New York State
Assn of Manufacturing
 Retail Bakers
March, 2022 | Early Spring Newsletter
Do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to see in person the edible creations our contestants are going to show you. You will be amazed and inspired by their work.

While these individuals are currently laying out their designs, teams of people are working to firm up the numerous classes, demonstrations and exhibits to provide you with the the opportunity to attend.
sorry make that

OCTOBER 16 AND 17TH, 2022


“Bake the best with something good"
Our commitment to the quality of our products and the initial raw materials has been in place from day one. Only the best ingredients with a flawless certificate are included for sophisticated and gentle processing. This is the only way we can ensure that our products are full of the quality we guarantee.
User-friendliness, high quality and nutritional aspects are extremely important – only succeeded by our primary focal point: You. Our customer. In addition to our extensive standard range, we also offer countless tailored products, providing everyone exactly with what they need.

Up Coming Events
New York State Bakers Meeting
When: May 19, 2022

Where: Your Mother's Place
2349 New Hyde Park Road
New Hyde Park, NY
516 493-9030 
Atlantic Bakery Expo
Aka. Artisan Bakery Expo East 
October 16&17, 2022  
Atlantic City Convention Center 

Bakers Amusement Corner
Jokes, Quotes, etc!

What did the Italian baker say when a customer left her bread on the counter?

“Hey, you focaccia bread!”