April 11, 2019
 Sunday Services 9:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday, April 14
In the week before his death on the cross, Jesus taught some very important principles to his followers. We are going to carefully examine one of those teachings which has the potential to change your entire outlook on life... even in tough times.
This Week at Adventure
Upcoming Events
Global Outreach Prayer Meeting
Join us for a Global Outreach Prayer Meeting on Sunday, April 14 , 11am in
room 106
Family Kitchen - 4/19
Family Kitchen is an outreach ministry of Adventure of Faith that joins local churches to provide a family-style meal on the last 10 working days (except Wednesdays) of each month at First Lutheran Church (on Mitchell Ave.) to anyone with a need.

We pass a clipboard this Sunday for Adventure's assigned meal. Please donate or volunteer if you're able. Join us for dinner if you have need.

Donations:Friday 4/19 by noon (at Adventure)
Volunteers:Friday 2-6pm (at First Lutheran)
Meal served 5:00 pm Friday at First Lutheran
Good Friday Service 7:00 pm
Join us for a meaningful Good Friday service. The scene is set as the disciples have shared their last supper with Jesus and now are waiting for him in the garden as he goes to pray. One by one, Peter, James, John, Thomas, Judas and the soldier reflect on what the events of the Last Supper might mean, unaware that in just a few short days Jesus will be nailed to the cross. This is a quiet service with music, scripture and drama. Communion will be served and nursery care will be provided for children three and under.
Adventure's Easter Egg Hunt
Adventure of Faith will host an Easter egg hunt to provide a fun activity for our church families and encourage them to bring friends and neighbors to Adventure for fellowship.
Saturday, April 20 at 9:30 am
Hunts scheduled for ages: 1, 2, 3-5 and 6+

You can help by donating small candy and bottles of water for the event.
Easter at Adventure of Faith
4/14 Palm Sunday
4/17 Egg-Stuffing Party at BaseCamp 6pm
4/19 Family Kitchen 5pm
4/19 Good Friday service 7pm
4/20 Egg Hunt at Adventure 9:30am
4/21 Easter Services:
8:30, 9:45 & 11:15am
4/21 Invite someone over for Easter dinner at your house!
Game Night
Are you a teen or a parent of a teen?
April 28th we have a Game Night in the Friendship Center from 4-6pm. Bring your favorite game to share, and we will bring the rest! Hope to see ya there!

For additional information, contact Karen Eckland.
Spring Clean Up!
Thank you to every man, woman, teen, scout and child that gave of their time & energy last weekend to beautify our church campus. You are amazing!
WIFI at Adventure of Faith
For your convenience, WIFI is provided while at church through the “Adventure Guest Network.”
The password is: faithadventure.
One for One
Your $1 donation will go to support one specific need within the congregation or community. Donation boxes are located in the lobby outside the Worship Center.
Text Message Giving
Contribute to Adventure with a quick text.
1) Set up a contact ( Adventure Give ) 360-780-3457
2) Send a text with amount to donate
3) You'll receive a text with a link to register
4) Click on the link & enter credit/debit info
5) You'll receive a text verification & receipt
6) Next time, just send a text with $ & amount.
More information is at the Welcome Center
Adventure of Faith Church | 360 876-0061 | www.faithadventure.com