Domestic violence affects millions of people each year. It is prevalent in every community, and does not discriminate with regard to sex, gender identity, age, nationality, religion, or socio-economic status. It doesn’t just include physical violence — it also involves emotional abuse, controlling behavior, manipulation, and other conduct. Domestic violence has damaging consequences and must be stopped. We need your participation to uplift our community and to tackle this devasting problem.

Domestic violence often goes unreported. Many people simply don’t realize how common the issue is. A person very close to you could be a survivor without you knowing it. In fact, you yourself might even be involved in ways you don’t realize, since domestic violence includes many forms of non-physical abuse.

Consider the following: In a 10-year period (2005 to 2015), an average of 582,000 non-fatal domestic violence incidents went unreported to the police each year. In 32 percent of these cases, the survivors cited the personal nature of the event as a reason for not reporting it. Other reasons for not reporting included: a desire to protect the offender (21 percent), feelings that the crime was minor or unimportant (20 percent), or a fear of retaliation from the offender or other people (19 percent).

Community Walk To End Domestic Violence
We had a great turnout on October 14th for our Annual Community Walk Against Domestic Violence. Thank you to everyone who came out to walk in Downtown Conroe to bring awareness to this issue and to honor both victims and survivors.
Flowers On The Lake
This year, the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office has partnered with the Montgomery County Veterans’ Memorial Commission to host a very special event in commemoration of Domestic Violence Awareness Month.

Click on the link below to view photos and access the full news article.
Parking Lot Bingo
We had 68 cars and over 100 people join us for our first ever PARKING LOT BINGO event at Lonestar College Montgomery. It was a fabulous evening full of horn-honking, arm-waving, headlight-flashing fun! Thank you to our Community Sponsors who allowed us to award winners with over $2,500 in prizes. We collected over 100 pairs of warm winter pajamas from BINGO players to send to our shelter this winter.
Golf Trails of The Woodlands WGA
A huge “thank you” to Golf Trails of the Woodlands (WGA), which chose the Montgomery County Women's Center as the beneficiary of its Fall Festival Golf Tournament. Members collected a TON of much needed items for our shelter and made a lovely monetary donation as well.
United Methodist Church
Shout Out to The Woodlands United Methodist Church, whose members came out today and performed some projects at shelter!!! There is also an interesting backstory: Last year, they cut down an oak tree for us and check out what they found inside.... a beautiful butterfly shape!! The butterfly has always been such an amazing metaphor for our clients’ transformation as they begin the process of rebuilding their lives! We are OVER THE MOON EXCITED about finding a way to display this unbelievable find at the shelter.
Join The Purple Postcard Campaign
What Is A Purple Postcard?
Simply stated, a purple postcard is a powerful way for Texans to send a united message to our legislators, declaring support for survivors and to request full funding for family violence services. Click on the following link to join the Purple Postcard Campaign. TCFV will deliver your postcard, along with others, directly to your legislators!
Are You An AMAZON Junkie?!?
Please consider selecting Montgomery County Women's Center as your charity of choice this holiday season and shopping through AMAZON SMILE to raise funds for victims of domestic violence and sexual assault.