November 1, 2018
 Sunday Services 9:30 and 11:00 am
Sunday, November 4
While You Wait
The Bible is a story about God's pursuit of prodigal people and His offer of redemption. It is about a God who goes to great lengths to reconnect with His children. This nine-part series discusses eight different people in the Bible and helps explain how each section of the Bible show God's love for us and His desire to have a relationship with each of us.
This Week at Adventure
Upcoming Events
Trunk or Treat 2018
Thanks to everyone at Adventure of Faith we had another very successful Trunk or Treat event. 1150 guests attended by driving or walking in. 110 volunteers gave their time and energy to serve our church and community. Thank you to each of you that set up, decorated trunks, ran games, drove the hayride, designed the scavenger hunt, provided security, directed parking lot traffic, made lattes, popcorn and box dinners, and of course, donated candy and delivered it to the trunks.

Adventure Trunk or Treat grows every year and we look forward to serving with everyone in 2019.
Global Outreach Auction
The annual Global Outreach Auction is this weekend, November 3, 2018 . If you have not already confirmed your spot to join us, arrive early (6:00 pm) to register and pay your $5 fee.
Questions? Contact Debbie Jones.
Specialty baskets! Getaways! Desserts!
Daylight Savings Time Ends
Remember to set your clocks back 1 hour on Saturday, November 3rd .
Let's Do Lunch!
Join us Thursday, November 8 at noon at "That One Place" at their new location in Port Orchard for fun, food & fellowship. 1397 Olney Ave (next to Bi-Mart). Sign up at the Welcome Center or RSVP to Glad Williams
Capture the Flag
Join us, November 12th , as we play Capture the Flag at Fort Warden. This is for grades 6th-12th! We will meet at the church at 9am and leave promptly. We'll arrive back at Adventure at 4pm. 

Things you need? A sack lunch.
$10 (cash or check) and your permission slip need to be turned in by November 8th! 

Permission slips are available at the Welcome Center, on the TREK wall (outside Karen's office), and also on the  website under youth/upcoming events.
Thanksgiving Food Baskets
Be a blessing to others by contributing items for our Holiday food baskets. You can donate $90 (the cost of a basket) or non-perishable items for the baskets. A list of items is available at the Welcome Center. Place items in the red wagon at the main entrance and note "Food Basket" on any checks.
Adventure of Faith is your local drop-off location during Collection Week.

Operation Christmas Child
Collection Week November 11-19
For the past 25 years (Samaritan's Purse) has been collecting shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivering them to children around the world. Each box is an opportunity for a boy or girl to experience the love of God in a tangible way and hear the Gospel. Many boys and girls who receive shoebox gifts also participate in our follow-up discipleship program, The Greatest Journey, which teaches them how to faithfully follow Christ and share Him with others. Will you prayerfully consider joining us in this exciting journey?
Employment Opportunity
Adventure of Faith church is seeking applicants for the purpose of fulfilling ONE of the two following positions: A full-time Financial Administrator/Office Manager OR a half-time Financial Administrator for employment beginning January 2019. For details, go to our website HERE
Text Message Giving
Contribute to Adventure with a quick text!

1.Set up a contact (Adventure give) 360 780-3457
2. Send a text with the amount to donate ($25)
3. You will receive a text with a link to register
4. Click on the link and enter credit/debit info
5. You will receive a text verification & receipt
6. Next time, just send a text with $ and amount
More information at the Welcome Center
One for One
Your $1 donation will go to support one specific need within the congregation or community. Donation boxes are located in the lobby outside the Worship Center.
Adventure of Faith Church | 360 876-0061 |