708-366-2323 - contact@forestpark.net

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Big City Access Small Town Charm

Week Ending - July 20, 2024

Welcome to the Village of Forest Park's weekly e-newsletter! Please use this e-newsletter as a resource to provide you with the latest news, events, and resources in and around Forest Park!

In this edition, please find updates from the Village Council, the Clerk's Office, Public Works, the Police Department, the Fire Department, the Community Center, community news, job opportunities, and more!

We want to hear from you! If you have news or events that you would like to include in future editions, please let us know

A Note from the Village Administrator

As I arrived at Village Hall this morning, I was drawn to the new flower garden Director Stella had planted this summer. On one of the newly blossomed Purple Coneflower plants, I saw several bumblebees and a butterfly. It was such a pretty sight! This new perennial garden was designed by Forest Park's very own McAdam's Landscaping and is located along the east wall of the Fire Department.

The Village's Lead Service Line Replacement Project is underway, and we need your help! If you have a sign on your front lawn like the one pictured below, please use the QR code to complete the form required for the Village to replace your lead service line. The replacement is free to homeowners in the Village's designated service areas.

Next week, the Park District of Forest Park will host the 16" No Glove National Softball Tournament from July 25-28. The tournament brings thousands of people to Forest Park over the four days of play and is a great time to catch up with old friends and make new ones. The Park is always in need of volunteers to help in the beer and food tents. If you are interested in helping out with this award-winning event, call the Park District at 708-366-7500 for more information or click here.

The village's vibrant music scene continues to thrive in the lovely summer weather. The Forest Park Arts Alliance stoop sessions across the village have been a hit. The next session will take place July 23rd at 1529 Elgin at 7pm. On August 20, don't miss the headline performance by R-Gang for the final Groov'n in the Grove, kicking off at 7pm. The Historical Society of Forest Park is hosting their annual Garden Walk this Saturday, July 20th. For tickets click here. Living in a village with such lively events is awesome!

Village Council News

Village Council Meeting Information

The next meeting of the Forest Park Village Council will be held on Monday, July 22, 2024, at 7pm in the lower level of Village Hall. As always, the public is welcome to join.

Can't make the meeting in person? Village Council meetings are streamed live and recordings are published to the Village website within a few days after the meeting.

To view the meetings live via Zoom, click here and then click on the Zoom link for the current meeting. Meetings will start at 7pm.

To view recordings of the Village Council meetings, click here, then click on the date you would like to view.

News from the Village Clerk's Office

Are you registered to vote? Whether you're new to the area or have been here for years, your vote matters. Take a moment to verify your voter registration status or register if you haven't already.  Registering to vote is quick and easy and ensures that you have a say in the decisions that affect us all. More voter registration can be found here.

News from the Mayor's Office

The Bike Safety Carnival was a fantastic event filled with fun, learning, and community. Thirty free bike helmets were distributed, 24 young riders were trained in safety tips, and 28 participants decorated their bikes and helmets, making license plates, with a total of 50 participants overall. A big shoutout goes to Play It Again Sports for their essential bike safety checks and contributions to the helmet giveaway, ensuring our riders stayed safe. Thank you to the Village of Forest Park and especially Commissioner Michelle Melin-Rogovin for orchestrating this remarkable event.

Last week, the monthly Proviso Mayoral dinner convened in Forest Park, gathering Mayor Hoskins, Village Administrator Entler, and neighboring officials for an evening of camaraderie and discussion. Mayor Hoskins is always proud of Madison Street, known for its diverse shopping and dining scene. The event included a delicious meal at Caffe De Luca.

Madison Street’s sweet side was recently featured in "Ice-Cream Shops You Can't Miss", with Brown Cow Ice Cream Parlor and Twisted Cookie recently earning accolades. For more on these local treats, click here.

News from the Department of Public Health & Safety

Des Plaines Valley Mosquito Abatement

Recent heavy rains and warm temperatures have triggered a significant emergence of the Aedes vexans floodwater mosquito, known for its aggressive biting behavior. Although this mosquito does not transmit diseases, it covers large distances, exceeding 10 miles due to its migratory nature. District efforts are actively targeting floodwater sources to prevent these mosquitoes from reaching adulthood.

While nuisance mosquitoes, including Aedes vexans, are prevalent, residents are reminded that West Nile Virus (WNV)-transmitting species are also in the area. These mosquitoes are less aggressive biters with limited flight range but pose a health risk. As increased WNV activity is monitored in District areas, evening mosquito spraying operations may occur from dusk until midnight in affected zones. The Village will be notified if spraying is scheduled in Forest Park.

For updates on spraying locations and schedules click here and also check the District's Facebook page.

 News from the Community Center

2024 Groovin in the Grove!!

June 18, July 16, August 20

Join us at The Grove (7824 Madison Street) for an evening of FREE music under the stars. Feel free to bring your own chairs, food and drink. Concessions will also be available for purchase. The fun starts at 7pm.

Food Pantry

Residents who are in need of assistance with groceries can visit the Forest Park Food Pantry located at the Community Center. For hours and more information, call 708-771-7737.

News from the Fire Department

9-1-1- Emergency and Non-Emergencies

Anyone requiring immediate assistance from the Forest Park Police and Fire Departments should call 9-1-1; this also includes non-emergency situations which require a response. The Village’s 9-1-1 dispatch center will route your call to the appropriate personnel to assist with the matter at hand. The Village’s 708-366-2425 number is not to be used to request service for public safety personnel.

