Prevention Services Newsletter
October 2021
In this issue:
  • COVID-19 and Halloween: Safer Ways to Celebrate Holidays
  • The Effects of Alcohol on Your Body
  • Gambling Resources for Colleges and College Students
  • Parents' Pot Smoking Means more Cold and Flu for Kids
  • Upstander Circle Opportunity for 7th-12 Graders

COVID-19 and Halloween: Safer Ways to Celebrate Holidays

For families fully vaccinated against COVID-19 the risk of being exposed to the virus during Halloween festivities may not be as scary as last year. But as COVID continues to spread, it's still important to help keep trick-or-treating and other Halloween traditions safe—especially if your kids aren't eligible for vaccines yet. Learn more about safely celebrating Halloween, and other holidays, here.

The Effects of Alcohol on Your Body
According to the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health, approximately 86% of Americans ages 18 and older reported using alcohol at some point in their lifetime. Alcohol doesn’t just affect the mind; it also affects the rest of your body, and impact on your body starts from the moment you take your first sip.

Gambling Resources for Colleges and College Students
While gambling can be fun if you're of legal age, it is not a risk-free activity. For some college students, gambling for fun can turn into a serious problem and have a negative impact on their lives. Problem gambling is associated with various negative consequences and is correlated with other risky behaviors, such as substance misuse.

The website is a tool for current and prospective students, campus administrators, campus health professionals, and parents to address gambling and gambling-related harms on campus.
Are you concerned about your gambling habits or someone else's? There is hope and help! Check out this link for more tools for quitting gambling or get free and confidential professional support by calling 1-877-MY-LIMIT/877-695-4648.or visit
Parents' Pots Smoking Means More Colds, Flu For Kids
The inherent risk of inhaling secondhand smoke have long been established by medical experts. A new survey supports this and also suggests that children who are around secondhand smoke (including cannabis) are more likely to have colds and respiratory infections than those who were not around secondhand smoke.
Invitation for 7th-12th Graders to Join Virtual Upstanders Circle

Do you know a 7th-12 grader who is passionate about social justice, interrupting harmful behavior, and creating a culture of helping? Consider inviting them to join our Upstander Circle. This is a virtual youth leadership group that will help youth gain leadership skills, use their voice for positive change, learn bystander intervention techniques, work with VOA staff to develop materials and co-facilitate bystander intervention workshops, and more. Participants will receive generous incentives. Contact Anna Bledsoe at [email protected] to learn more.

For more information, questions, or comments, please email Anna Bledsoe [email protected]rg or call 503 560 4373
Our mailing address is:
3910 SE Stark Street 
Portland, OR 97214