea Terms" by John G. Rogers
copyright 1985 Mystic Seaport Museum, Inc. and available from BlueJacket. 
Models of the Month - racing shells
Eight oared shell used by USA Gold medal crew in 1964 Olympics

I thought you and possibly your readers might be interested in some of my recent work. A little different from what modelers usually do. They are of racing shells and are 1 inch to the foot, the eight model is 60 inches long but only two inches wide. They are constructed of cherry and the interior structures are spruce, with medal riggers constructed of brass. The shoes are actual leather as in the original shells. These were extremely lightweight for their size with an eight only weighed about 240 lbs.

Rick S. of PA"
Interior of eight and detail of oars
Quad shell vintage 1975 by Stampfli of Switzerland
Interior detail of a double shell
Real Boat Names
Let's see YOUR workbench
This is from Chris M. of NY:

My workshop is In the middle of New York. Alabama in the wings!
Ps - You open July 3? Might be in the neighborhood ! Would love to drop by
What's on the workbench?
Nic's bench - Just finished a total re-rigging of the Puritan for Ted S. of CT
Al's bench - Al's started a new kit. The coastal schooner Ellie Mara. It will be a waterline model
in HO scale (1:87) What is interesting about this model is the fact that the main mast is offset from the center-line to allow for the dropped keel. The hull you see is a single resin casting.
Something Fun
cartoon courtesy of Redwood Empire Model Shipwrights newsletter
Tip of the Month - Keeping track of small parts
This comes from Dick B. of MI and ME who does restorations

"The second photo is in the "tip" category. I can't believe it is a new idea, and I'm sure you have published it or something similar in the past. As I remove small parts I tape them to a 3x5 card and label them for safe keeping and easy retrieval later.
Enjoy your publications, and enjoy stopping at your shop in Searsport during the summer
Dick B"
Blatant Publicity
A Final Thought...
This past month has seen a lot of promotions to get vaccinated. I understand the vast majority of people in the hospital with Covid are un-vaccinated. Please be safe.
Nic Damuck
BlueJacket Shipcrafters, Inc.