Put Into Practice
August 2021
The Dog in the File Cabinet
One day a lawyer heard barking sounds coming from his file cabinet.
Opening it, he was surprised to find a pack of dogs living inside. Some were newborn puppies. Others were full-grown Mastiffs and Great Danes. All were yapping, snarling and howling.

Practice Points With Mark Scruggs
Extending Time for Filing Under a Rule 3 Application and Order Extending Time to File Complaint

I came across the case of Williams v. Jennette recently and found once again the law is not what I think it is. Maybe this case will help you out of a tight spot one day.

Real Estate Practitioners: Let’s Go Over This One More Time
Real Estate related wire fraud in North Carolina has been going on now for at least six years. Yet, both Lawyers Mutual and the State Bar are still seeing claims and grievances arising from wire fraud attacks which could have been avoided ...

Ever Evolving Cyber Insurance
Cyber Insurance is likely still in its infancy, but it’s safe to say that the honeymoon is over and the volatility stage is at hand. Cyber risks are increasing and Cyber Insurance must grow and change to meet the threat.  

Disaster Planning and Recovery Guide
With hurricane season upon us, it is great time to revisit disaster preparedness and planning for your law office.

Supreme Court Adopts New Rule Amendments 
The Supreme Court of North Carolina has adopted new rule amendments that affect trial court practice and procedure, arbitration, and mediation in North Carolina. Click here or below to see the eight rule sets affected by the amendments.

How Do You Know Where You're Going If You Don't Have A Plan?
Get the book from the law firm planning experts to help you discover the best plan for succession in your law firm. Maximize your firm's value, care for your clients, and confidently chase your dreams.

VIRTUAL CLE: I Always Feel Like Somebody's Watching Me - But We can Keep it From Being the State Bar

Visit LM Title Agency, LLC for details and to register. 
Leading Law Roundtable

If you are a Managing Partner, a law firm leader, or a legal professional interested in Evolving & Thriving, join Our Leading Law Roundtable via Zoom on September 16 at noon for an opportunity of virtual networking, asking questions of experts, sharing challenges and seeking advice. Sign up for Leading Law to register for this event.