Written by Grace Crites
CEDAM Training Event
The last week of march, the Center for Community and Economic Development (CCED) teamed up with the Community Economic Development Association of Michigan (CEDAM) to host a training event for CEDAM’s Fellowship program. Created in 2018, CEDAM’s Community Development Fellowship program has successfully addressed a multitude of challenges faced by Michigan’s diverse communities through various programs, training, and events with support from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. Each program year, CEDAM Fellows are placed in Michigan Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) for fifteen months and work on various projects and initiatives to promote community development, investment, and viability.  

During the training, MI EDA rep Lee Shirley, presented opportunities for funding, and project eligibility. Shirley explained that each fiscal year, the EDA provides funding through four programs: Public Works Assistance, Economic Adjustment Assistance (EAA), Planning Assistance, and Local Technical Assistance. The Fellows were able to ask questions to Lee about the programs and opportunities for funding within their respective communities. In addition to the EDA training, the Fellows were also able to hear from CCED’s Mary Zumbrunnen, Assistant Director and a former CEDAM Fellow herself, as well as John Melcher, Associate Director. Both Mary and John provided insight regarding additional EDA funding opportunities through REI University Center programs such as Co-Learning Plans, Innovation Fellowships, and Student-Led, Faculty-Guided projects. 

If your organization would benefit from a similar training program or informational presentation, please contact Mary ZumBrunnen at zumbrun1@msu.edu or Student Research Assistant, Grace Crites critesgr@msu.edu . The CCED extends its appreciation to Sarah Teater, Fellowship Program Manager, and all Fellows for giving us this opportunity. If you are interested in more information on Michigan opportunities with the U.S. Dept. Of Commerce Economic Development Administration, please connect with Lee Shirley at Lshirey@eda.gov.