Hello from
Intuitive Energy!
Welcome to the first edition of the Intuitive Energy School newsletter! We are excited to offer you informational articles and anecdotes about working with energy. We'll be sharing student & staff stories, updates on local events, promotions, and much more. Look for coupons, too!
You'll get a deeper look into the work we do, and we hope you'll gain insights that you can bring into your own life. As we show you more of us, we hope to inspire you to embrace all that is you! Take a look below for more--we think you’ll find it informative, healing, and fun!
“Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.”
― Steve Goodier
All About Energy | Grounding
This week, we take a deeper look at a fundamental tool of energy healing: grounding.
What is Grounding?
Grounding, at its simplest, is connecting with the earth. When walking around, especially in nature, you can "ground" by feeling that connection with your feet as you step, experiencing the pull of gravity. It affirms the "realness" of your body, your presence in it and ownership of it.
It can connect you more with yourself, too—calling you back from the distractions and troubles of life, bringing you more into the present moment. The result can be relaxation and calm, greater ease and enjoyment, and more appreciation for the body you have, your vehicle for physical experience and self-expression.
Grounding for Self-Healing
At Intuitive Energy we also use grounding as a tool for healing. We take it to another level, creating a more deliberate grounding cord and using it as a means of releasing energy and emotions that no longer serve us. It also gives us a valuable method for removing other people’s energies--their problems, judgments, complaints, emotions and demands—that we may have absorbed.
We often go around experiencing things that have less to do with us than we think. We take on other people’s issues—or they dump them on us—making us weighed down, unhappy, overburdened, and ultimately ineffective. Grounding can be a tool for releasing some of that in a simple yet powerful way.
As an energy tool, grounding can also help us handle the challenges that come our way more calmly, appropriately and effectively. We find that its use makes people more confident and less “pusharoundable,” and, as a result, happier.
Healing Others
In addition to using grounding for ourselves, we also use it on others when doing energy healing. In nearly all our energy healings, grounding plays a significant role. In some 90-minute healing sessions, even half an hour can be spent grounding someone, because it’s so effective in helping excess energy and emotions to release.
At Intuitive Energy, grounding is far more than planting your feet on the earth. It’s a powerful means of healing, self-discovery, self-appreciation and empowerment. It’s a beautiful thing.
$5 Off a Mini-Reading at the Media Super Sunday event this Sunday!
Present a print or screen shot of the newsletter to redeem
Self-Healing Meditation Class
4 Fridays, May 4 - 25, 2018
7 - 9 pm
$120 pre-paid (or $130 same-day)
Led by Brad Hess, Director
18 E 2nd St., Media, PA 19063
Click below to pay with a credit card
(scroll to the bottom of the PayPal page for the credit card option)
Relax, Release and Rejuvenate!
Learn how to ground, move energy out of your space and feel better in this class for beginners.
Get unstuck - affirm your boundaries!
No need to silence your thoughts or sit uncomfortably for this style of meditation. It's easy, fun and fruitful.
We'd love to have you join us!
Questions? Call Brad at 610-848-8334.
Super Sunday Fair
April 22nd 9am-4:30pm
State Street (near Jackson, across from Trader Joe's), Media, PA 19063
$10 readings and energy healings.
Stop by and say Hi!
Want to try a little grounding experiment?
Find a quiet place, sit in a chair with your feet flat on the ground, your legs uncrossed and your arms unfolded. Close your eyes. Be aware of your body and what it feels like. Bring your attention to the center of your head, climb on in there as a place to experience your body from. From there, notice the base of your torso. Notice where the center of the earth is, straight down below you.
Now imagine a tree trunk or some other long, inanimate object connecting that base of your torso to the center of the earth. See it in your mind’s eye. Notice how it makes you feel. Take a minute to enjoy it. Then allow the stress and worries that you’re ready to let go of to release down this grounding cord.
When you’re done, imagine a big golden ball of your own energy above your head. Bring it down into and around your body to fill in all the spaces from which you released energy. Take a deep breath, stretch and open your eyes. Congratulations! You’ve done your first grounding exercise.
If you want to learn more, come by Intuitive Energy, sign up for a class, and get a more in-depth experience of grounding and the other energy building blocks we use for self-healing and individual growth.
Next time you ground, try cleaning out your grounding cord. Use a rose, a sponge, or whatever you like. Clean the inside, the outside and where your cord connects at both ends. Clean out the stuck energy, the half-released stuff, and attention from others.
Are there cords plugged into your grounding? Unless they’re from your kids, pull the cords out—tell them to get their own grounding cord! (If they don’t know how, point them towards Intuitive Energy—we’ll be glad to teach them.)
Finish by bringing in a fresh gold sun into your nice, clean grounding cord. Enjoy!
In the News | Healing Clinic
Natural Awakenings
What sets this approach to healing apart is the emphasis on being non-invasive, down-to-earth, and even fun. The healer will affirm your energy, instead of bringing in some outside energy to replace it. The result is that you feel more “yourself.” People leave feeling more relaxed and balanced as well as energized and even surprised at how much impact a short ten-minute session can have on them emotionally."
Read the full article here.
Healing Clinic
Wednesdays | 7 - 9 PM
18 E 2nd St, Media, PA 19063
Bring a friend who is new to the clinic and receive a free healing.
(Anyone's first visit is free!
After that, it's $10.)
Invitation to Share
Do you have your own story of transformation through energy healing? We would love to hear your experiences, feedback, & questions.
For Students | Upcoming Classes
Advanced Meditation Mini-Class
3 Mondays, 7-8:20 pm
April 23 - May 7, 2018
$65 (or $70 same-day)
Led by Brad Hess
Learn a new, improved technique for running energy! (Hint--it'll clean energy out of your back more thoroughly.) Tune up your energies, re-own your meditation space. Use your creative channels more richly by getting all the energy centers involved. For students who've taken Intro Meditation and, ideally, one other class.
Energy Healing Workshop for Women
Thursday, April 19, 2018, 7-10pm
$45 pre-paid (or $50 at the door)
Led by Brad Hess
For women who have taken an Energy Healing course (Female Energy not required)
Intuition Workshop I
Thursday, May 3, 2018, 7-9:30pm
$35 pre-paid (or $40 at the door)
Led by Brad Hess
Intuition Workshop II
Thursday, May 10, 2018, 7-9:30pm
$35 pre-paid (or $40 at the door)
Led by Brad Hess
Come to either one or both! Get a taste of what our Intuitive Training course is all about.
Intuitive Training Course, Part I
Starts Thursday, May 17, 2018
15 Weeks, two meetings per week
Led by Brad Hess and Siobhan Nield
Requires Intro Meditation Class and one other class, plus instructor's permission
Begin an amazing adventure of self-discovery!
A big shout out to the students who just completed the
Introduction to Energy Healing Class, Parts I & II!
It's quite an accomplishment. 10 weeks of 3-hour classes. Hanging in there, handling all the pictures and energy that got stirred up.
Debbie, Georgia, Jerilyn, Josette, Karen and Victoria--you're all wonderful!
“The greatest masterpieces were once only pigments on a palette.”
― Henry Hoskins
Contributors to this issue of the newsletter: Victoria Price, Brad Hess, Jana Llewellyn
Thanks to all who helped!
Intuitive Energy: A Place for Creative Healing
Brad Hess, Director
18 E 2nd St., Media, PA 19063