Financial Cooperative
Did you know that WV Central is a financial cooperative?
If not, it might help if we define cooperative so you can compare it to what you know about your credit union. A cooperative is an association of persons (members) that is owned and controlled by the people (members). People with the common goal to meet common economic, social, and/or cultural needs. Members of credit unions, like WV Central, pool their assets to provide loans and other financial services to each other.
Being a not-for-profit financial cooperative allows WV Central to concentrate and act in ways always in our members’ best interest.
Approximately 70% of Americans want to do all that they can to improve the lives of their fellow man. This desire says so much about our country and our desire to see everyone be as successful as possible. I believe this desire to help is a large reason our members come to the credit union.
Credit unions excel when the membership is not asking just what is in it for me but instead asks how I can position myself for success while helping those around to improve their financial well-being.
A great question to ask ourselves as members or potential members is what can I do that will help my fellow man, my family, and my friends? A fact to consider is that a credit union can not meet its mission without members making deposits that then can be used to make loans to members, credit unions needs members to take out loans to meet their personal financial needs which produces income for the credit union, which then provides all other services to the entire membership. Full participation by our members will be what gives all members that hope for financial well-being.
In 2023, WV Central hopes to develop ways for members that fully use the credit union to receive better rates due to their willingness to support our cooperative structure.
From savings to certificates our rates are very competitive, need a checking account our rates are strong and fees are low, and if you need a loan whether auto, mortgage, personal or whatever your need our rates are typically the very best in the local market.
We are here to help! Now it is up to you to let us!