WV Central

July 2022


news & updates

Mike's Article

2022 has been difficult and could become more challenging for everyone.

The Federal Reserve has been increasing the Fed Fund rate over the last several months with the most recent increase of 75 bps or 0.75%. The current Fed Fund rate is 1.75% and the outlook for the rest of 2022 implies that the rate may increase to as high as 3.5%.

 So what can we expect to see happen in our financial marketplace? With the rate increasing, most financial institutions will look to begin

increasing loan rates and will probably be slow to increase deposit rates. WV Central looks at things a little differently so we just increased our deposit rates to reward our members. As far as loan rates are concerned, WV Central is leaving loan rates, for now, unchanged.

What we hope to do is to continue to help our members reduce their overall cost of borrowing. By leaving our rates at historic lows, we are giving our members time to look to improve their cash flow. Improved cash flow is so very important during an inflationary time period. You can improve your cash flow by allowing WV Central to refinance loans that you have at other institutions where rates are, honestly, just too high.

We have been very successful helping members already in 2022 as we have reduced our members’ interest cost by $775,000.00.

Please stop in, schedule an appointment or go on-line to see our best in market deposit and loan rates!

We are here to help! Please allow us to do just that!

Visit our Website

It's time for teachers to sign up! This year we are going to be providing teachers with checks to purchase supplies for their classrooms in early August.

Sign up at this link and share it with your teacher friends!

Sign Up Here

BB2C Check Presentation

On June 8th we presented a check to Building Bridges to Careers (BB2C). We are excited to be partnering with the BB2C as they walk into the next ten years. We decided to partner with this organization because their mission to "Foster students, business, and community relationships to inspire career choice through experience, entrepreneurship, and education." We feel this partnership will help us help the community become financially well for the future. 

The ten year celebration is August 19th from 5pm to 9pm at the Marietta Shrine Club. We are the silver sponsor for this event!

Visit BB2C website

We dropped off some donations to McClinton's for their 10th Annual Car Show on June 10th. Those donations will help families with the Children's Home Society of West Virginia we also donated a check of $500 so that the Children's Home Society can purchase other needed items. Overall we donated around $800 to this organization!

Winner of testimonial quarter: Joseph Malone

WVCFCU has given me a great opportunity to help me better myself and my family. Super great full for Britney and all that was involved with my banking experience! Definitely will be doing more business with them in the future.

Children's Miracle Network Raffle

Come to any WV Central location to purchase your raffle ticket to win this 2022 Polaris 150!

All proceeds benefit WVU Children's Hospital!

Tickets are:

1 for $10.00

3 for $25.00

Designer Purse Bingo

Thank you to every who came out to help support team In Memory of - In Honor of and Relay for Life of Wood County. Without those who helped sponsor the bingo, those who volunteered to help, and those of you who bought tickets to play the game this would not have been a success. We truly appreciate all of your support!

Ornament Contest

Are you a creative individual? We need your help in designing this year’s Christmas Ornament. We ask that you incorporate WV Central or the credit union movement in your design. This year our ornament will be a wood carving made by those working at the Maker Space.


We ask that you submit your design by July 31st so that we can insure there is enough time to choose our winner and get them produced by December. Please submit your design below.

Submit your Design

Share your story!

Tell us how we've helped you!

At the end of the quarter we will do a drawing and you could win cash!

Share your Story

July's Sticker

Stop by one of our three branches and pick up this month's sticker!

Save Time By Scheduling Your Next Branch Visit

We know your time is valuable. With our online appointment scheduling, it's easy to stop by one of our branch locations at a time that works best for you.

Our friendly member services team is ready to serve you when you need them.

Never forget your appointment with our confirmation e-mails. You can also reschedule your appointment if necessary.

Schedule An Appointment

Appointments are required for all account and loan services.

Appointments are not required for teller transactions.

Need financial planning assistance?

Call Andy at Commonwealth to discuss investing and retirement for your financial future! 304-422-3531

Schedule A Free Consultation
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