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President's Message

Happy New Year!

Although it’s not a new PTA year, hopefully you’ve made a resolution to get all of the PTA things done! I admit it can be hard to pick things back up after a few weeks of no PTA, but your community needs you—so let’s get going!

During the break, I read Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin. I was introduced to this book through a book club made up of parents from my kids' high school. We started the group to discuss the books our children were reading and it gave us something to talk to our teenagers about. Even with our kids now grown, we continue meeting. Being a part of this group has motivated me to explore books I wouldn’t normally pick up—and, more importantly, to hear a variety of perspectives on the same text. We all bring different life experiences to our reading, and that’s what makes the conversations so interesting. The PTA executive board could be a ready made book club! You could also check out this information from National PTA about hosting a family reading experience!

Team of Rivals focuses on Abraham Lincoln’s leadership during his presidency, specifically the team of people he appointed to his cabinet—many of whom had once been his political rivals. The key takeaway here is that Lincoln believed in the importance of hearing differing viewpoints. These men were all potential presidential candidates themselves, and many of them felt they were better suited for the job. Yet Lincoln understood that to lead effectively, he needed to listen to a variety of voices—even those that disagreed with him. By bringing people with different perspectives together, he was able to make better decisions and govern more effectively.

As we approach the election of next year’s PTA officers, now is the time to start thinking about how to reach out to more families and engage them in PTA. The future of PTA depends on our ability to engage new volunteers, involve different viewpoints, and create a strong, diverse leadership team.

Keep reading to find tips to keep PTA running smoothly in 2025.

Shawna Straw


Happy New Year! It is time to complete your Workers’ Compensation form. Here is a link to the California State PTA website with information on insurance, how to complete your workers’ compensation form, access to the 2025 Insurance Guide, and other information related to PTA insurance. Your Worker’s Compensation form is due by January 31st and although most PTAs do not have employees, it is important to complete the form.

If your unit is registered to hold raffles this year, your raffle report is due February 1st. Here is a link to the Attorney General’s website for non-profit raffles where you can find the application form and Raffle Report form. Remember that PTAs can only hold raffles if they have applied with the Attorney General’s office and submitted the $30 application fee.

What makes a raffle a raffle? If participants must purchase a “ticket” to win, it is a raffle and requires registering with the Attorney General. Another requirement of a raffle is that ninety percent (90%) of gross receipts from a raffle must go to charitable purposes. If anyone can receive a ticket whether they pay or not, it is an opportunity drawing or sweepstakes. Opportunity drawings do not require registry with the Attorney General, but remember everyone must be able to receive the opportunity to win, even if they do not pay any money.

Financial Reviewer

It is time to get books ready for a mid-year financial review. Use the Financial Review Checklist to organize your financial books for the review, and be sure to meet with your financial reviewer to explain how your books are organized so that the review will go smoothly.

Questions? Please contact David Rogers

Did you Know...

Did you know that you should never make a cash withdrawal from your PTA account? A cash withdrawal violates the requirement for two signatures. If you need start-up cash for a cash box, write a check to the person who will set up the cash box with the memo line of "start-up cash for the cash box." At the end of the event, be sure to complete two cash verification forms: one for the start-up cash and one for the income from the event. Redeposit the start-up money separately to show that the money was returned to the account. It may sound like extra work, but it protects you and the rest of the board.


Handling Cash: 7 Dos and Don’ts

Laura Schumacher, Financial Secretary

Your event is over and it was a financial success. Now you’re faced with counting and

depositing a big stack of cash. How do you do it safely and efficiently? Here are some dos and


1. DO have two PTA members (one should be an officer or committee chair) count the cash

and sign the Cash Verification Form. This form should be counter-signed by the


2. DO make sure each person who signs the form retains a copy.

3. DO make sure the two people counting the cash are not related by blood, marriage or

living together.

4. DO NOT deposit money in anyone’s personal account or in the school account. Never

leave money unattended, in someone’s home or in the trunk of a car. 

5. DO go directly to the bank to deposit the cash. One person can take the cash to the bank

as long as he or she is depositing counted cash. If you can’t get to the bank same day,

store funds overnight in a secure location.