This change is a result of the State's dispatch consolidation requirements that went into effect in May 2017. If you call Village Hall in need of police or fire personnel for either non-emergency or emergency response, you will be transferred to our WESCOM dispatch center where a dispatcher will route your call to the appropriate police or fire personnel. WESCOM services Forest Park, Oak Park, and River Forest. Since three towns are being serviced, you may be asked a series of questions in order to confirm your location.

Please share this news with your neighbors. 9-1-1 is for both emergencies and non-emergencies requiring police or fire personnel assistance.

News from the Police Department

For more information about the Forest Park Police Department, visit their website by clicking here.

Boards & Commissions

Upcoming Board and Commission Meetings

All meetings are held at Village Hall unless otherwise noted.

Dates and Times are subject to change- check the village website for the most up-to-date information.

July 22, Village Council Meeting, 7pm

July 24, Environmental Control Commission, 7pm

August 7, Board of Health, 7pm

August 8, Recreation Board Meeting, 7pm

August 12, Village Council Meeting, 7pm

August 15, Safety & Traffic Commission, 7pm

August 19, Planning & Zoning Meeting, 7pm

August 20, Neighborhood Watch, 7pm

Environmental Control Commission (ECC)

The next ECC meeting will be held on July 24 at Village Hall.

Click here to view our July newsletter! it's Plastic Free July! Let's pledge to make every month as plastic-free as possible. Say no to single-use plastics by joining the take-out, opt-out challenge! Remember to sip sustainably with a reusable water bottle and bring your own bags for plastic-free shopping. Together, we can make a difference for a cleaner, healthier planet. 🌿💧

Planning & Zoning Commission

The PZC meets as needed on the third Monday of the month at 7pm in the Lower Level of Village Hall.

Community News & Events

Pace Bus Hiring Event at Triton

Wednesday July 24, 6pm

More information can be found here.

Attention Manufacturing Businesses!

Tuesday July 30, 8:30 am - 10:30 am

200 S 5th Ave, Maywood

Commissioner Tara Stamps is hosting an event for manufacturing businesses to discover information on available grants offered through Cook County along with resources to help grow their businesses. More information can be found here.

Forest Park Library Mental Health First Aid Training

The Library will be offering Mental Health First Aid through the National Alliance on Menta Illness (NAMI).

There will be two sessions. One focused on adults and the other on youth.

This program is presented in partnership with D91 Parent University.

Across 25 countries and more than fifteen years, this evidence-based course brings mental health awareness to everyday people.

For the adult training, this 8-hour program is for participants over the age of 18 who will learn how to assist a fellow adult struggling with a mental health challenge. The courses will be delivered by a certified instructor, and learning will consist of group discussions, scenario-based activities, shared lived experiences, PowerPoint presentation and videos.

Upon completion, participants will receive a certificate. Additionally, participants can earn 6.5 to 7.5 credits of professional development hours. Everyone 18+ is able to participate. 

NAMI Presents Mental Health First Aid: Focus on Adults

Saturday, August 3 from 9 am-5 pm

Sign up here.

NAMI Presents Mental Health First Aid: Focus on Youth

Saturday, August 10 from 9 am-4 pm

Sign up here.

Forest Park Theater Presents Pericles!


AUGUST 9-11 & 16-18

5 PM



This summer Forest Park Theatre will bring to the stage the story of a young prince exiled from his country, who finds, loses and regains his life in his search for a true home.

Pericles is Forest Park Theatre’s fourth free summer Shakespeare performance, a stormy tale of loss, love and redemption. In August, our diverse company will perform at the meadow behind Altenheim.

International Overdose Awareness Day

State Rep. La Shawn K. Ford, the West Side Heroin Task Force founder will commemorate International Overdose Awareness Day on Friday, August 20, 2024. More information can be found here.

Proviso Handyman July News

Proviso Handyman department is here to serve the needs of our senior residents over the age of 60 and /or disabled residents who are homeowners in our community. More information can be found here.

Local Hiring Opportunities

The Village of Forest Park and several community partners are hiring. Please see the links below for more information and to apply:

Important Phone Numbers

Police, Fire and Medical Needs 

Emergency and Non-Emergency - 911

24/7 Mental Health Crisis Support - 988

Text to 911 Now Available

West Suburban Consolidated Dispatch Center which provides emergency response services to Forest Park, along with Oak Park and River Forest can now receive 911 texts from a cell phone to report an emergency.

While calls to 911 will best assist emergency responders in being able to locate a caller, texting is an option for those who may need it. Text should only be used when some is unable to voice call to 911.

A text to 911 cannot include any other recipients. Texts to 911 may also take longer to reach the dispatch center.

Texts to 911 should be brief. Please include the type of help needed and the location where help is needed. Be prepared to respond to follow-up questions via text to better assist emergency responders.

Village Hall/Clerk's Office - 708-366-2323

Police Department - 708-366-2425

Parking/Records - 708-366-7272

Fire Department - 708-366-1234

Community Center - 708-771-7737

Forest Park Public Library - 708-366-7171

Park District of Forest Park 708-366-7500 

School District 91 - 708-366-5700

Proviso Township High School - 708- 338-5900







517 Des Plaines Avenue

Forest Park, Illinois 60130

Telephone: 708-366-2323

E-mail: contact@forestpark.net

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