WV Central

April 2022


news & updates

Mike's Article

When visiting the Credit Union National Association’s (CUNA) website the following statement can be read: America’s credit unions are dedicated to making sure that people have a stable financial footing to weather life’s emergencies. With a not-for-profit member owned structure, we work hard to find solutions that meet our members where they are. After all, we serve them, not Wall Street investors.

WV Central completely agrees with the above statement as it helps to describe the program called “Improving Financial Well-Being for All”. Providing access to credit should not be an opportunity for a lender to prey on people. WV Central continues to work with members to help them to better their financial situation. So far in 2022, members have saved over $500,000.00 just by refinancing loans from other lenders and bringing those loans to the credit union to take advantage of our exceptional loan rates.

When a national survey states that 6 out of 10 Americans are not financially healthy, we know we have work to do. Sadly, financial health will not improve if we fail to take steps to address rising interest rates. The Federal Reserve increased the Fed Fund rate by 25 bps* in March and expect to increase the rate by 50 bps in May with more expected through 2023. This will only increase your cost of funds going forward if you have an adjustable rate or when you apply for a new loan in the coming months.

I ask that you consider taking action right now to reduce your loan interest cost. Now is a great time to compare what you are paying in interest on any loan that you have at another financial institution and compare that rate with rates at WV Central. This can easily be done by working with our excellent member solution specialists here at Central. We will do all we can to help you to improve your financial well-being. We are here to help!

*bps - basis points is a measurement, there are 100 basis points in 1%

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Saturday March 5, 2022 we held our 53rd Annual Meeting at First Presbyterian Church. At the meeting 4 members of the board were elected into their positions, 3 were elected for 3-year terms and 1 for a 1- year term. Ken Watts, board treasure, gave his financial report that showed WV Central in a very good place. Mike Tucker, CEO, told members a story of how we were able to help one member decrease her interest rate and ended up saving her money! There was also updates with new technology the credit union is using. The first being the introduction to our new app (released March 1st), second was about our website getting a new look later in the year, lastly how the credit union is looking into helping members who are interest in cryptocurrency.

It's Youth Month here at WV Central!

Come help us celebrate, by either opening a new youth account or by using the account you already have. We enjoy helping the younger people in our lives become more financially responsible.

Open a Youth Account

This contest is open to elementary, middle, and high school students in Wood, Wirt, Jackson, Richie and Pleasants County in WV and Washington County in OH.

Submit by April 22nd

Submit your Essay

Our May Car Sale is right around the corner!

The time is now to schedule an appointment with one of loan officers to get pre-approved and be ready to shop for that new vehicle during our annual May Car Sales!

You don't want to miss out!

Apply Now

Nikki Stark's Story

I have been a member of WVCCU since I was 19! I'm 50 now! They have helped me refinance my house, purchase vehicles, they have helped me in so many ways. I especially love the customer service of Rach.

We love hearing stories like Nikki's. Please share yours with us too!

Share your Story

Tell us how we've helped you!

At the end of the quarter we will do a drawling and you could win cash!

We're here to help you on your next step!

High school seniors make sure you apply before the May 1st deadline!

Download the Applications

Kasasa Cash Back Checking Accounts

April's Sticker

Stop by one of our three branches and pick up this month's sticker!

Save Time By Scheduling Your Next Branch Visit

We know your time is valuable. With our online appointment scheduling, it's easy to stop by one of our branch locations at a time that works best for you.

Our friendly member services team is ready to serve you when you need them.

Never forget your appointment with our confirmation e-mails. You can also reschedule your appointment if necessary.

Schedule An Appointment

Appointments are required for all account and loan services.

Appointments are not required for teller transactions.

Need financial planning assistance?

Call Andy at Commonwealth to discuss investing and retirement for your financial future! 304-422-3531

Schedule A Free Consultation
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