6. DO give the bank deposit slip to the treasurer to match up with the signed Cash Verification Form.

7. DO NOT reimburse anyone out of the cash proceeds. This will distort your proceeds.

Pay all bills with a PTA check to create a paper trail.

Learn More.

Does your PTA have Unclaimed Funds?

It’s possible your PTA has unclaimed funds from a previous bank account or a fundraising organization. California State law requires institutions to forward funds to the state when an account has been inactive for three years. You can search Unclaimed Property by school address or your PTA name. If you do have funds, you may file a claim with the State Controller’s Office at no charge.

If you need help, contact Laura Schumacher, Financial Secretary.


Service Awards Honor Excellence

Show your appreciation for dedicated volunteers, professionals and groups with our PTA service-awards recognition program.

Honorary Service Awards are awarded throughout the year and designed as a unique way for PTA units, councils and districts to publicly acknowledge both individuals and organizations for outstanding community service to children and youth in a community. All funds collected with this program are used exclusively to support the California State PTA scholarship and grant programs. This program provides scholarships for volunteers and educators to continue their education; Scholarships for High School Seniors to continue their education; plus grants to local PTAs/PTSAs to advance goals in areas related to outreach in translation, cultural arts, parent education and healthy lifestyle. Any unit, council or district can approve the purchase of an Honorary Service award.

Register Now!

The Annual Meeting & Founders' Day is set for Wednesday February 26, 2025 at the Sharp Prebys Innovation and Education Center in Kearny Mesa.

Doors open at 8:30 am

Breakfast Buffet Available 8:30 am-9:30 am

Meeting starts at 10:00 am

Event ends 11:30pm

Early Bird Pricing: $35 (1/07-2/02)

Regular Pricing: $50 (2/3-2/26)

Questions? Please contact Lori Fentress at


Community Concerns

On behalf of the Ninth District PTA Grant Committee we would like to congratulate our recipients! We look forward to seeing what great things you will accomplish this year!

Mary Patterson, VP Community Concerns


The Historian position has always been a great starting point for new board members ready to learn and help on a PTA Board. I would like to remind everyone to please continue to remind your units to collect hours every month and to not wait until the end of the year. Collecting the hours for the Unit/Council records is a good way to show your school and/or school district how many hours the PTA volunteered for them and saved them money during a school year. Visit our website to learn more about the role of historian.

Sonya Vargas

6th Annual Jacobs Teen Innovation Challenge

Apply by January 22, 2025

The Jacobs Teen Innovation Challenge is an annual, worldwide event that supports teachers and teenagers in developing social good solutions using design thinking. Students form teams to identify a local or global problem related to the 17 United Nations Global Goals and then work through three phases of a design thinking curriculum to develop solutions. Awards to charity are provided on behalf of winning teams (see winners from our last event).

Learn More

San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering - Expo Day

The San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering's Expo Day returns on March 1 to Petco Park. This free event with over 150 exhibitors is packed with hands-on learning and exploring activities for students of all ages and their families. The San Diego Festival of Science and Engineering is the largest event of its kind in Southern California. It’s a collective effort between industry, business leaders, government, community organizations, public outreach centers, academia, schools and school districts, and parents.

For more information about the 2025 festival, visit

The Equitable Schools Fund by Sister Cities Project is an innovative approach to education funding in San Diego: for the first time, a dedicated pathway to direct donations to K-12 public schools that historically have not had access to private donations to supplement inadequate state funds.

Together, let’s build on our commitment to supporting education and create a school system that helps every child in San Diego reach their full potential. When all our schools thrive, San Diego thrives. Join us in supporting education for every San Diego student!

To learn more visit

Want to be featured in our next newsletter or social media?

So many of our Units and Councils are doing great things in their communities! Share with us some images and a short blurb about what positive things your PTA/PTSA is doing for a chance to be featured in our next newsletter or social media. Email Jemima Dutra, Ninth District PTA Communications Director at

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6401 Linda Vista Rd., Annex A

San Diego, CA 92111  •  (858.268.8077)

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