Parliamentarians & Presidents - Important update on eBylaws!
In case you haven't yet heard, eBylaws is not usable for the 2024 set of bylaw templates. The company that built and maintains the eBylaws application was recently sold to another owner, and it is not clear whether or not the new owner will be maintaining the system going forward. California State PTA is in discussion with that company on future plans, and if the stars align and everyone agrees, it's possible that eBylaws will continue to live on. At the moment, it's unclear.
As a result all Units and Councils must submit bylaws changes using the Fillable PDF 2024 templates. These are located here. There you will find the most recent 2024 bylaws templates in various forms.
(Note that the 2024 template includes the wording and grandfather clause for the upcoming National PTA dues increase, so this is really the best version to use anyhow.)
Be aware that these are Fillable PDF files. You open them with a PDF reader/writer, and fill in the blanks with the changes you wish to submit. Use your last-Approved set of bylaws as a guide for what you have now, and update the Fillable PDF as needed. You should also be able to use eBylaws, if you still have a valid working account, to at least print out a copy of the last-approved bylaws, -OR- contact me and I'll send you the one we have on file for your Unit or Council.
When done, make sure to save the Fillable PDF and include the submittal form when you submit to your Council (or to me at District if you are Out of Council). We need the Fillable PDF's to be saved with your changes, and not 'printed' to otherwise flattened to a non-Fillable version of the PDF. If I cannot open the file and modify one of the Fillable fields, then that means you've flattened or printed the file, and they will be rejected until you send me a usable version.
If you have any questions or problems, reach out to your Council Parliamentarian (preferred), or contact Ninth District PTA. We'll help you through the process.
Bruce Bergman