October 10, 2019
 Sunday Services at 9:00 am and 10:30 am
Sunday, October 13
Being Devoted
In Acts 2 we get a snapshot of the early church and how it devoted itself to four things: the Apostles’ teachings (the Bible), Fellowship, Breaking Bread, and Prayer. In response to their devotion in these areas they found themselves experiencing God and His Kingdom in incredible ways. As God began to work in their hearts they found themselves living at peace with all people, becoming increasingly generous, and experiencing God adding daily to their number. In this sermon we look at what might happen in our modern world if we were to devote ourselves to these same things- what could we see in the church, what might we experience in our lives, in our hearts, in our families, in our workplaces, in our schools?
This Week at Adventure
Upcoming Events
Membership & Baptism Class
Are you ready to take the next step and become a member of Adventure of Faith? Not sure what that even means? Interested in baptism for yourself or your children? Come to our next Membership Class on Sunday, October 13 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Please sign up at the Welcome Center. Child is available if needed.
Family Kitchen - 10/18
Family Kitchen is an outreach ministry of Adventure of Faith that joins local churches to provide a family-style meal on the last 10 working days (except Wednesdays) of each month at First Lutheran Church (on Mitchell Ave) to anyone with a need.

We'll pass a clipboard this Sunday for Adventure's assigned meal. Please donate or volunteer if you're able. Join us for dinner if you have need.

Donations: due Th 10/17 (at Adv) by noon
Volunteers: Fri 10/18 2-6pm (at 1st Lutheran)
Meal served: Fri 10/18 at 5pm
at 1st Lutheran Church
What a fun team to be on!
Join us!
Contact: Natalie Meserve
360 620-4127
Global Outreach Prayer Meeting
Sunday, October 13 at 10:30 am in Room 106
Join us to pray for the upcoming Senegal Team trip.
Trunk or Treat Candy Collection
It's just spooky to think about how much candy we hand out at our annual Adventure of Faith Trunk or Treat event on October 31st. Help up get ready by bringing in bags of Halloween candy and donating them at the Welcome Center.
Join us Wednesdays!
A BaseCamp is not a destination. It is not a place you stay. It's a place where: you are equipped, you are trained, you are encouraged, you ask questions and get support, you get help finding your way.

Adventure's BaseCamp is a place where we gather and are equipped before we are scattered out into the mission field of our jobs, our homes, our families, our neighborhoods, and our schools. Our everyday lives are our mission field, let's come together to equip, encourage, support and challenge each other to live them as such.

BaseCamp is for everybody, for anybody seeking to know who God is and what His plan is for their lives.
Gear up! Let's Go!

4:00-4:15 BaseCamp Group Prayer
4:30-5:30 Adventure Kids' Troupe
5:15-6:00 Dinner
6:00-7:30 Adult Life Groups, TREK, Adventure:Kids
$1 for One
Your $1 donation will go to support one specific need within the congregation or community. Donation boxes are located in the lobby outside the Worship Center.
Text Message Giving
Contribute to Adventure with a quick text.
1) Set up a contact ( Adventure Give ) 360-780-3457
2) Send a text with amount to donate
3) You'll receive a text with a link to register
4) Click on the link & enter credit/debit info
5) You'll receive a text verification & receipt
6) Next time, just send a text with $ & amount.
More information is at the Welcome Center

Do you have other questions about giving at Adventure of Faith? Stop by on Connection Sunday and talk to Debbie Oehmcke, our church Administrator.
Stay Informed with Adventure Texting
Adventure of Faith Church | 360 876-0061 | www.faithadventure.com