WV Central

October 2022


news & updates

Mike's Article

As we roll into October, we are ready to celebrate the credit union movement! On October 20, 2022, we will be celebrating the 74th anniversary of International Credit Union Day (ICU).

Although one day will not be enough for WV Central as we will celebrate the entire month of October by thanking you, our members, for your loyalty and support. When our members work together by bringing their assets to the credit union and then allowing those assets to be used to support the membership, as a whole, then we all benefit!

A few years back we created the word “Memberriffic” so we could say just how terrific our members are! In recognition of that, we will be rewarding our members for their years of membership. So if you are in the market for a great return on a 12 month certificate or need a new loan there will be no better time than now.

For each year that you have been a member, we will add 4 bps per year to a new certificate rate or reduce your new loan rate. We will do both if that is what you desire. If you have been a member since our charter year of 1969, you can get a 12 month certificate at an APY of 3.50%. A 60 month auto loan could be as low as 2.0%.

So whether you are in a savings mood or need to borrow – our October Memberriffic celebration should not be missed.

We are here to help so please come and see us

Visit our Website

West Virginia Central Mortgage is partnering with Habitat for Humanity, WV Housing Development Fund and the City of Parkersburg to discuss some available programs before you start your home ownership journey.

Doors open at 6:00 PM with light hors d'oeuvres with presentations starting at 6:30 PM.

Sign up here

Relay for Life Raffle

1) 1/4 of beef donated by Alloway Farms

Processing Donation by Mullenix Meat

Packing-Valued at $675.00

 2) $100.00 Cash                                      

   3) $50.00 Cash                                                  

Tickets are $5.00 each or 3 for $10.00

Beef will be ready for pick up on December 16, 2022

Drawing will be held December 1, 2022

Tickets can be purchased at any WV Central FCU location

International Credit Union (ICU) Day® celebrates the spirit of the global credit union movement. The day is recognized to reflect upon the credit union movement's history, promote its achievements, recognize hard work and share member experiences. International Credit Union (ICU) Day® has been celebrated since 1948.

The ultimate goal is to raise awareness about the tremendous work that credit unions are doing around the world and give members the opportunity to get more engaged. 

This year's theme is "Empower Your Financial Future With A Credit Union".

WV Central sets aside funds to support the community through charitable donations and this year we're here to help you empower your organizations in the communities we serve.  

If your organization is in need of funding, complete the form below and let us know how we can help your organization. We will try to help as many organizations as possible!

Applications will be accepted through October 7, 2022. 

Apply here

Time to start your club accounts

Learn more

Credit Score is here! You now have instant access to your credit score, report, personalized money saving offers and financial education tips on how to improve your score or maintain an already great score. It’s built right into our easy-to use mobile app, so you don’t need a new login! Plus, It’s FREE. Try it today. 

Log on to Online Banking

DERC  Park is offering New Memberships to all WV Central FCU Member's!

Learn More

Sondra Frederick's Story

Recently I needed my home reroofed due to serious leaking problems. I can always count on WVCFCU to fix me up with a quick loan the same day I apply. New roof looks great! So aren't you all!

Share your story!

Tell us how we've helped you!

At the end of the quarter we will do a drawing and you could win cash!

Share your Story

October's Sticker

Stop by one of our three branches and pick up this month's sticker!

Save Time By Scheduling Your Next Branch Visit

We know your time is valuable. With our online appointment scheduling, it's easy to stop by one of our branch locations at a time that works best for you.

Our friendly member services team is ready to serve you when you need them.

Never forget your appointment with our confirmation e-mails. You can also reschedule your appointment if necessary.

Schedule An Appointment

Appointments are required for all account and loan services.

Appointments are not required for teller transactions.

Need financial planning assistance?

Call Andy at Commonwealth to discuss investing and retirement for your financial future! 304-422-3531

Schedule A Free Consultation
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